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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
I am with you Frank. Well my wife will buy those items and lets me eat the sardines when she is not home. Miss those little fellows they use to can.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
In the online Globe and Mail (the New York Times of Canada) site this morning (Th) there's a big article on deep-fried turkey.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
A number of years ago my brotherin law brought over his setup to deep fry the turkey--Wow we got hooked it was great, moister than any number of ways we tried in the oven roasting. Got my own setup and have done it a number of yrs.DEFINITLY put thawed turkey in pot and add water to cover remove turkey,mark line (for oil amount)then drain water and DRY! DRY! pot and bird prior to putting oil in and heating. Always make sure theres' plenty of 'boiling bubble' head space in pot. These where some of his instructions and i've tweaked them some. I've even used the hair dryer one year to dry the bird..ha ha. As to the used oil I was lucky enough to find a small company down the road in Parma, Mi that make biodiesel conversion systems for sale and he takes all fryer oil to demo his systems plus he uses the bio in his shop and farm as well as sells it.
Hardwood-yes I to also love Sardines, I prefer them plain in oil or water, double layer in can, the singles get a bit too big and crunchy..but smelt mmmm mm another story sometime straight up crunchy and other times butterflied and and lightly deep fried.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
When this topic came up posted popular here, why we even fry corn and we do.
There is a resturant we like (have talked about it for Murf in his travels here) and they serve fried corn. Last trip there asked and was told they fry their cornon the cob in the oil AFTER they fry the chicken. So have you some corn on the cob ready to drop into the trukey cooker when you lift the turkery out. The flavors on the turkery have flavored the oil and it will the corn. Bet even ole Jefferrryyyy will smile at the taste.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
I do corn on the cob on the gas grill along with everything else.
I leave them soak in a bucket of water for as long as I can before tossing them on, the only thing I do to them is to remove the silk, it burns and gives a funny smell if not.
The water means they get a combination of steam to start and a dry'ish heat to finish plus they pick up some of the smoke from the other stuff cooking.
Here's how, after soaking for 1+ hours in cold water, peel back the husks and remove all the silk. Then brush with butter or season with dill, garlic, season or regular salt if desired, and carefully fold the husks back down in the proper order. Take one or two of the pieces of husk and tie the husks tightly around the cob. Now place cobs on the grill be careful, the husks will come undone if handled too much. Cook for 10-15 minutes on medium to medium high directly on the grill, or for about 20-30 minutes on low or on the upper rack.
Best of luck.
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
I do corn on the cob on the gas grill along with everything else.
That sounds interesting, have you ever tried using HD foil instead? Maybe the husk is the magic. When I microwave corn I take a sharp knife and cut off the the top and bottom of the ear and then remove half of the husks, cook on high for 2 minutes then remove the remaining husks under cold water.
But your technique sounds much more appetizing 
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Deep Fry or Roast Thanksgiving Turkey
Foil reflects the heat initially, then once the insides warm up the foil actually causes it to over-heat because the steam can't escape.
The hulk seems to be the best compromise, it also helps hold more water making for a longer slower steaming process. It also means the seasoning and / or butter gets steamed right in.
The microwave is just too fast and extreme a heat, it goes from cold to done too fast.
Best of luck.
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