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At risk of ID theft
Got my letter yesterday stating my Soc # and other data was on a laptop that was stolen. All because I wanted an advanced degree and took clases. The U liked to use the Soc # as your student ID. I'm not talking that long ago but only 2 years back. So because a government agency is cumbersome and resists change, my good credit is at risk.
Sigh... you'd think with all the news reports on this over the last coupel of years that every agency and business would have worked to remove such information from anyplace that it could be stolen or compromised. The liability implications are huge!
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At risk of ID theft
I find several points with this amazing in the why group.
Why does any goverment agency or company put such info on a lap top? Why is it ever allowed to leave the building? Oh the person is going to work on it at home? If the information is that importnat then they ought to have to be in secure area (building) to do so.
Do you remember when it as I think printed on the SS card that number was not to be used as ID? It use to be. Who changed that?
There really is no shortness of DUMB. Comes in all ages, colors and both male and female.
Iowa, will tell you what is secure, the name of the person who lost the info. See if you can get that!
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At risk of ID theft
I have a Social Security card that says in the bottom right corner "NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION" and across the top above the numbers in BIG letters it says ACCOUNT NUMBER. It was changed in the mid 70s.
They are NOT allowed to take sensitive material outside the building, nor are they allowed to bring sensitive material home. What you have is people who believe in Hollywood and that NOTHING ever happens to them. They feel that all of the hype and concern is for others, you know the people? Put on your directionals to make a left hand turn and the person who speeds by you is the one who feels "it does not apply to them" It is sloppy work, lazy people and imcompentent leadership. It is NOT the Agency nor is it the Government and as Murf can tell you, in the Marines there was an old saying told to people who enlisted and felt they hated the Corps, it goes "You don't hate the Corps, you can Hate some of the people in it" Same goes in this case, it is the people entrusted with the jobs that are screwing up at everyone else's expense and anyone who can have a mirror held beneath the nose and have the mirror collect moisture, should have the common sense not to do it. To treat these people as if they didn't know and there fore skip severe punishment should not be tolerated, these people need to go to Jail and do some Hard Time. The money that has to be spent to undo their calicous actions or the Lives that the lost info can interupt, far outweighs any pity I have for the person who commited the act that caused the expense of undoing their actions.
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At risk of ID theft
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At risk of ID theft
You should be very aware that information at most companies flows from secure mainframes to laptops just like water flows out of the tap. Information flow is unlimited and pervasive. I myself carry sensitive data on my laptop. To put people in jail who might have laptops stolen is not reasonable. It happens all the time. I don't know what the answer is. The internet is what let the cat out of the bag. If you want security - then eliminate the internet.
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At risk of ID theft
If a stolen number can ruin your ability to obtain credit there's obviously something seriously wrong with the whole credit system. How about we eliminate the stupid credit scores as the way to measure the person's credit worthiness? I heard from a guy on the radio - Dave Ramsey - how the lazy creditors only look at the credit scores to establish credit and if you don't have the "right" mix of financial habits, well you don't have good credit. There are some mortgage companies that look at things like your history of mortgage/rent payments and income history to see whether you'll be good for the money they lend you. I think this is a better way to judge credit worthiness.
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At risk of ID theft
I might have been making it to simple, but when a person takes what they know is confidential info out of a place it is suppose to be restricted to and it gets stolen whether in a laptop, cd, floppy disk or regular paper they hold some of the fault. They should be held accountable.
In the case recently of the VA laptop there is just no sense is such even being where it could happen and yes I deal with confidential info also in my work. You can take steps to protect it. When there are those safeguard and an employee chooses to either ignor them or to just violate them and it places the info in jeopardy sorry, they are responable also. At least I think so.
I have had experience with a very high level former Federal Employee who worked with computer systems and confidential info. It amazed me how little this person knew on system security. It fully make me understand how such as the VA laptop happens.
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At risk of ID theft
I think there is at least one current expert who may chime in on this but a few years ago the method you describe was the way approval was done. The new credut number system to me sure makes less sense.
The way some insurnace companies use it makes little sense. I had a builder that got a poor rating (higher premium) since his business was in his name. That made him a "HIGH RISK TAKER".
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At risk of ID theft
I do NOT feel anyone has any Legal Right to carry information about me or others, outside of a Secure Building and if your company is doing it, then they are in Violation of the Privacy act.
Where I work we have our File Cabinets Locked, any documents with consumer can not be left on desks and when no longer needed the info has to be Shredded and when offices are left, doors are shut and locked. I do not understand how any company can say they NEED to carry sensitive info on a LAPTOP. How did your company function before Laptops? The Internet is NOT the problem, it is very much apart of the problem, it is people and companies who Justify taking information and carrying it on Laptops. If you can't get the work done at the office, then have a Secure connection to the Office from Home, carrying sensitve info back and forth when there is other Options is NOT an option.
I myself say anyone who openly exposes people's Private information and opens the doors to Privacy violations, does Indeed need to do Jail time and Yes! I do feel it is a very good and appropiate answer to flaggerant disregard to other peoples Privacy.
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At risk of ID theft
If a company wanted to secure sensitive data it would not be that hard to enforce. The data should be stored in encrypted form on physically secure media. Access to the data is done over a network and transmitted in encrypted form. The laptops should function as data terminals to view the data with no local storage allowed. Like the old days with mainframes and dumb terminals. Many companies IT departments disallow users from having administrator priviledges on company laptops and that's the way it should be in these cases.
Maybe there's a market for laptops with cache drives that get wiped at each power down/power up cycle.
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