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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
I guess I dont get it. Could someone describe the scenario where a family in the US would need 6 months of emergency food. The way I see it the county sherif has long since evicted you from your house before you run out of food. In my mind the scenario of millions of US folk hunkering down for 6 months "surviving" just can't exist. We are so interconnected, you might not need food for 6 months but you would need electricity and bills would have to get paid and where is your fuel for the bloody tractor coming from. Our society such as it is does not allow for total isolation en-masse. If all of that other economic activity is going on then there would be food available. If it was not, I would not have a roof over my head I dont own my house it belongs to the bank so they would evict etc etc. Whats the doomsday scenario here, please help me understand?
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
The first thing that happens when there are mass civil disturbances or natural disasters is that store shelves quickly empty. If they aren't replenished on schedule due to breakdowns in transportation (fuel shortages, driver strikes, drivers staying home to protect their families) the shelves may stay empty for awhile.
I was in LA during the Rodney King riots. Brain dead rioters in big areas of LA burnt down their local banks and grocery stores so citizens scattered across the city to find food. In El Segundo, where we were, there is one grocery store, a Safeway - the lines were wrapped entirely around the store, cops were metering how many people could go in at a time and people waited a day to get in while the shelves quickly depleted. We got out and drove to San Diego for two weeks to escape the madness. If there is widespread civil disturbance and many major cities are in the same situation what are you gonna do?
Although we are interconnected those connections can break down quickly. Hasn't that happened throughout history? I'm sure many who said "it can't happen here" were proven wrong.
If you disagree, maybe you can look at it this way - buying food ahead of time helps to keep people employed.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
So I looked up the 3%'ers deal. OK so we do this and are all expert shots, now what? Who we gonna fight. This is where this whole deal falls flat. All this hankering back to the forefathers and 1776 liberty etc assumes that each and every individual has the capacity and the will to live as a pioneer, in a kind of renegade yesteryear lawless society. What a load of hoey, we all need each other in this society. You need modern medical equipment, hospitals, farmers (which are all corporate by the way), engineers, folk who can get a part for your American John Deere tractor from JAPAN. I am a statistician what the heck would I do with a 1776 life - cook, bear children. I would rather be dead. How many of you know how to repair a broken rifle part, its impossible with the arms we have, you need milling machines and people who know how to operate them. I often see this type of naive desire to go back to some romanticized image of yesteryear. Of all of you I would guess none of you make your living through guns, you all have jobs and run businesses to support your families. How the heck is a renegade 3%'er gonna support all that on flaky dreams about fighting the government over taking away their automatic rifle. In any case they cant use it more than once every year because ammo is so dammed expensive you cant afford to hold down the trigger let alone fight a war with it. Last time I checked the only entity who can fight a modern war is a government, and then only because they have a financial system that permits them to borrow from other nations. Which gets us back to this whole interconnected issue. Like I said I clearly dont get it. Oh well at least I have my computer and you guys, compliments of Dell, Verizon, Cisco, Kennecot Copper, the Chicago BOT and the list goes on.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
There are people who would rather die than be enslaved.
And then there are those who wouldn't.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
Without getting too deep in this discussion myself......
I recently met a fellow I've known for years, he's on a working vacation in Toronto for a few weeks. He flies an air ambulance and spent a bunch of time in New Orleans following Katrina. They flew medicines & medical supplies in, and patients back out.
He had some pretty hair-raising stories of what was going on there in the days following the disaster.
On his first trip in he was amazed at the level of armament, both people & hardware, guarding the airports, after a few more trips he was [u]very[/] glad it was there. He said it got to the point where the ambulances had to have armed guards riding with them because people were trying to hijack them to get on board a flight out of the area.
That was, relatively speaking, not anything more than a 'regional situation' either.
Best of luck.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
I think you have drawn the ENTIRELY WRONG conclusion.
NOBODY wants to have a peaceful, productive, and community involved and oriented existence more than I do. Wishing for it will NEVER make it happen though. Freedom has NEVER been free and carries tremedous responsibilities and duties.
