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 08-14-2007, 16:50 Post: 144679

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


With all due respect, Sir, and I do mean that from the bottom of my heart.........

You have to understand the frame of mind our Founders were in when they wrote the U.S. Constitution.

Frankly, they were sick and tired of the kings of the world, and the ways in which they operated.

Kings, out of a simple desire to own more land than they were anointed with at birth, took children from their parents; fathers from their children; brothers from their sisters....etc....and forced them to fight wars that had nothing whatever to do with their own defense.

These were wars of aggression, which were fought for reasons of greed. There were always good excuses given for fighting these wars, but the excuses didn't hold water when compared to the Laws of God.

Man has a natural (God-given) right to kill in self-defense. But when once a man intentionally kills another human being for any other purpose, it is murder.

The people of any invaded nation have a perfect right to kill their invaders. This is a natural right, that simply cannot be taken away by any law made by man. (NO....they are not insurgents, nor are they terrorists. They are PATRIOTS!)

When we entered WWI, we did so out of greed. The U.S. was not threatened in any way.

When we entered WWII, the same was true. Neither Japan nor Germany had ANY intention of involving the U.S. in the war.

When we entered Korea, it wasn't in our own defense.

When we entered Vietnam, it was not associated with any rightful defense of our nation.

In none of these wars was the U.S. invaded, nor did any American soldiers kill in self-defense. Our soldiers obeyed their government. They thought it their duty to kill for their government.......or to obey the orders given by their leaders........but they disobeyed God's Commandments in doing so.

It's a tough pill to swallow, and many of our soldiers have a difficult with this. I know....because I was one of them. (Sergeant York was DECEIVED!)

Our Founders wanted nothing to do with these illegal acts of war. They formed a Constitution that would prevent our government from acquiring any additional lands, than those lands specifically authorized by the U.S. Constitution.

The amount of land given to the Federal Government is so small that it is difficult to find it on a map.

It is a piece of land 10 miles square, or 100 square miles in size. The ONLY other land the Federal Government was authorized to acquire, was that land sold by the States, for the specific purpose of building Forts, Magazines, Dockyards, and other needful buildings.......all relating to our national defense.

The States cannot sell any land that they don't have. The States hold no foreign land, such as Hawaii, the Philippines, or even Taiwan. All NATIONAL DEFENSE installations were to be located WITHIN THE U.S. (We have no legal territories to defend)


There is no provision listed in the U.S. Constitution for the federal government to spend one penny of your money, or mine, for the purpose of purchasing any land from another nation. To do so would be a violation of the Constitution.

Congress is authorized to spend your money for only 18 things........and THAT'S IT. Those 18 things can be found in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

To spend one penny of your money for any other purpose, is an unconstitutional act.

I refer you to Colonel Davey Crockett. See the link below. Enjoy the reading.

Your friend.



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 08-14-2007, 20:00 Post: 144685

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


Now, I did enjoy the reading.

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 08-14-2007, 22:00 Post: 144687

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


I was discussing some of this stuff with the local high school history teacher. (It's a small town...there's only one history teacher here.)

We were discussing the things the kids have to recite and remember as they progress through school, such as the Pledge of Allegiance, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, etc.

After about three cups of coffee, it became quite apparent that our students are never once required to read that speech written by Colonel David Crockett -- nor the fantastic speech given by Daniel Webster, concerning the military draft, then called "Conscription".

In fact, most everything our children learn in school today, are those things that support the government's position on globalism.

Over the past several years, I've dug up all sorts of little gems that most Americans (including me) had never heard of before.

We've all heard President Roosevelt speak those famous words, "Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date that will live in infamy....blah blah blah....

-- but we've never heard or read President Cleveland's speech, when he said, (referring to the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Queen and her government) --

"It is unnecessary to set forth the reasons which in January, 1893, led a considerable proportion of American and other foreign merchants and traders residing at Honolulu to favor the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. It is sufficient to note the fact and to observe that the project was one which was zealously promoted by the Minister representing the United States in that country."

In January of 1993, on the 100th anniversary of the illegal taking of Hawaii, the U.S. Congress offered an official apology. No American school student has ever seen that precious document either........or at least very, very few of them.

None of this is by accident. It's not a coincidence that these precious documents remain hidden from public view.


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 08-14-2007, 23:12 Post: 144690

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


I understand that this might be an important subject to you, never mind history. Everything relgious that this country was founded for and on, is not in school. Nothing about the bible. Our government backs this outrage. A few people do not belive, so no-one is allowed to speak or pray in areas that are paid for by tax payers. It has been a few years since I attended school. I wonder what the teachers answer is when they are asked why the first settlers came to this country. So we could eventually take advantage of Germany, Japan, Iraq, Panama, Hawaii, Watch out Murf we have gone east,west and south. Maybe we will plunder Canada yall are next. SG.

