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Sick and Tired
Horse Farmer,
I totally agree. I am originally from CT and now live in Kentucky. In Connecticut, the people, my friends were really for all this stuff that is going on right now and it made me sick on a daily basis. The laws on what you could and could not do on your own property, gun laws, taxes to help to fund programs for people that would not work, etc, etc, etc. They, my friends, said maybe I should get out of CT if I didn’t like it and I did.
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Sick and Tired
how do you like it in KY? I'm in NJ and it's no better than CT, as far as regulations and interlopers. plenty of petty corruption, too. The only thing I like about where I am is open farmland. I looked at moving to KY, somewhere around Lexington, but the jobs just are not there for someone in my profession.
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Sick and Tired
Horse Farmer,
I love it here in Kentucky. I doubt anything could lure me back to Connecticut. I am still a UCONN fan amongst all the KY fans, but that is OK. You might want to try the Bowling Green area of KY. I don’t know what you are looking for in employment, but BG is growing fast and so are the jobs situations.
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Sick and Tired
Thanks for the tip. I have family commitments here in NJ, but hey, who knows what the future holds.
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Sick and Tired
Story time
Before the europeans invaded north america the native american tribes made war on each other. One tribe would look around and say that we have too many indians. Lets attack the neighboring tribe we will kill a few of them and they will kill a few of us. We will go back to teepee and smoke the piece pipe give out a few feathers, make a few braves (promotions)and life will go on. This went on for many years.
Then the europeans showed up. One of the tribes said let attack the new guys kill a few, they will kill a few of us smoke the pipe give out feathers, promitions and life goes on. The europeans said after the attack we are not going to play that game. We are going to kill all of you Indians TODAY. Now you know the whole story.
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Sick and Tired
Story time
Before the europeans invaded north america the native american tribes made war on each other. One tribe would look around and say that we have too many indians. Lets attack the neighboring tribe we will kill a few of them and they will kill a few of us. We will go back to teepee and smoke the piece pipe give out a few feathers, make a few braves (promotions)and life will go on. This went on for many years.
Then the europeans showed up. One of the tribes said let attack the new guys kill a few, they will kill a few of us smoke the pipe give out feathers, promitions and life goes on. The europeans said after the attack we are not going to play that game. We are going to kill all of you Indians TODAY. Now you know the whole story.
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Sick and Tired
A) How do you know what the societies were like before the european contacted the north american natives? For example they are still trying to decifer what the large mound building societies of the central US were like?
B) It is a pretty big brush you paint hundreds of tongues and nations with. How many have you lived and worked with? I admit my knowledge is limited I have only lived, schooled and worked with the Coast Salish, Cowichan, Squamish, Haida, Tsimshain, Gitzsan, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Kwakwaka'wakw, Tlingit, Inuit, Iroquois and Algonkins. I can really only address a bit history of these tribes. Most of them were trading nations, only the Haida had a history of raiding like the vikings. A culture of which you and I are likely bred from.
I never said that there was not native conflict. I am just not sure the first two American centuries have been less bloody. Nor was it purely defensive. Certainly not in the Indian wars, Civil War and "Remember the Maine".
WW McKinney voiced her opinion of how she was being treated. Which she now admits was wrong. Delay has a history of blaming all his actions, stating his opinions as fact and blaming his legal mess on others. He has not even retracted his statements concerning Randy Cunningham, although he has plead guilty. To him he is still my friend and good guy.
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Sick and Tired
I do not see Delay as ALWAYS saaying this or that and I do not see where he owes anyone an apology, including Randy.
As far as the Press right now, If the President of the United States DECLASSIFIES Classified (not Top Secret, Not Kyrpto) Information, than HOW can anyone declare the results as a LEAK? What wouldbe a leak is when i read in this mornings newspaper"Pentagon is planning an attack on Iran" whether it is true or NOT true, the media should NOT be publishing such info ofr Americans can be killed as a result, it would be like tipping off the Germans that we really were going to attack in Normandy. This happened back in 81 with the Iranian rescue, the nioght before i was watching details on TV about how we were going to go in with Ch-53s and some C-130s and where they were going to land and there was even speculations about deversions. This is NOT News and is not to be published.
I also find it odd that the media can publish anything they want about anybody they want and it is all ok, Dan Rather did just that, as did Michael Moore and so many others, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean etc, but should the WH or any of its staff say something, why then you have a Leak. I don't understand what this is all about when the information was DECLASSIFIED by the President. That means that EVERYONE of lesser may read the documents. So what is the LEAK? Leak about what?
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Sick and Tired
I wanted to add, McKinney tried to pass thru security and was upset when she was stopped. She tried to act privelaged and NO she was NOT recognozed because she had changed her appearance. The Police were doing their jobs and she seemed to be acted for the sake of attention and more of this Whites hate the blacks crap. DeLay merely pointed out that McKinney had done this many times before and had many times before used the Poor Black Person pity speeches. If the Truth hurts, sorry, no need for an apology if it is True, only if it is not.
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Sick and Tired
There was a reason it was called story time. Laugh a little.
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