Ann, the philosophy and "theory" of freedom & liberty is VERY SIMPLE........the freedoms, rights, and liberties outlined in the Constitution, especially the 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution "WE" are ALL born with. They come to us and are endowed upon us by GOD.
The government that "WE" the people created and enabled has the PRIMARY mission and sworn duty of protecting these rights AS WRITTEN in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. The government IS our servant and NOT our master.
The above all sounds great and I would think everyone would support and agree with this......at least I do. Where in lies the rub is that MANY of us who have been endowed with these great liberties and freedoms have chosen to ignore and omit the GREAT RESPONSIBILITY that comes with GREAT FREEDOM.
Less than 40% of the eligible citizens even bother to vote. Most of these voters are politically and situationally TOTALLY IGNORANT. Hence, since the turn of the century starting with President Taft who proposed a national federal income tax and excise tax, on through Woodrow Wilson who presided over a totalitarian "progressive" (read fascist) reign of terror and abuse followed by 16 years of FDR who took this to new levels. We now find ourselves so willing to accept ideologies, ideas, and conduct on the part of the government that in long past years would NEVER have been tolerated. This national/geopolitical cancer has slowly advanced and metastasized to the outrageous and out of control government we now have (see the frog in the cooking pot theory). This is NOT a republican or democrat thing as the republicans and democrats are pretty much versions of the same thing. In recent times our last republican president set new standards of abuse and oppression propogating his vision of liberal fascism.
The thin thread that our constitutional representative republic hangs is unbelievably fragile. All we have to do is rewind the tapes to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. This combination tragedy/attrocity is STILL on going so long after this event. So soon we forget how civilization collapsed and even the police were looting, people were committing all manor of horrible crimes, and guns, ammunition, and food stores were being confiscated (read robbed at gun point) by police and other government officials.
Another example of how fragile our civilization is would be the Rodney King riots.
I don't think ANYONE here is advocating armed uprising or violent government overthrow or ANYTHING of that nature.
What I am saying is that apparently MANY people of ALL political stripes and ideologies ARE VERY scared. They ARE buying unpresidented amounts of survial/barter stores of various types, gun, and ammuntion. WHY??????? My thoughts are that I think it is PLAINLY apparent that MANY people are convinced that our society and its government are TOTALLY out of control, out of touch, and have grown to become of the thinking that "they" are unaccountable.
Ann, I could fill up pages about what I am talking about but I think it would be best to recommend to you a few books to read that may awaken another point of view in your mind. Have a read of the following books:
Liberal Fascism by Joanna Goldberg
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse by James W. Rawles
Jim has a very INFORMATIVE blog that I HIGHLY recommend that is geared primarily towards self sufficiency and preparedness.
Have a good read of the above and I think you just may come to another opinion.
I want to still believe that America was founded upon and STILL seeks rugged indiviualism and self reliance. This certainly does NOT mean that we have no obligation or duty to help one another and our neighbors out. This help MUST come from WITHIN and of our OWN FREE WILL......NOT forcibly imposed by corrupt government terrorist thugs.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
Ann, the problem is, not everyone thinks like you do, a large percentage of the population believes they are owed something, that they are entitled to be first in line for whatever they think should be passed out at the expense of the 'government'.
At the time Katrina hit I got an email from my uncle, he is a MD in south central California, it included an editorial from a local media outlet. He was so shocked by it's contents he debated moving!
It read, in part;
"Hurricane Katrina was the inevitable spark igniting the gasoline of cruelty and corruption. From the neighborhoods left most at risk, to the treatment of the refugees to the the media portrayal of the victims, this disaster is shaped by race. While the rich escaped New Orleans, those with nowhere to go and no way to get there were left behind. Adding salt to the wound, the local and national media have spent the last week demonizing those left behind. As someone that loves New Orleans and the people in it, this is the part of this tragedy that hurts me the most, and it hurts me deeply. No sane person should classify someone who takes food from indefinitely closed stores in a desperate, starving city as a "looter," but that's just what the media did over and over again. Sheriffs and politicians talked of having troops protect stores instead of perform rescue operations." (with emphasis added by me)
In other words, they were taking the position that not only was looting acceptable, it was only just & fair!
