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 07-13-2006, 19:20 Post: 132122

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 At risk of ID theft


I was in washington the other day happened to look in the White House window and there was George on the phone listening. Here is your proof.

Laughing out loud

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 07-13-2006, 19:40 Post: 132126

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 At risk of ID theft

SG8, Ha! Thanks - I needed that tidbit. Let me say that I have nothing but respect for all opinions on this board. AND we need more people like WW, especially in Vermont!

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 07-13-2006, 19:48 Post: 132127

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I agree, he is a world of knowledge and a great source of widsom and just a great guy. Not only Vermont but would be welcome here also.

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 07-14-2006, 07:05 Post: 132133

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 At risk of ID theft

I am humble by your responses about me. thank you
Problem in Vermont is that Bernie Sanders when he was Mayor of Burlington Vermont knew he was going to seek higher office and knew he was a Socialist, so he forced a Bill to allow College Students to be able to Vote in Vermont elections. WoW! you are a College student for maybe a semister or two or maybe a Year or three or maybe even four and then you go back to your home state, mean while you voted for the Socailist while you were here and we are here stuck with him. I worked at the polls several years back and he had lost in most every town and then won in Burlington and Middlebury and other college towns. His greed to enter the Senate, I am hoping will be blocked by an outstanding man Rich Tarrant.

anyways thanks

I am NOT talking about in store data. I am talking about data tranmitted to bigger computers from stores, banks etc and I am talking about mailing lists being sold. Those lists don't just have your address. Profiling goes beyond gathering shopping info. What stops them from taking the NEXT step? nothing. Your Privacy is being played with, maybe it is being played with right now with only GOOD intent, I doubt it, but what is there to stop them from going further? Do they need to know your bank balances? your Credit Histories? I think regardless how Harmless or harmful it currently is, there needs to be some ENFORCEABLE Regulation applied to ensure that it does NOT Blossom into something we all may regret and the possibilities are certainly there and in many cases already being used.
At Tandy we entered Names and addresses of everyone. We knew how many times per year you were coming in etc etc. I am NOT talking about that, I am talking about the Worms that gather whatever info they want on you from your own computer, or the info held on you by companies that are traveling the highways on a Laptop and are being stolen. I was on the VA computer that was stolen, got a letter telling me to monitor my credit etc? WOW! If I saw something it would be too late. We need to safe guard our info about ourselves and not TRUST any outsider with information about us. PERIOD. If you can't trust them with your Naked Wife or daughter, then what makes you think you can trust them with your Information? they are proving to us everyday now, that that informations is NOT secure.

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 07-14-2006, 08:39 Post: 132141

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 At risk of ID theft

Here is a simple solution to this so-called problem of identity theft: if you don't want your information tempered with, DON'T GIVE IT OUT!!! Cash is still an acceptable form of tender in the US and nothing is stopping you from paying for your purchases in cash and staying away from credit.

I hear some of you complaining about companies who use your personal information for profit (what a surprise - a company trying to make a profit) and asking the government to come in with more regulations and more power to control those companies. Do you see how you are the ones responsible for the growth of government? Every time you run to the government for help, there's payback in your liberties. It's like asking Godfather for a favor, he'll ask you to return that favor sooner or later.

Don't like your information tempered with? Use cash.

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 07-14-2006, 11:57 Post: 132153

