Freeze dried foods for emergencies
Murf, I considered doing it myself... for about 30 seconds. Just don't have the desire or time to do that.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
Auer: Were you asking me if they're rodent-proof? If yes, then no. But if you store them in metal containers that should work.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
One of my MD's is telling me that there are serious dangers in plastic food and water packaging.
He says there is a bunch of research by the FDA that shows the plasticizes from plastic water bottles and plastic lined food cans/packaging leach into the food and cause a pandora's box of troubles including diabetes, weight gain, auto-immune disorders and a bunch of childhood illness.
See the post above where folks got fat after eating food with melted plastic in it.
Bottom line: be real careful about the packaging you decide upon when buying food for long term storage and never, never, NEVER cook, boil or eat hot food or water in/from plastic.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
Ken, based on what I've seen, it takes less time to do it yourself than to run around shopping for prepared foods, unless you are talking about tons (literally) of food.
Best of luck.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
Ken....... I was thinking about your question while I was watching my emergency food supply get their morning rations (a dozen quail at the bird feeder and several cottontails feeding on the lawn).
Maybe the best emergency food supply would be a pallet of scratch feed and a couple dozen chickens.
You could do worse than scrambled eggs for breakfast and omelets for dinner or maybe the occasional batch of fried chicken. Add some dried beans and rice and you could live well.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
There will be plenty of meat avaiable when the SHTF. All you need is Jeff Dalimers cook book.
You would have to have about 91 cases of MRE's per person per year.
Fresh meat sounds good!
EASY! This is posted as Humor!
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
....Maybe the best emergency food supply would be a pallet of scratch feed and a couple dozen chickens.You could do worse than scrambled eggs for breakfast and omelets for dinner or maybe the occasional batch of fried chicken. Add some dried beans and rice and you could live well.
Mark I think you are onto something, sounds more like the recommendations that circulated around when everyone was in a panic over the Year 2000. Worrying that every thing would fail Jan 1 2000.
I guess it all depends on how long a seige you are looking to be prepared for. I think I like the idea of rice and beans, bulgar wheat .... rather than MRE's, stuff that last for 20 years has to have some bad chemicals in it!
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
Hey, chicken and eggs sounds like a tasty backup supply. Thanks for the idea. Just have to get enough of them to share with the coyotes. Maybe the chickens will draw coyotes to provide a steady supply of coyote meat. Anyone ever eat a coyote? We could just sit on the deck and wait for the deer to wander by too.
Dennis, I don't think freeze dried canned foods have a bunch of preservatives in it but need to check. That said, I've been eating preservatives my whole life so it's probably better to eat a few preservatives than to die of starvation.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
....better to eat a few preservatives than to die of starvation.
Amen to that!
I was just thinking that the seige you are preparing for would have to be very long (like over 9 months) or require light weight for mobility to mandate freeze dried MRE type meals. So just standard canned products and dry goods would last you a long time.
How long a period are you targeting for emergnecy supplies? Or is it you just want to buy it once and have it there should you ever need it in the next 20 years, like a medical kit?
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
I'm looking to buy it once and leave it on the shelf for emergencies rather than having to rotate stock all the time.
We almost never eat canned foods and buying a bunch of it and having to eat it before it goes bad is not appealing. The only canned food we normally buy is tomatoes.
Going mobile is not really an issue, we'll dig in here as needed. It's a pretty defensible area with a steep cliff on one side and a single road going by on the other. We're on a well with a fresh water creek for backup. A six month supply should do it.
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