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 08-15-2007, 00:16 Post: 144692

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


You bring up a very good point, and I thank you.

At one time in this nation, religion was taught in every school in the northeastern U.S., from a book that could be found in nearly every U.S. household.

This book, The New England Primer, was plum filled with stories from the bible. And every child used stories from the bible for which to learn the English alphabet.

Interestingly enough, the Civil War brought an end to religion being taught in our schools. The government hammer came down on the entire nation. And for those who live in the South, I have some shocking news to share.......it wasn't just you southern folk who were shackled afterward. All of us have been.

THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER......for those who have never read, or seen it before.


Link:   The New England Primer 

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 08-15-2007, 10:06 Post: 144700

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

Joel, I'm sorry, but you just haven't read CLause 17 correctly, you are blending two completely different items into one, and they are NOT one thought.

Again, here it is in it's entirety, sorry for the repetition;

Clause 17:

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;

Notice it clearly says "...and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased...".

It says that they are authorized to buy or accept up to 10 square miles for the Federal Capital, and that they (the Federal Government) will have exclusive jurisdiction over it, it cannot become a State, AND the Federal Government will have the same exclusive authority over "all Places purchased". It does not limit the size, cost or location of purchased territories, it does though suggest what they may be for; "...for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;".

Now it CAN be argued that this was meant to be for the Federal Government to buy or accept lands FROM States, i.e. to convert State lands into Federal Bases, etc., but again, it does NOT limit the size or location, so it doesn't matter if it's Subic Bay in the Philippines, or Gitmo in Cuba or a place here in North America, it's allowed.

As for your statement "In none of these wars was the U.S. invaded, nor did any American soldiers kill in self-defense." This is wrong.

As an example, on 3rd June 1942 the Japanese planes commenced an attack on Dutch Harbour, Alaska, it was followed up by another the next day, and an attack on Kiska, and the day after that, Japanese troops landed at Attu in the western Aleutians. All in all, it took nearly a year to push the Japanese out of Alaska, and the fighting stretched across more than 1,000 miles. At one point there was more than 8,000 Japanese troops in Alaska. There were hundreds of soldiers killed (on both sides) in the battle for control.

Best of luck.

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 08-15-2007, 11:58 Post: 144702

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

Silly Murf-Meister.

We stole Alaska and since we don't rightfully own it, the Japanese had a perfect right to invade if they wished.

It is just another of many indictments against George W. Bush. If we can't impeach him for this theft we can only hope that someday he will pay.

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 08-15-2007, 12:24 Post: 144704

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener


I hope you were only kidding. I honestly believe you were.

The Japanese landed on the Alaskan islands, with one goal in mind. And, to be quite honest, it was their only and last hope.

The goal was to take the U.S. off of the offensive, and put us on defense.

If this plan had worked as it was designed to, we would have pulled our naval forces out of the South Pacific and placed them in our home waters, which would have taken the heat off of Japan and her mission.

The plan failed, because we knew that the Japanese soldiers who landed on those islands had no hope of actually reaching the U.S. without a massive naval effort on the part of the Japanese. Those stranded Japanese soldiers were actually a great benefit to us, because it removed them from the important battles taking place in the Pacific.

In all honesty, there was never any need for the U.S. to attempt to take back those Alaskan islands. The weather would have done the job for us, had only we been patient. All we needed to do was allow Mother Nature to do her thing.


There's no desire, on my end, to argue this point any further, because I truly enjoy the discussion, and I have no intension of making any enemies over this.

I leave you with a few important writings. You shouldn't listen to me anyway, but rather draw your own conclusions from these historical documents.

Have a great, both of you.


Link:   Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 

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 08-15-2007, 12:58 Post: 144707

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 A thought-provoking eye-opener

Mark, maybe now that he isn't listening to Rove he'll see the error of his ways and stop all this foolishness!!

Joel, I studied, law amongst other things, at the expense of Uncle Sam, it doesn't mean my brain doesn't work on it's own, or that I can't come to my own conclusions.

The Constitution is quite clear, and written in quite plain language. Even the link you included makes "...and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be..." unequivocal. Places is plural, not singular. The word States, again is plural, and is not meant to mean a State within the US, since at the time the Constitution was written, there were none. It was meant, and still does, as my dictionary calls it "a politically organized community". This is why for example official functions of a nation are called "State Functions".

I agree, argueing this point further would not be usefull.

Best of luck.

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