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 At risk of ID theft


That will not solve the problem. Companies are NOT entitled to make profit at the expense of someones loss in security and privacy. People do NOT have to give up what is theirs for the sake of some companies PROFIT. MY God! what is being implied here? There needs to be limitations on the freedom that companies can take their intrusions into people's personnal information. There needs to be control, for Freedom is only yours until it infringes upon someone else's, then it is NO LONGER FREEDOM but INTRUSION.
I had my information stolen with the Laptop from the VA, I have never bought anything form the VA.
My duaghter has had her infrmation stolen twice, from different college computers. All her information, grades etc as well SSN was taken each time and the colleges notified her to change Credit Cards etc if she had any.
It isn't about paying in cash, denis. Everythime you access a computer that has information about you, that information is vulnerable if not safeguarded. That I think is what the topic started off about.
Gas cards, credit checks, ATM machines, Bank accounts, Store cards, DMV, IRS, Doctors, Hospitals and on and on all store information about you on a computer. It is NOT uncommon to transfer your information over the lines to another computer.
Mailing addresses from magazines, memberships, shopping etc all have more than just your address.
In our excitement to get everything on computer, we have exposed our sensitive information for the whole world to see and do as they wish. I can go to familysearch.org and find info on just about anybody, thru the Mormons none the less. For a fee I can go to ancestry.com and access criminal records, birth records, marriage records, death records etc etc. So without leaving my computer, I can pick just about anybody I care to and I can access tons of information about them and their families including a Satellite Image of where they live and thru Google a detail map of how to get to your front door or back door. Little software is needed and companies are thrilled to sell information.
This is the type of information that needs regulation. We can work with the agencies we already have, we need regulation so while the Congress and Senate are arguing for months about their next move on Abortions, they can be drafting a solution to this major problem. It isn't going to cost more money, it will save money. Thru lack of regulation how much did it cost the taxpayers to send letters to all 2.7 million Veterans about their Info being stolen? how much for the internal investigations etc etc. i might add there was a Class Action Lawsuit pending for $1000 to be sent to each veteran involved, multiply $1000 times 2.7 million, look at what could be saved in this one example alone. Now if there was regulation in place and they were being followed, that Laptop would have never been stolen, the letters never mailed and the internal investigations never would have been needed. end of story.

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 07-14-2006, 12:16 Post: 132157

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 At risk of ID theft

If you are concerned about information collection have you ever considered the possibilities of GM On-star? GM has you credit information if you signed up for the On-star or did not pay cash for their vehicle. If they can direct an emergency response vehicles to the site of a crash, they can track your every move in the car. You become like the fleet vehicles with satellite tracking. If they can call you and see if you are all right in the car after the crash they can monitor your conversation in the car all the time. The nice thing about it is you don't even need to activate the system to get GM's full service.
What kind of detailed data can GM collect on their customers if they can track you ever move and listen to your chatter in the car?

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 07-14-2006, 12:29 Post: 132160

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 At risk of ID theft

I worked for a company that sold vehicle tracking systems for fleet management and stolen vehicle recovery. Their information gathering was very intrusive. For example they asked for SSN and drivers license numbers for every customer. When asked what they needed the drivers license for they said "because if the cops ask for the drivers license of the vehicle owner we can give it to them". WTF? The cops can always use the VIN to look up the registered owner and if they pull over a stolen car the drivers license of the owner is irrelevent - only the ID of the perp is needed. The company database was useless anyway - if the data didn't match the state's which was more likely to be accurate? They gathered all this information and put it in a database that could be accessed by anyone in the company. The decision of what data to collect was made by MARKETING, as if a bunch of sales people had some sort of expertise in that area. The system operators would comb through the database and track celebrities just for fun. Yeah, like I want to use any sort of a system like that in my car. Here in the peoples republic of Oregon the government is experimenting with vehicle tracking systems to tax drivers on how much they drive. Like road taxes aren't enough.

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 07-14-2006, 12:40 Post: 132164

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What states will do to make the pump price look good. Does it not make sense to just place the tax on the gas? The heavier the vehicle the more wear on the road and the more fuel used? Greater miles equal more money?
I had a lot of discussion concerning the fuel prices in Canada when I first moved to MA. If you calculated the tolls, vehicle tax and price of gas in MA the cost was actually less in Ontario.

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 07-21-2006, 21:55 Post: 132495

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As short as 2 years ago my company still had our SS numbers on our checks. Along with that, was, our bank account numbers etc! After many months of bitching my head off. LIKE, " HEY< ! if I am not at work and you mail my check like you always do, what IF IT GETS HIJACKED? Some one not only has my check but they habe my bank and number and SS number!
Laughing out loud No more infor but the last 4 digits are on it now!

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