If you read the news reports of such media outlets as the National Geographic, you will see reports such as "Looting remains widespread in both rural and urban areas throughout the region affected by Hurricane Katrina.". This from a piece dated August 31st, 2005 from their website, fully a week after the hurricane hit.
Reports like that continued for weeks afterward.
When people are hungry or feel they have been cheated or slighted because you have something they don't, for whatever reason, in cases like that, some of them WILL try to take it from you.
Best of luck.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
A thinking person needs to be prepared to take care of themselves and their loved ones in an emergency. I believe in redundancy, if I have food stored and the store has food to sell, life is good for all. When that thin thread breaks, so goes the rule of law.
The "dependent" population of today has very little moral fortitude, that is inherent in a segment of society raised on public handouts with little regard for hard work or the property of others. Those destroyed lives are handy for those in power, the votes are security for them.
Just as an FYI, "automatic" weapons are not available for ownership by the general public, they have been controlled by the government since the early 1900's. Typically, the media will substitute "automatic" for "semi-automatic" in an attempt to demonize hunting and sporting rifles. The same rifle I use for skeet shooting.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
I cut this out of an editorial by Paul Rahe on Foxnews.com and it seemed appropriate for the objections that Ann presented. A link to the article is below.
Tocqueville, born in France in 1805, grew up in the shadow cast by the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte. Where others among his contemporaries looked forward to the rule in France of a technocratic elite armed with authority conferred by a nominally democratic regime, Tocqueville feared that the modern democratic tide would eventuate in something much more ominous: the establishment of a “social body”–that is, a government or other kind of governing elite–intent on exercising foresight with regard to everything; on acting as a “second providence,” nourishing men from birth and protecting them from “perils”; and on functioning as a “tutelary power.” Such power might render men “gentle” and “sociable” in such a manner that “crimes” would become “rare.” Crimes would become rare, in this scenario, but virtues, too, would become rare.
Under the rule of this “tutelary power,” Tocqueville foresaw that the human soul would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, individual energy would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” and not themselves.
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Freeze dried foods for emergencies
..the freedoms, rights, and liberties outlined in the Constitution, especially the 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution "WE" are ALL born with. They come to us and are endowed upon us by GOD.
Interesting discussion. I guess what I am saying is that in a situation where law has broken down and complete anarchy reigns, you might have the opportunity (however remote) to "defend your family and property" whatever that amounts to. Unfortunately in that scenario no constitutional rights exist as law has broken down. So it makes no difference weather you had a spear or a nuclear warhead, nobody gives a hoot. I have lived in such places and no amount of "hunkering down for 6 months" or "buying a bigger gun" makes any difference. No amount of arming yourself will prevent you or someone in your family from being shot at. It may deter someone from invading your home but you cant and don't want to stay at home for ever. Why anyone would physically defend property is beyond me, if someone is being carjacked, heck who cares about the car, so long as you get out alive - and I have insurance - get another car. So eventually those with the brains and the money leave as they don't want to be part of a lawless thugg driven society, no matter how patriotic they feel (dead patriots are still dead) Those remaining do so at their peril. The notion that as a result of this we can revert back to a lifestyle of yesteryear is nonsense as those who choose not to do so easily out compete all those who go back to subsistence ways. In a strange way it's a bit like aspiring to be an armed Amish farmer in the lawless days of the Wild West. Despite what the movies portray it was an extremely short period, society could not sustain itself. As an aside: how many women are harping to go back to those days?
To be clear: Our freedoms, rights and liberties are NOT endowed upon us by God, but by man. Travel to (say) Nigeria and see how many of these "God given" rights evaporate. An official in one of these countries couldn't give a rat's arse what rights you had when in the US and neither would his government.
I often see this specific rhetorical statement and it's patently false. All rights are bestowed by man in societies governed by laws, no law = no rights. No degree of belief in God will bestow rights (here on earth) on man. God makes no guarantees for any of us.
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