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 07-31-2007, 15:27 Post: 144223

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

First off, I do NOT want this thread to turn into a "hostile" subject, if it does I will nuke it.

I only post this, as the title suggest, to provoke a meaningfull (albeit off topic) discussion on where 'we' went wrong.

Having set the ground rules, I want to point out some interesting twists in the immigration laws of another country which I came across in doing some research recently.

Bear in mind, these are REAL terms in another countries laws;

- There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.

- There will be no special ballots (other languages etc.) during elections.

- All Government business will be conducted in the 'official' language, no bilingual staff or paperwork will be made available.

- Foreigners will not have the right to vote no matter how long they reside in the country, no passport, no vote, period.

- Foreigners are forbidden from running for election or holding any public office.

- Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers, no welfare, no food stamps, no health care or any other Government assistance programs are open to non-citizens.

-Foreigners can invest in the country, but it must be in an amount at least equivalent to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

- Foreigners will be permitted to buy land, but, not waterfront property, only citizens naturally born in the country will permitted to own it.

- Foreigners may not publicly protest, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing the Government or its policies. Violations will result in deportation.

- If you enter the country illegally, you will be subject to arrest and following completion of your sentence, deported.

Now, would you believe these are the laws of Mexico?

It certainly is food for thought now isn't it?

Best of luck.

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 07-31-2007, 15:50 Post: 144227

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

It amazes me the lack of thought that is given to this issue. I received a video a few days ago which to me helps understand the scope of this. Have no idea who the guy is but believe his numbers to be correct. Notice he is not putting down anyone, only pointing out the obvious, we must help people prosper where they are as we are not able to hold the whole world. I think the reason people get upset about this issue in the United States is mainly due to our own elected people.

I totally agreee with Murf, we should be albe to discuss this in a civil tone with concern for our own country and others also. kt

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 07-31-2007, 15:52 Post: 144228

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


The globalists in D.C. have no interest in protecting the sovereignty of the U.S. Their only goal is to open additional markets for those corporations who continue to beat down their doors.

It's an old problem, dating back to the days of Millard Fillmore, and even Thomas Jefferson.

In 1853, Millard Fillmore sent Commodore Perry to Japan, in an effort to secure a trade agreement with the people of Japan. Our ships were not welcome there. Finally, after threats of violence and even a few suggestive hints contained in a letter from President Fillmore, the Japanese surrendered to our demands.

I want to know why the U.S. taxpayer got stuck footing the bill for sending U.S. naval forces to Japan, for the purpose of expanding personal profits to those who would benefit from this trade agreement.

Well, the problem has never gone away. Today, the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt (The Big Stick) is roaming the world's oceans, securing profits for those U.S. corporations who operate overseas......and the U.S. taxpayer is still footing the bill.

There are those in D.C. who have no idea of meaning behind the terms sovereignty, borders, or jurisdiction. And then there are the millions of American people who still haven't sat down to ask themselves, "Does the U.S. really have any FOREIGN INTERESTS?"

There are people with foreign interests, but this group of people is very small. At no time should the U.S. military be involved with opening doors to new markets for them.


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 07-31-2007, 16:11 Post: 144229

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

The way to measure a country is to count how many people want to get in, and how many people want to get out.

This was said by someone famous, WHO?

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 07-31-2007, 16:13 Post: 144230

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

Murf, I don't know where or more importantly when we as a Nation went wrong. After all, the US was built by immigrants with a desire for a better life. They endured a tremendous amount of hardship to make this Nation what it is today. BUT there comes a time that changes need to be made and I'm afraid that time has past.

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 07-31-2007, 16:29 Post: 144232

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


Way back when, there were more people who wanted to enter Rome than there were people willing to leave.

They got in. Rome came to an end shortly thereafter.

A whole lot of our problems have been experienced by nations that were around long before us. If only we'd study history in this country, most of our serious problems could be avoided.


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 07-31-2007, 16:34 Post: 144233

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

I once read a long and dry book called "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire". It has been said, History repeats itself!

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 07-31-2007, 16:49 Post: 144234

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

It is not just the number of people coming it, it is also the attitude has changed. Years ago they wanted to be US Citizens. Now many today want to waive their old flag and only take from the US for their old country or even claim the land here belongs to another country.

I posted it under picture which may not have been the vest place to but click on the video in my first post, if you want to understand the MATH to the influx.

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 08-01-2007, 07:39 Post: 144247

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

"[Is] rapid population [growth] by as great importations of foreigners as possible... founded in good policy?... They will bring with them the principles of the governments they leave, imbibed in their early youth; or, if able to throw them off, it will be in exchange for an unbounded licentiousness, passing, as is usual, from one extreme to another. It would be a miracle were they to stop precisely at the point of temperate liberty. These principles, with their language, they will transmit to their children. In proportion to their number, they will share with us the legislation. They will infuse into it their spirit, warp and bias its direction, and render it a heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass... If they come of themselves, they are entitled to all the rights of citizenship: but I doubt the expediency of inviting them by extraordinary encouragements." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.VIII, 1782. ME 2:118


Link:   Jefferson Quotes 

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 08-01-2007, 09:35 Post: 144252

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

Joel, while much of my learning (at Uncle Sam's expense) has long since faded from my mind, I do recall clearly many of the lectures (and debates that followed) on military ethics and politics.

First and foremost was the analogy that politics is to great extent a lot like agriculture, you plant a seed, let it grow, and reap the harvest. Unfortunately some of the seeds are weeds not crops, and if not removed early, will spoil the entire harvest. It is hard work, and there is little to show for it when finished, but later on, the harvest will be abundant and unspoiled.

So goes the process of projecting military & political will around the world. The costs of ignorance can be very high.

Think of the difference if America had done things differently in Cuba or the Middle East way back when.

Good or bad, action or inaction, there will always be consequences in the future.

I was in Grenada in the fall of 1983, as a result of that operation, Grenada stayed a free country and did not become a Communist regime, and in fact experienced an (impressive) average of economic growth of 5.5% for the period from 1986 to 1991 and as of the early 1990's has even become a regional banking center. Since the invasion, and even with this unprecedented growth, inflation has stayed under 3%.

I doubt many Western countries, let alone Communist countries, could boast statistics like that.

Unfortunately no matter what happens some will be displeased.

As for military spending on frivolous measures, I suspect that in the greater scheme of things, the amount spent amounts to mere fractions of a single percentage of the overall budget. Remember the now-infamous $640 toilet seat? I was in Washington in the spring of 2003 and the big fuss in the news at the time was a (then) recently released GAO report that said the Pentagon couldn't account for more than $1 TRILLION in spending, and had "lost track of" 56 airplanes, 32 tanks, and 36 Javelin missile command-launch units.

Best of luck.

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