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 08-31-2006, 11:30 Post: 133854

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 Our Government

Most of them government employees are nice people on an individual level. It's when you lump them all together into a GOVERNMENT that you get a mess. I wish there was a planet I could go to and grab some acreage and just be left alone. But NO, long before you know, there will be government officials coming on the tails of their army and police forces trying to convince me at the point of a gun that I need that service and this service and that I need to help those less fortunate, so why don't I give some money for no service at all, and then, of course, I have to pony up something for the administrators who will run the whole damn thing. And so, to hell in a hand-basket, goes my brand new, not-so-long uninhabited, planet. Kind of like the US.

A practical question: what if I dug up my own pond and built a house that had a view of it? Do I get taxed extra on my own labor that I didn't even get paid for?

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 08-31-2006, 14:02 Post: 133864

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The smartest person line...thought on that when EW asked you on it. Could be true. Start off with the dumbest and moving from dumbest up each one you could honestly say to "you are the smartest person". So you called EW that before me, Laughing out loud

DenisS and Murf and WW,

Just thunking (not really thinking but close) let us suppose a person is being taxed for the view from their property. Do they charge them for this if they were to be blind?

Taking this just a little further along the stupid trail, guess a lot of people that Katrina wiped out the buildings and trees betweent them and the ocean now are taxed on the ocean's view. Yep they probably will need to hit them on this big improvement in their lands value.

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 08-31-2006, 15:06 Post: 133869

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I had a 10% Property assessment added for Views. I grieved last year, for when i bought the house 21 years ago, there was a great view, I could look West over 130 miles ( I am 2000' on the Western side of the Green Mountains on the Eastern Side of the Champlain Valley ) After 21 years the Trees grew to the point, that even when I clean my chimney, I can not see anything but Leaves. So I called them on it and had my taxes reduced. Guess they didn't realize that Trees Grow and block views.
I also offered to sell my place on the spot for what the State Assessed me for and I told them, I would even throw in the JD and be gone in 72 hours.
The other joke is this, they tell you what the property is worth and you pay your taxes accordingly. Well when I bought my house it had been on the market for 2 years. I made an offer for $26,000 less than appraised value and they said SOLD. I went and chanllenged the Taxes and told them, the house wasn't worth what you all said it was, because it didn't sell and I made the BEST offer for $26,000 less and that is what I should be paying the taxes on... WRONG! they left it at the appraised value. So just how real do they want the appraisals?

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 08-31-2006, 15:23 Post: 133871

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In our case it 'used to be' that you had higher assessments for waterfront, not for views, but then a sharp lawyer (there are some) realized that in most cases there is a 66' shore road allowance around most lakes, so most people DIDN'T HAVE waterfront property, they were across an imaginary road from it. Many people won an appeal based on this so they changed it.

Now people do things like appealling their assessmsnt based on an eyesore like a cell phone tower with a blinking red light within sight of their lands. Laughing out loud.

Up here you can actually get a discount on your taxes for digging a pond, two discounts in some cases. Since all "navigable waters" in Canada are public, they can't tax you on it. So, if you owned a 500 acre property, and 400 of it was a lake, you would only pay taxes on 100 acres of what you "owned". Likewise with a pond, if you have a 20 acre parcel, with a 5 acre pond, you only pay taxes on 15 acres of land. If your pond is near the street, like mine is, and you sign an agreement with the municipality, like I have, that in the case of a fire you will allow the fire dept. to use your pond as a source of water for fire-fighting, they give you a small discount also.

This in my mind is dumb though, the fire dept. should have the automatic right to enter your property and pump your pond in the case of an emergency, subject only to the liability for thier actions as far as damage, etc.

Best of luck.

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 09-02-2006, 07:33 Post: 133914
Art White

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The problem with government is they are trying to be a big buisness. There first concern is for job security so they have to show they are doing something which of coarse costs money. Why tax and give refunds, why not just lower the tax? When refunds are issued it means they need more people in the government to do the job! AHH, now the boss has a little security! They also are going to need a few percent more of the money to assit in this fine program. This is a type of cancer that has taken over the country. They don't do it because of efficiency, it's just the way the government works. They can raise taxes, buisness can only raise prices so far before the consumer finds another source. It's to bad but I believe we have entered socialism as the number of government workers, take them all from towns and villages, counties, state and federal levels, add your teachers of public schools and the bus drivers and rest of the staff, your police forces and prision gaurds and support staff, lets not forget the people that are on the government programs for a living and you probably would find we are getting close to having more in the government then carring the GNP.

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 09-02-2006, 08:07 Post: 133915

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In my area the state is the second largest employer after IBM. IBM has been holding salaries flat for several years, while the government is raising my school taxes 6-8% per year. It will be almost impossible to retire where I live. Like Art says, there are no controls on tax increases. If taxpayers complain and vote the budget down the taxes increase anyway because of past contracts signed by the school teachers. Where does it end? Will the state and local government employees help feed me while I am living in my cardboard box in a few years? What type of box do you recommend? A refigerator box may work well. Can I fit a sleeping bed and a small table there? Maybe I will afford to keep my cell phone Smile

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 09-02-2006, 13:31 Post: 133918

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I get apoplectic every time I read wingwiper's tax assessment story. the gall these people have...

As I review my August paycheck and notice that I'm missing about 45% of my pay, a thought crosses my mind that government is a punishment from God, and, as we know, the loving father spareth not his rod.

I think we should accept the abuse from our government with all obedience and humility - it's only fitting since we're the ones responsible for it's existance. If we're not willing to do what it takes to "reform" this government, then there's no point in crying.

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 09-02-2006, 17:22 Post: 133921

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You gotta look at it a different way. For every hard working tax paying Joe/Jane, there's 4 or 5 on some kind of freebie government program.

If you were running for some political office, which would you cater to? Wink yeah right

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 09-03-2006, 11:01 Post: 133926

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 Our Government

I had a 10% Property assessment added for Views. I grieved last year, for when i bought the house 21 years ago, there was a great view, I could look West over 130 miles ( I am 2000' on the Western side of the Green Mountains on the Eastern Side of the Champlain Valley ) After 21 years the Trees grew to the point, that even when I clean my chimney, I can not see anything but Leaves. So I called them on it and had my taxes reduced. Guess they didn't realize that Trees Grow and block views.
I also offered to sell my place on the spot for what the State Assessed me for and I told them, I would even throw in the JD and be gone in 72 hours.
The other joke is this, they tell you what the property is worth and you pay your taxes accordingly. Well when I bought my house it had been on the market for 2 years. I made an offer for $26,000 less than appraised value and they said SOLD. I went and chanllenged the Taxes and told them, the house wasn't worth what you all said it was, because it didn't sell and I made the BEST offer for $26,000 less and that is what I should be paying the taxes on... WRONG! they left it at the appraised value. So just how real do they want the appraisals?

Reply :My county don't know S from apple butter about prperty values .

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 09-05-2006, 07:55 Post: 133961

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I'm with you on that one. Can't expect the pols to do what is right by us; they've created their own self-sustaining power base. Like Art said, government is a cancer, and cancers are very smart about their survival.

The thing about cancers is, they don't go away by persuasion like a mild depression and you can't wait them out like a cold. You either poison them with chemicals or cut them out. In either case, the rest of the body suffers, but is better off in the long run. IMHO, we're overdue for a surgery.

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