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 09-11-2006, 14:41 Post: 135056

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I heard a reporter say something along the line it is something we can not bear to think on nor afford to forget.

Hard to realize 9/11 was 5 years ago. Sad so many have forgotten that day and the losses. The list is amazing and many are called US Senators or Reps. Remember them when you vote.

May we remember those who were lost then and since then. Here and abroad. Under more than one flag. Thank God for those who are standing fast.

May God continue to Bless the USA.

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 09-12-2006, 08:55 Post: 135108

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Excellent post.
Funny how this country stood UNITED to DECLARE WAR ON TERRORISTS AND ALL COUNTRIES WHO HARBOR THEM and now many of these UNITED people want to point fingers and create a Political Soapbox. The images of innocent people jumping from windows and becoming bloody mangled messes on the ground, motivates me to keep their Spirit alive and defeat terrorism, forever.
I have spent a lot of time wondering how it would have been to be on any one of those Airlines and to know the end was coming, how would I have acted? Would I have been Brave? Would I have made any effort to attack the attackers? I think about those who were on the planes that could not act, for they were too young, too frail or ignorant about what was going on. The lives that ended all too soon and for what reason? The Screams, the Fear and the cries as the plane was lead to its end. DO we all out of our own fears choose to do NOTHING or do we choose to go after terrorists no matter where they are with Vigor and Devote Determination to exterminate them?
9-11 had thousands of Heroes and they were by far not all Firemen and Police. I would love to see a country stand United, instead those who once wanted vengeance now feel they have a Golden opportunity to bash Bush or Bash those who support the war. I call those people AMERICA'S COWARDS. The COWARDS are those who feel it is not of their concern, it is not for them to make any effort, it is not them who needs to get involved and they use lame, don’t involve me excuses as such " The United States should not be the World's Police" Laughing out loud. Yeah! We should sit on our hands and wait for the next one and then go to church and pray...
God Bless America and God Bless those who are involved in making this world a better place for ALL future generations. God Bless those who don’t spend their lives just thinking of their own needs and are willing to sacrifice for others.

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 09-12-2006, 12:02 Post: 135113

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I know what you mean, but if God continues to bless us the way He's been doing, soon we won't have any skyscrapers left.

We're in bad shape. This president and his secretary of defence have jailed our marines on trumped up charges. Others have been prosecuted and sent to jail for doing to the terrorists what had to be done. We dare not bring up the topic of deportations of ethnic middle easterners (and I don't necessarity mean muslims only).

I cannot stand to even see the trailers for 9/11 themed movies. I want vengeance, justice and closure. I want to be able to walk onto a plane without having to take off my shoes or throw away my baby's juice bottle. When my life returns to normal, then show me your stupid movies. Now is time for war, not entertainment.

It's been 5 years and Bin Laden is still at large - that's all I need to know about the ineptitude of our leadership and the imbicility of our electorate.

I better stop - I see this was posted on "Site Chat", not "Pointless and Hostile".

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 09-12-2006, 12:19 Post: 135114

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Excellent post, up until the last paragraph.
Bin Laden not being caught has nothing to do with anyone in Washington D.C. Our troops are in terrain they have NEVER been in before, the Liberals do NOT want to see a Major Troop Build up in Afghanistan. Currently the Taliban is regrouping in Pakistan and when they decide to come back into Afghanistan we will have our work cut out for us and it will be a Major battle. Will it happen? that is NOT the question to be asking but rather HOW SOON WILL IT HAPPEN? Bin Laden is worthless as compared to his infrastructure. We have done as good of a job as we can to chopping away his infrastructure and without an infracstructure, bin Laden is a Nobody, he has no real Army, we have foiled his plans over and over again. What we, the military has done does NOT show a thing abou tthe Leadership in Washington, for the Leadership in Washington has to answer to everyone and that is Liberals, Republicans, Democrats, Moderates, Socialists, Hindu, Buddha, everyone. They represent every single American and NOT just the ones who elect them. They have to do things that are Accepted NOT by just you and me but by the Tree Huggers, the Pacifists etc. The Military is who is searching and we are only in 2006 and by what some people think, we have technology from 2206 and should be able to find a person in vast area of mountains with NO PROBLEMS. Like we planted Operatives there years ago? Hell no one cared about Afghanistan so there are NO real Operatives, we are doing it all from the seat of our pants. You want Fidel? no problem... You want Putin? no problem, you want some dumb ass towel head in the middle of Bum F--k Afghanistan, well you are going to have to wait. There are No Magic Crystals that some President Elect can throw up in the air and instantly have Bin Laden for you, regardless of what the Democrats promise. Laughing out loud

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 09-12-2006, 12:36 Post: 135115

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WW, you forgot the part about Bin Laden being protected in some of the most desolate, uncharted territory left on the face of this planet, by a duty-bound group of fierce fighters who know that country like the back of their hand.

You could lose a LOT of lives trying an end run into that kind of LZ.

Hot doesn't even come close......

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 09-12-2006, 12:42 Post: 135116

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 09-12-2006, 12:50 Post: 135117

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1) "Our troops are in terrain they have NEVER been in before"

Our troops never saw the south pacific until the WWII either, and they did just fine.

2) "Liberals do NOT want to see a Major Troop Build up in Afghanistan"

Liberals do not control the presidency nor both houses of the legislature. The buck stops with the leadership. I don't want to hear any more excuses about liberals. Bush is the commander in chief, he just acts like a woman.

