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Chainsaw sharpeners
I just spent the afternoon setting up my $99 Northerntools sharpener and learning how to sharpen my chain. I sharpened 3 chains, put one one the saw and did a trial run. Seemed to work quite well! So I am very satisfied with this sharpener so far. By the way I have an echo chainsaw with 3/8 pitch and .05 guage chain. It was no problem holding it in the vise.
So there are 3 angles to play with. About 30 degree for chain vise, 60 degree for top plate angle, and 10 degree "tilt" on the chain vise. But the chinese instructions don't tell you which way to "tilt". I did some googling and apparently the tilt is an uphill tilt from the back to the front of the tooth. Correct? So you kinda have to just use your judgement when choosing the direction of tilt as to what is meant by uphill. Or should I just play it safe and forget about the 10 degree tilt?
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Chainsaw sharpeners
The Tilt of 10 deg. is for full chisel chain.when the chain is formed it is bent 110 deg so that the cutting point is the hightest point on the tooth and the tooth slopes both to the rear (down)and toward the inside (down).
on Semi-chisel and chipper chain, set clamp at 90 deg. Ron
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Chainsaw sharpeners
I forgot to answer which way to tilt the clamp. you want to make the top of the tooth level,so you push the bottom of the vise away from you for Right hand cutter,which raises the inside edge of tooth to level tooth. Pull it towards you for left hand cutters. Ron
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Thanks Ronald, that is a very understandable explanation!
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