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Sick and Tired
I read the story today about the Racist McKinney and I wonder just how bad she has really had it.... I guess DeLay called a spade a spade..... This has to be the FIRST time that I have ever heard of anyone calling a Black person a Racists, I thought that was only reserved for Whites.. MAO
I was not there, you are right and I only can speak my opinion and refer to what I have learned and then it can be said does that make it all true? who knows, right?
The Red Man has so much to complain about and yet sits in silence, the Black man has so little to complain about and is constantly referring to exaggerated abuse. The White man has so little time to listen to either as if he is the one who sits in Judgement on all others.
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Sick and Tired
Well McKinney appologised today as well she should. I will not be holding my breath to wait to here DeLay's appologies.
In reality we have no idea what the cultures of the interior natives were like in North America. If I went through your town and killed 9/10 of the old and young and you had no books how much knowledge would remain. Even the cultures that had writing like the Aztecs had their books distroyed.
Most of the eastern natives raise crops, corn, tobacco etc.
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Sick and Tired
Based on my limited knowledge of human nature, the American Indians were a peaceful gentle bunch who smoked their pipe and sung kumbaya. Hasn't that been the trademark of human nature around the world?
Fact is, primitive societies, in a wast majority of cases, are violent. (then come to think of it, advanced societies are just as violent).
Bottom line is, I think the attempts to whitewash indian inequities are just as regrettable as attempts to whitewash slavery.
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Sick and Tired
We have become a rush to judgement society. Probably much of that is due to the news media. They spend hours asking "why did she kill him" or did he break the law or what ever. All a guessing game with people who really know nothing of the truth. WIth all the experts and amatures telling what went on how come the young lady in Aruba case is still so unknown.
I will stand with DeLay and McKinny as each of their cases are/were given more importance at the stage they were/are than is deserved. Each should have been reported and updated as only somehting changed or developed in the real world, not the News Media's made up one.
Then the courts or the votes should be allowed to have their proper time. THEN THE NEWS MEDIA SHOULD report that person as guilty of money laundering or srtiking a police officer or an ex US Rep who was voted out of office.
There is a bid difference between McKinney and DeLay cases I think, she never said she was not guilty of the charges, rather it happened because of her race. DeLay has over and over said he is not guilty. I have never heard of a person who holds themself to be innocent whether true or not saying they are sorry.
It will be interesting if DeLay is found NOT GUILITY if those who accused him in the Media and here give an appology. Please, I am not saying he is or is not, I don't have the facts and hope the truth does come out in court.
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Sick and Tired
Why does DeLay have to apologize? If he called someone who is a Racist a Racist, I don't see where an apology is necessary, If I call an Oak Tree and Oak Tree and a Maple a Maple do I owe anybody or thing an apology?
As far as your Native American History, you may want to side step it for whatever reason. There are photograghs, military reports, journals, records of all sorts to document what happened. No! Only the Southwestern Indians were even remotely considered Farming Tribes. East Coast were small game, berries, fish. There homes were not built as permanent and they could and would and did move. Only the Southwestern were pretty well settled in one area. Sure they may have some Maze (Corn) but I really don't beleive it and that story about the pilgrims and the Corn and the Fish, well I think that is a story. Maze or Corn is from the Southwestern Regions and was widely used. East coast, sure there may have been tobacco. Most Pipes had just about anything in them and Peace Pipes or Ceremonial Pipes had Catcus Buds or Piaoty. Wild Rice was a food as well as any type of Wild Wheat. But as far as farming, they were not.
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Sick and Tired
You call the Native American Primitive? WHy??? THey were NOT primitive, far from it and extremely civilized. They had Different Values and worshiped the Earth and all of Life. Europeans had a Society that was controlled by Kings and Queens and Popes and whatever. They wore powdered wigs and tights and dressed like Gays. They wanted to conquere and change everything in their grasps, they wanted Trade Routes that was theirs only.
Native Americans were Peaceful, mind there own business and YES! had scarpes now and again. There were a few tribes that were considered Waring Tribes but in the same perspective as the Civilized Europeans who were trying to conquere them, they were mild.
