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At risk of ID theft
I have all that encryption, etc. I have books of passwords that I have to change every so often. I don't carry personal information about people - but many companies do. Customer lists are one of the richest sources of data for companies - who's main job it is to increase revenue. Data is transferred between people and consultants who sign non-disclosure agreements.
I agree - if anyone maliciously gives information out they should be punished. I just see the flow of information being so rapid and unlimited that you have to separate malicious behavior from accidental loss of data. I am now exploring a job opportunity within my company where I will work from home and all kinds of data will flow into my house. If my house is robbed then my laptop goes with it. Hopefully my hard drive passwords keep my data protected. And hopefully spyware does not see what is on my screen.
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At risk of ID theft
Let me add that I pay $600 per year for security per year on my alarm system so its remote chance I will be robbed. Then I have videotaping cameras which monitor outside my house. However, I doubt that most people who work from home have this type of security.
Why all the security? I was robbed once - it will never happen again.
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At risk of ID theft
Wing is right, the information should just not be in circulation, period. At the very least it should not be in circulation in a useable format.
For a very brief period of time while at Quantico I had access to sensitive personnel data as part of my schooling. The data was stored in encrypted files and it took a alpha-numeric password to see it, 3 wrong tries to access it and it erased itself, period. Then you had a lot of explaining to do to answer why an unauthorized user was even *trying* to look at it. A class-mate of mine had this problem, he took a project home to work on over the holidays and a family member got curious. It nearly lost him his place in the class.
In this day & age of technology, there is *ZERO* reason for not having data secured behind several layers of protection.
Here in Canada we have one small victory in this department, the Federal Gov. passed a law a few years back that states nobody has to give their SSN to anybody except the Federal Gov. itself. Not banks, not provincial gov., nobody, they can ask, but if you refuse they can neither insist, or hold it against you.
Best of luck.
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At risk of ID theft
I too was robbed at one point, so my security system is rather extensive.
If you want to save a few dollars on the $600/year (and have a better system) I would recommend installing your own autodialer. If your phone line is a risk for being cut (very common among the better thieves), add a cell-phone to the autodialer - this will insure you get notified the instant someone breaks in - and eliminates the 'monitoring fees' charged by security companies.
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At risk of ID theft
Jason, thanks for the info - I know the fee is expensive. However - the wife is the calling the shots on this and she's in love with this particular company. If it makes her feel secure then it makes my life easier.
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At risk of ID theft
Wow, many replies so quick! See, the point is this information was not removed from a secure area by someone authorized or unauthorized. The univeristy used your Soc as your id number. So anyone having anything to do with you had access to your soc. This was an assistant prof who was not a full time U employee. So no computer and said perosn had to use their own. The U routinely sent the files to this person and that was how the prof also submitetd grades - by using your Soc as the tracking number.
So yes, the prof's computer got stolen. But in reality, it was the University's system that allowed it to happen.no business or agency should use your Soc as puts them at serious liability.
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At risk of ID theft
"Customer lists are one of the richest sources of data for companies - who's main job it is to increase revenue."
Their main job may be to increase revenue, but not at the expense of people and their privacy. I could increase revenue by going in the Drug Trade, I don't why? It is illegal and it is illegal under the Provisions of the Privacy Act to jeapordize the security of peoples' sensitive information.
It does not justify the vulnerability of my privacy for the sake of a comapany seeking to increase its own revenue.
Comapnaies should be held accountable and individuals who breech the security of the consumer's sensitive information should be given stiff jail terms.
I am aware there is Profiling happening and that is what the Trojans and Worms are all about. Profiling should be very very illegal, Liberals are so concerned about BIG Brother stealing Civil Rights from them under the Patriot Act and yet where are they all the while Companies are gathering Profiles on them every time a computer is used in a transaction. That should be very illegal and people should be protected from such invasions, mostly when they are so unaware of the info that is being gathered and for the reasons it is being gathered. In realality from the profiling that is happening, exact clones could be made of the person and talk about stolen Identity? I mean Photos are accessable thru the DMV, Heatlth records, military and Marriage status, as well as credit histories, Deeds, Prescriptions, proterty transfers, Bank Balances, stock reports etc etc all easily accessible via the computer.
How many of you are aware that if you are NOT on the Do Not Call List, one only needs to go to Google, type in your complete phone number with the dashes and you will have a map to your house and another option is to get a Satelite image of your house as well. Scared yet? Should be.....
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At risk of ID theft
So WW, do you think that George Bush should be arrested for listening in on phone calls? Or do you think there is a difference in that case? That is clearly a violation of privacy.
Should all business owners be arrested for profiling based on the types of customers they see on their mailing list? If profiling is done without a computer is that illegal?
Note: I personally have no problem with George Bush - or customer profiling based on company records. I am just being argumentative - this is, in fact, the pointless and hostile forum.
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At risk of ID theft
George Bush is listening in on Phone conversations? When was he doing this?
Do you mean NSA with the Phone Taps? Is that what you meant? do you know how the phone taps work? Do you have caller ID? that is how the phone taps work, certain words trigger the Security computer to monitor (not listen) the tranmission and record the ID info. Once the info is recorded the words that triggered the recording are also recorded, but not in Voice but in Data. Then at the end of the 1/2 hr or hour, which ever the list of all of the violations are anayilized my a another conputer to see if the ID info can be traced to any body with High Risk Criminal intent etc. There is NO VOICE recorded at all and I am sure George Bush doesn't have time to listen to the thousands of conversations that are triggered each day. Are you talking about the 16 Calls made by NON Americans to overseas connections that were known Al Quaida Operatives? If so.. that wasn't done by George Bush either and they were 100% legal and in YOUR very best interest, that falls under National Security. If you aren't talking about these, then I really have no clue what you are referring to and George Bush wasn't even remotely involved in listening, I too am being arguementive.
Profiling as I have referred to is information gathered on you and submitted to comanies who then can take the data and know your buying habits, when you are going to buy, how much you are going to spend, your sizes, your likes, your dislikes etc. Yes! I feel this is illegal and the Worms that get into your Computer, store info on you inside of your own computer and then tranmit the info back to the Host Company.
A Security Agency did an experiment a few years back, using a young lady, When she bought her Birth Control , she was entered into a computer, when she made a ATM withdrawal the info was processed by a computer, when she made Cell or Land calls her info was processed thru computers, when she went home and email her friends, her email was processed thru many computers. Emails are saved for several years. Proof? A few years back a Sailor was busted for bing Gay and the FBI retrieved his emails from AOL. Just a few months some parents of a dead Marine triedto get their sons email from AOL, AOL only released the emails that were sent by the parents to the son.The parents tried to get the emails that their son had written to friends etc. AOL refused to release the emails. Guess they had them tho. Anyways when the esperiment was over the Profile that the Agency was able to tally about the Girl was mind boggling.
Profiling from mailing lists is fine, you can't profile too much from a mailing list.
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At risk of ID theft
WW - you are preaching to the choir with me regarding the NSA stuff. I disagree with you on profiling based on customer buying habits if these habits are derived from data (receipts) from that particular company. That is no different from the old grocer down the street putting particular items on display when a certain customer walks by. Its just been taken to higher levels with computers. Itemized receipts and customer lists derived from sales are company property and companies can analyze them any way they want. You can't prevent companies from analyzing their own data.
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