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 10-31-2009, 15:17 Post: 166633

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

I just picked up a used 4x2 from a friend and it only runs with choke 1/2 way (it will run without but once you give gas it dies). I have pulled the carb/jets etc and cleaned everything with carb cleaner and compressed air (carb was really dirty). this didn't seem to help.

I did notice the pilot jet (what i suspected was causing the problems) was a bit plugged so i ran wire through all the hole but noticed the main hole that runs through the jet appears to be blocked - which tells me it probably isnt getting enough air from outside the carb - but it looks like from the top of the jet that is has a piece of small round silver metal plugging the hole - is this normal? should i try to drill it out with a jet drill bit ?

I also noticed this jet is a #42 is that the right jet for my altitude in iowa? (i think this is a high alt jet)

sorry for so many questions, dont have a service manual yet

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 10-31-2009, 20:50 Post: 166641

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

If you need the choke to make it run you need more main jet. Iam assuming you are saying that when you run it at speed it will run better with the choke pulled part way out. What main jet is in it? Probably in the 80s somewhere. It needs a 90 or 91. 42 or 45 sounds right for a pilot jet. You should be able to blow carb cleaner thru the bottom of the pilot jet using the plastic nozzle provided. End holes are much smaller than the side holes.If you have to use wire to open it up use the smallest wire in a tourch tip cleaning set.

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 10-31-2009, 22:33 Post: 166642

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

Originally Posted by gatoraider | view 166641

[QUOTE=gatoraider;166641] If you need the choke to make it run you need more main jet. Iam assuming you are saying that when you run it at speed it will run better with the choke pulled part way out.

Yes, although it still has a bit of low throttle stumble to it

What main jet is in it? Probably in the 80s somewhere. It needs a 90 or 91. 42 or 45 sounds right for a pilot jet.

I think the main is an 82

You should be able to blow carb cleaner thru the bottom of the pilot jet using the plastic nozzle provided.

nope. the smallest hole at the bottom is open (really tiny) but the end with the screwdriver slot is only open down to about an 1/8th of an inch - then i see some shiny silver (looks like a perfectly fit plug) in it - should this be there (i assume not?)

End holes are much smaller than the side holes.If you have to use wire to open it up use the smallest wire in a tourch tip cleaning set. [/QUOTE]

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 10-31-2009, 23:36 Post: 166644

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

Fuel pump. If it looks like the one below - or this one ( http://www.mfgsupply.com/img/rotary/22-10875.jpg ) - replace it.


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 11-01-2009, 04:31 Post: 166647

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

Bad, your jet is not metering outside air, so it is NOT open at the top. If it was it would fill up with junk constantly. Look down the bore of your carb and you will see a small inlet on the side of the bore that the pilot jet is on. You will see that inlet lines up with the jet when it is screwed in. That inlet is the source for the air that is metered at idle. Air comes in there, goes thru the large holes in the jet and is metered thru the small hole. If all that is clean, I say you need a larger main jet. The way I tell when it's big enough is go down the road wot and pull the choke out a little, if you slow down, you're ok, if you speed up, you need more jet. Make sure motor is warmed up. Put a new fuel filter in it too.

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 11-01-2009, 05:42 Post: 166648

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

Bad, just thinking about your "stumble" There is a spring that goes the length of the link between the governor arm and the carb throttle plate. PN M94839, this spring holds tension on the linkage and has to be fastened on both ends for the throttle system to work properly. Obviously your main jet doesn't have anything to do with stumble. Also when I mentioned blowing thru the pilot jet I meant thru the small end hole and out the side holes. If nothing else works Deere has a kit PN AM119044 that has a #40 pilot jet and 90, 92, and 95 main jets in it. The 40 pilot may help. Plus, if you are running out of gas on top I'd try a 90 main jet.

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 11-01-2009, 21:06 Post: 166656

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

cant thank you guys enough for all the help here...Thanks

yep the springs are all there. one thing i noticed when just running it (no load) and reving it up etc that the throttle butterfly connection to the linkage seems to want to bounce around a bit - especially at higher rpms.. does that indicate anything? as it is now if i start the gator and put it in gear and try to drive it will fall all over it self, if i pull the choke on it is better but still not perfect. someone mentioned a fuel pump but it appears to be pumping fuel, has a new spark plug in it. carb is spotless now inside and out. one thing i havent asked about was the screw with the spring (air-fuel mix maybe??) i only have one, how should that be adjusted? I love the idea of giving it more jet but i have to wonder since these look like they have been in the carb for awhile (course what do i know, i have owned this only a couple days). maybe i should shoot a youtube vid and post a link so you can see/hear what it is doing - would that help?

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 11-01-2009, 22:01 Post: 166657

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

posted a video here

last i checked it is still processing into youtube, hopefully available for viewing soon

Link:   Click Here 

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 11-02-2009, 00:40 Post: 166658

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

Originally Posted by badnova | view 166656
someone mentioned a fuel pump but it appears to be pumping fuel,

"Appears" is the operative word. If in fact your engine is a Kawasaki - and if it's got the vacuum type fuel pump - you probably need a new one. They only last ~18 months on my 15hp Kawasaki V-twin (just installed 4th fuel pump on a 5 year old engine). The diaphragm weakens (or leaks), and can't pull enough fuel from the tank. Air/fuel mixture gets too lean.

Half choke
1. tries to correct the air/fuel ratio
2. pulls more vacuum, therefore more fuel.
Only in this case, all the extra fuel does is simply make up for what's NOT pulled by the failing pump diaphragm.

Failure to replace this type fuel pump promptly will eventually result in a complete diaphragm rupture - and result in gasoline in the crankcase. Be watchful of a rising oil level. Been there, done that.


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 11-02-2009, 00:52 Post: 166659

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 JD Gator only runs with choke

are the fuel pumps rebuildable? where is the cheapest place to buy one or rebuild kits (if available)?

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