3) "Bin Laden is worthless as compared to his infrastructure"

Bin Laden is a symbol far more important than his infrastructure, what IS bin laden's infrastructure, by the way? He's got none - his weapon is islamic fundamentalism and he's the fundamentalists' profet. Kill the prophets, the followers will scatter.

4) "No Magic Crystals that some President Elect can throw up in the air"

Don't need no majic crystals. We have neutron bombs for that. We could have eliminated Bin Laden with minimal collateral damage (100K - 200K people at most) if we nuked the mountains where he was hiding in the aftermath of 9/11.

Anyway, had you been in charge, I know things would be different. Loyalty to command is sure a good thing, but being a citizen is different from being a soldier. We're the management (supposedly), let's clean house.

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 09-12-2006, 12:52 Post: 135118

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Murf and Denis

Some of our guys just got back from Afghanistan and they were telling us about how them S.O.B.s will set up RPGs against rocks, up in the mountains overlooking a F.B. and then they use a rig on the trigger and a cigarette to burn against the rig etc. When the RPG goes off, it may get a D.H. or it may hit nearby, either way, Our guys will call in a strike and by the time they scale the mountain and get to the location, there is only an abandoned RPG and the bums have been gone for hours. They had 8 years to learn Russian Tactics and they know how to keep technology occupied. One thing for certain, they surly can't move a large mass of their troops effectively across that God forsaken terrain and if they do, we'll see them and lite em up. We can't move a large mass either for they eyes everywhere as well and really don't need some Satelite at 500 miles up to them where we are.
Afghanistan is no where like the Pacific of WWII, Attitude is 180 degrees different. We were United during WWII, today everyone thinks President Bush can win or lose a war all by himself. You said we did JUST FINE in the Pacific, Hell, the Marines lost 5000 men on Iwo Jima in just hours, Guadlacanal cost thousands, Bougainville, Siapan, Tarawa were God awful bloody battles, and so on, we did just fine you say? tens of thousands dead Marines and Soldiers to accomplish that JUST FINE. How would those numbers be if we witnessed them in Afghanistan? I don't think Naval Support would be much good. JUST FINE in the Pacific? God look at the courage and the blood to get to Tokoyo. Afghanistan is a Hell Hole, very few spots for a LZ piss poor areas for a FB and then if you want to link more than one together, you are exposing yourself. No one in Washington can change the fact that Afghanistan is a very tough Operation no matter how many men you send in. It is a terrain that the Military hates to have to deal with. Tops look like a mass of compressed lines and to tell a ground pounder he has to cover 6 clicks, he will look at you and tell you were you can go. We can't go from area to area and bomb the crap out of it, shoot everything that moves. We have the Liberals who piss and moan if we dance a towel head naked. We have the Liberals who piss and moan because these friggin Gitmo terrorists should be treated like 5 year old shoplifters.
Liberals control the Presidency more than anyone else does, just look at the ACLU. Motives have to be debated and not just Executed by the President. Come on Denis, you make it sound as if we have Kings and Queens and no checks and balances. The President can not and has not just acted alone, you have George confused with Billy and how Billy boy use to hide in a closed room with General Shelton and a Senator and decide what area to launch a few dozen Tommies at and then the Congress would scramble AFTER to make excuses for Billy. You are right Denis, President Bush is the Commander in Chief and what is that suppose to mean? He can order men to act like Lemmies? Neutron Bomb? Every country in the world would be after us, you seem to think flexing muscle is going to solve everything and have no after affect. Yet you seem to Hate the Bush Administration for the very reason you imply. Do you realize what a Neutron Bomb in the Mountains would do? Mountains do not shield force, they alter its course. Remember the So called Aspirin Factory in Sudan that Billy Boy blew up? The Moron didn't think that if that factory was producing agents, he and his crazy notions made them airborne particles. The what seems to be OBVIOUS answer is not always what it seems.
Bin Laden is a nobody, always has been a nobody, take out Bin Laden and there will be someone like him to replace him, do you gain anything? not a thing. Destroy his infrastructure, destroy his means and what have you gained? everything needed to be gained.
Denis, I am not a puppet, please do not imply, I am no more blind to command as you are to Hollywood's version of a War. Facts are facts. It is very easy to judge how things should be and yet when in the thick of it, the how to be s become very impossible.

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 09-12-2006, 13:16 Post: 135120

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...there are many here who has served to protect...recently and a few years ago...thank you.

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 09-12-2006, 14:59 Post: 135126

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The US lost around 500,000 military (?) between end of 1941 and 1945 and won the war in the Pacific. Great sacrifice, no two ways about it. Like you said, the country was united behind the cause.

Russia lost 27 million between mid-1941 and May 1945. By most conservative estimates that number is at 22 million, that includes civilian deaths. That's 15 THOUSAND DEAD russians EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR FOUR YEARS STRAIGHT. Can you fathom that loss? But that's what it took to take care of Hitler.

When there's a will there's a way. When there's no will there's G.W. Bush. He won re-election despite the "unpopular" war; that should have told him to use all means necessary to eradicate the threat. He had the mandate and he squandered it being an appeaser and deal-maker that he is. There are no checks in balances in the military. He and Rumsfeld have full authority. He just chose not to use it to the best interest of Americans and our troops. He's too afraid that "world leaders" won't invite him to the cool parties at Davos or the G8 summit. phony...

And I could't give a flying hoot about what other countries think of the US, they hate our guts already.

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