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 09-06-2006, 00:32 Post: 134001

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kt ~
When I read your post, I received a dose of humor that was well needed today....THANK YOU !
In some lights, it is just plain pitiful as it has been pointed out to actually be true, but humerous nonetheless.
I was rolling!

WW ~
Much like yourself, I too was hit with an appraisal of view. My house is on the west side of the Green Mountains along the east side of Champlain. I was told that I have a view so I must be assessed for that too. I argued the fact that the only view I have is that of a large, ugly rock formation to see across the lake. I am not a rock climber, so the rock bears no intrigue. I am not an archeologist, so it offers no desire to examine the monument for artifacts.
It sits in the way of what could be a nice view, but I have no way of telling for it blocks any view I might have....NO SALE !

On another piece of property located across the small town road from my house, I have a 1895 ca. built ice house - now used as a small barn.
the town had an appraiser come in from Stowe VT some years ago, when the state thought they new what they were doing...the first time! To balance the town appraisals state wide, they had ridiculous appraisals being made across the board.
This open grass lot (with a few trees), was assessed for a driveway, running water, power, and of course the barn.

I argued ALOT during the appeal process. You'll love this! I was told you must enter the lot to access your barn, hence a driveway. You have a river at the back edge of your lot, so you have running water. CVPS (Central Vermont Public Service) power lines, and Verizon Telephone lines run thru your lot, so you have power in your yard. Your barn is x feet by x feet, so it is worth x dollars.

Bottom line is that a neighbor had built a barn/garage nearly the same size in 1995+/-. Nearly 100 years newer than mine, my assessment was for some $10000.00 more than his was! He has actual electricity in his barn, he has windows - thermal pane, he has a view of the lake from his garage, and he has a driveway. GO FIGURE!

This assessment was back in 1995 time frame, and I am still fighting with the town to recognize that the current assessments were based on erroneous information cited by appraisers that had NO clue way back when. Honestly...it is pathetic.

So kt, ....as taxes are coming due by October 5th again, your dam story was a sure an enjoyable laugh!
I think we should all enjoy some dam beaver (story) now and again! Laughing out loud

- Willie H

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 09-06-2006, 06:51 Post: 134005

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If nothing else has been shown by the beavers and their dam is the need for us to be envolved in our government.

That also means running for office as the saying goes if the shoe fits.

I thank those such as WW and Willie H who made an effort to force a wrong tax issue, regardless of the results. At least they know people are watching. When we quit carring it will die.


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 09-06-2006, 08:19 Post: 134014
Art White

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You will love this one, in a small local town a select property assement board lowered all of their taxes! They weren't quite that bad, they also lowered a couple of close associates! So they did spread the towns losses over a few more people but they didn't do enough of them as a couple of people in the local government noticed and publicized that they helped themselves in the cookie jar! Sunday's paper had a article about more jobs from the government coming to the area and that it is always good to have more government jobs even with the private sector jobs leaving, and the best part of it is he stated with more private jobs we really should be adding more even more to the government! He then went on to say that teachers are private sector! See how many years you don't pay your school taxes before your home gets sold! Love those socialists!

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 09-06-2006, 12:28 Post: 134021

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Sometimes the assessors are idiots. My parents fought their tax assessment and won. Their house is over 50 years old. The assessor defended the big hike because homes in the area had sold at x and y prices. My parents pointed out those homes were built that year vs their 50+ year old house. They have larger lots. They have more Sq footage. etc etc. Reason won out and they got the assessment lowered. They also offered to sell it to the city for that assessment price. City didn't bite as they knew they weer completely off base.

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 09-06-2006, 14:21 Post: 134023

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The private assessors are not always on the ball either.

I number of years ago I was buying a lake house in MA. The apprentice assessor schedules an appointment to view the property the day and time of the total eclipse of the sun. In the middle it gets dark and I run to the dock to take a look with my reflective foil. He asks me why it is getting so dark and why I keep running to the dock. Naturally he does not seem to me to be a leading light in the community.

When the appraisal comes back I know his bulb is really out. He has it much lower than the city appraisal, which is normally at least 10 percent lower than the market value and agreed to price, which was below market value. The comp properties are not in the area limits or time limits for a standard appraisal. In fact none are in the township I am purchasing the house in. None have acreage like the 2 acre lot mine had. I complain to his advisor, with no response. He is the brightest candidate they have. The bank then has to pay for a second appraisal and I am left with the added work and time.

