Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
As far as left over oil, you could turn it into biodiesel. Think of the deeelicious smelling Koboty exhaust.
I don't know much about biodiesel, but the exhaust from the biodiesel buses here smells worse than dino diesel fumes, it is *nothing* like french fries.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Kenny I didn't get my invitation this year for TG at your house. Musta got lost in the mail. Oh well. But don't choo worry I'll be there.
Boy what a relief, was thinking we would not have a turkey. What size pot do we need?
There has been stolen used cooking oil here and think it was done for the fuel use. The use of used cooking oil was taking all the used oil restaurants had which was saving them the cost of disposal. Remember well a person who was on local tv bragging about how he was not buying any fuel for his vehicle for all his driving and only thing that came to my mind was ROAD TAXES are still required. Could not help but wonder if he had a nice friendly visit.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
On the cooking oil track, I went to a McDonalds for coffee one morning and noticed a large truck the size of a home heating oil truck parked parallel to the pickup lane with two large hoses running into the building. The sign on truck said oil filtering service.
The truck was not real impressive to the eye and would make you wonder about what you ate with the filtered oil that was going back in those fryers!
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
The exhaust smell depends on what "biodiesel" source they used.
With where you are out there on the Left Coast, I wonder if it wasn't MDB, microbial derived biofuel. Basically they use microbes to 'digest' algae. I saw a test of it used as jet fuel, and I gotta say, the exhaust was certainly less than pleasant.
Best of luck.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Not to offend Ken but could be liberal biodiesel and conservative option there. I have found the liberal source in most arguments with fuel to stink.
Dennis, that is interesting. No idea why it would not be clean but the idea is interesting. Might be the reason McDonalds has a different taste.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Gotta go with the deep fry. Inject bird with a Italian dressing seasoned with some Franks hot sauce. UMMMM UMMMM GOOD!
Real beauty is 3.75 minutes per lb up to an 18 lb bird little over a hour cooking. Wife can visit with family I visit.
Use the oil 4-5 times store in corner of garage nice an cool corner dump in used oil barrel when done with it.
I did not see a note about fully thawed. There can be no frozen parts of bird going into 375* oil. It will be a problem.
Enjoy the holiday and family my friends.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Your so right Harvey, what is food without seasoning 
Since I am on a low salt regimen I make up my own concoction for the shaker, a blend of cayenne red pepper, coarse black pepper and Mrs. Dash, my son and I call it D+.
I shamelessly put it on almost everything.
Harvey everytime I am going outside to do something that could have the smallest hazard I think of your accident in 2008 and make sure I have my cell phone.
Have a great holiday with your family!
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Hadn't thought about leg in a while. I had picture of it on desk top for the longest as a reminder how quick something can happen even while being extreamly careful and expecting something.
Leg doing great. Not problems that I can determine.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Harvey you are right on the frozen and sorry to miss it. Dennis it seems Dept of Homeland Security reads TP for they issued warning on frying frozen turkey today.
We are safe other than exploding turkeys it seems. I feel so much more comfortable knowing this is the biggest danger my family faces.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my TP friends.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Being we're discusssing deep fried turkeys and Spam. The Mrs. did bring home a turkey, the only way I'll even consider eating it is the next day a cold white meat sandwich with enough mayo to kill the taste.
Spam on the other hand the Mrs. won't buy but I can make a treat out of it right from the can, fried alone, in scrambled eggs, pretty tasty now and then.
Once in a while I sneak off to the store and stock up on Spam and Sardenes in Mustard sauce, YUM!!!!
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