Chainsaw sharpeners
I received my $39.99 sharpener from Harbor Freight a few days ago. When I turned it on, there appears to be a slight wobble in the stone. Í havn't had a whole lot of time to play with it so Im not yet sure if it is the machine itself or if the stone that came with it is un-true.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
MacDaddy and Greg, thank you.
MacDaddy, could the stone be not mounted properly on it's shaft?
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Both cutting wheels I got were true, the OE already mounted. But there's no guarantee whoever mounted your stone tightened it down properly. There are four small Phillips head screws holding the stone cover on. Under that, the stone is held to the motor with a thumbwheel. I intend to leave the cover off mine; so that I can inspect the stone for chips before use, and so I can make sure the stone's tight before I start the motor.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Mine was not mounted. I put it on both ways, and made sure it was secure on the shaft. I'm guessing that it is the stone, but I dont have another one yet to compare it to. The wobble is unnoticeable when running at full RPM, but as it slows down to a stop, It seems a little warped, or when I spin it slowly by hand.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Chain comes in various thickness 050 058 063 and a newer one for lite duty sawsthat is only 043 thick on my sharpener, I have to change spacers in the clamp when I sharpen chain other than 050. Ron
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Thanks Ron - when inspecting the chain guide for some way to clamp on 043 chain, I noticed one track could be reversed against the other, giving a good sixteenth of an inch more grip. The down side is that the two tracks are mounted with metal screws into plastic threads. Perhaps replacing the track fastening system with wingnuts would prevent premature failure of the plastic threads.
Alternatively, maybe I should buy a second one of these things while they're still $29.95 (printed catalog number 93213-8MTA price good till 1-1-07) just to have a ready supply of spare parts.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Unless Harbor Feight has two models I was over charged or their store price is higher, $39.??. For those who have not seen it is mostly plastic but seems sturdy. The angle setting part is not the best you could find. But I felt it was worth the price for my use.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
$39.99 is the correct price for both the store and on-line. I still have yet to use it, but a friend bought the exact same model a year ago (for $100) and is very happy w/ it.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
I called Harbor Freight at 1-800-423-2576, they admitted a problem when using the website to order 93213-8MTA using the "from a printed catalog" option (it pops up the full retail $99.99 price). The person on the phone assured me that the $29.95 price will be honored (until 1-1-07) if you phone your order in using 93213-8MTA. Get a dollar off a spare grinding wheel ($3.99) using 91903-1VGA
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Greg and MacDaddy, sounds like computer error! 
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