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 09-06-2006, 14:27 Post: 134024

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what's the root of the word assessor? that's all they are. just weren't smart enough to answer the pnone at customer service.

I had an appraiser fail my kitchen once since the new countertops weren't installed yet. No matter - the house has no functional kitchen, there goes the appraisal.

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 09-06-2006, 19:45 Post: 134031

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Not long ago we had an assessor commit suicide as a ring of corruption was being uncovered by the authorities in the area. It seems everyone was on the take. I actually have some sympathy for the current assessor. I wanted to extend my poolyard patio, fence - he wanted architect drawings, my drawings weren't good enough for him. After 30 minutes of discussion he warmed up and told me how I needed to specify the building permit to minimize his involvement. He was most interested in not getting sued if any of the construction failed. Everything is just a game that costs you money. Hopefully you don't have to pay "extra" to get things done.

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 09-06-2006, 19:50 Post: 134032

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And let me tell you about the electrical inspector when I installed my hot tub. The building inspector comes and tells me what electrical inspectors I can use. I call the electrical inspector and he tells me he will, for $75, tell me what I need to do to pass inspection.

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 09-07-2006, 07:51 Post: 134040

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The building inspector in my old town threatened to have my new porch demolished because the builder didn't build the access stairs to code (one stair was 0.5" taller than the other). Even sent me a nasty letter saying that remedial work must be done or I can't use my porch. I called him to ask him what the hell was wrong with him and told him that he can deal with the builder himself. Never heard from the inspector again and the stairs remained as "unsafe" as the day they were built. I bet Mr. Ben Franklin settled the matter.

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 09-07-2006, 10:44 Post: 134048

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You all need permission to build a porch or install a Hot Tub?? I guess my worries are smaller than originally thought.
If I own my own house, I do not have to have any of my work inspected. I have had wiring done, a porch built, and basement dug out. Out buildings built and a Sugar Shack built. No inspectors only listers who try to come snooping around and I tell them they have to leave. You DO NOT have to allow any Lister onto your property here and if you don't you will get an AVERAGE Listing for everything. That may well be an added bonus and for some it can raise taxes if you have Below Average and they grade you for Average.
You all seem to have Socialism at work when City Governments are telling you what you can and can not do with your own land. Try this " defination of OWNERSHIP is to deprive others of usage and enjoyment of said property" I looked it up years ago in a Websters Unabridged Dictionary that was about 75 years old and a foot thick. I went to a Town Meeting where the Town was trying to tell a Property Owner that he could NOT operate a Slate cutting business on his land (I live in the sticks) so I gave them the quote and then said "If the Town feels they can deprive Jim from operating his Slate cutting, then they are depriving Jim usage of said property. In that case the Town would be considered the OWNER and since the OWNER of said Property has to pay the Property Taxes, the Town needs to consider how they will get their taxes paid. Dsicussion soon took on a New outlook. Sometimes people need to be told they do not have the power they assume they have. If you allow them to execute self proclaimed powers, then YOU lose. Yes! I know Zoning is an issue and has been since the 1700s. Zoning is to protect others from forced devaluations NOT to give others unchallangeable control of your property. If the landowner is not going to contaminate the Land, Water or Air then whose business is it anyways? Why do some people feel they know best for someone else? If you don't like my land, MOVE.
Have you all been paying attention to the changes in Eminient Domain Laws across the land, the new Laws that are preventing Local Governmets from abusing their duties? Many people sat on their hands and allowed Local Governments to just move in and take over. Now the spot lights have been turned on and sweeping changes are being made IN FAVOR of the little guy.
When the Estate Tax Appeal was defeated, it was a leading DEMOCRAT who said "They owe it to the country that has given them the oppurtunities", it is that way of thinking that has turned people against government. The Voice of a single man who feels the money belongs to the Government and not the earner has made the Democrats look bad yet again. The Government is BY the People, OF the people and FOR the people and if we all just sit on our hands, then we get what we deserve. You all must challenge and speak up, demand proof, call a Spade a Spade and be open about your feelings.
Newt Ginrich said that this Government was built on EQUALITY and that we do NOT BOW to Royalty and therefore a Senator is NOT referred to as Senator John Smith but as Mr. Smith or John, when the people add title to the name, they are putting government above themselves. They are handing the soap box to the elected REPRESENTATIVE. The ONLY person in Government that is called by title is the President and that is only for RESPECT, same as a person with a degree may be called Dr. Don't allow yourselves to be rated less than and you won't be.

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