Here is an old joke.. The Native American did NOT pollute, had plenty of food, no job, women did the work, they paid no taxes and then the Europeans came and tried to improve the system. Native Americans had a life that they had lived the same way for many undreds of years. Did you know that in there Primitive form of communication, word was aaid to have spread from one coast to another in only 20 minutes. It was disease, the sword and the cannon and European desire to conquere that killed the Native American and tried to push them totally out of history.
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Sick and Tired
You are hitting the nail on the head more accurately then you may think.
We the american People have grown reliant on the media and that reliance has given the media a self appointed power over us. They feel they are entitlted to all facts before anyone else, they feel they have a Right to report the news whether it be right or even to be proven.
How often can you go to Netscape and read a News title and then get into the story and fgind the Title is not even close to the facts being reported?
Look how angry the White House Media was when Cheny went to a local Texas Media instead. They felt they had a Right before anyone and they also tried to make the enforcement that people demand that the media controls what is going on. Cheney was not obligated in any way to notify any news media. If the media wants a story let them go out and get one.
Look at the War in Iraq, the Graphics, the music and fancy image transistions, Hell they are trying to make Hollywood type of productions out of the pain and suffering and an Explosion is nothing more than Free Graphics to them. Dan Rather learned that his opinion is NOT to be reported as fact and that Facts need to be researched prior to reporting, who gives a shit about the race to be first with the story??? The Media is destroying us and most of the people you talk to are informed thru 5 minute sound bytes while they grab a bite to eat or get ready to hit the town. The media has turned into a Joke as compared to what they use to be. I watched Wolf Blizter a while back and the story was a simple story and rattled on for 20 minutes injecting opinion after opinion as if they were the facts. Then they still walk up to a slain soldiers family and ask some real questions like " How did you feel when you got the news about your son?" I mean the media today is filled with over paid Hollywood wannabes whackos.
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Sick and Tired
Here is another sick and tired:
I called my bank yesterday, and the message gave me a choice of hitting #1 or #2 for English or Spanish. I was not happy. My parents did not speak English when they got here and they had to learn on their own. They had crap jobs and no one ever spoke up for them. We all speak English today and so should everyone else that wants to live in this country. It not easy when you first get here, but who ever told any one that something worth while would be easy.
My two cents.
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Sick and Tired
Peters is right: corn was grown in large quantities in the North East by the indians. Some of the earliest European adventurers who made their way over the appalachian mountains were astounded to see square miles of corn grown by the indians in the ohio river valley. That's a recorded undeniable fact.
I think to deny the fact that indians cultivated the soil in the north east is a bit out of line with the recorded evidence. The fact that Eastern indians didn't settle in one spot is explained by the fact that their poor agrarian skills depleated the soils so that they could not continue to cultivate the same spot for many years. And, of course, hunting being their main occupation, they had to move around to find game as well. The fact that we're arguing about simple basics of our not so distant history is a bad reflection on the education system.
I stand by my assertion that indians were brutal in their warfare practices. We have enough evidence of total massacres including women and children on the American frontiers to substantiate my point. One admirable thing about Indians which distinguished them favorably vs. the whites was that they never raped the women, at worst they abducted them and adopted them into their tribes. I think a re-reading of the Leatherstocking Tales is in order for all of us as a starting point to learn more about the American Indians. More importantly, there are also some interesting first hand accounts of experiences of white settlres with the indians, such as "The Captivity of Mrs. Johnson" written in 1747 by a woman who was kidnapped by indians from Fort. # 4 on the New Hampshire frontier.
"Primitive culture" is a term used to describe the culture of hunters and gatherer's. It should not be viewed as a pejorative term; it's literal meaning is "primal", that is "original", that which preceeded other forms of cultures, such as early agrarian and so forth. I personally do not think modern industrial societies offer any more in terms of happiness to mankind as opposed to the primitive or early agrarian societies.
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Sick and Tired
tell that to our beloved president who gave some of his CAMPAIGN SPEACHES in Spanish. And that's a REPUBLICAN president. The city of New York prints their voting ballots in some 7 languages. The US is degenerating into the tower of Babel right in front of our eyes. Like I said somewhere before, the people in the red states don't see the problem in their towns so they don't think it exists, so they're not doing a thing to stop it. I just hope people remember how their senators and congressmen voted on the current immigration bills and vote in November accordingly.
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