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JD Gator only runs with choke
I have had this problem for two years now on my 2002 gator 4x2. John Deere will not help you even though they know of this problem. John Deere is never very helpful when you have a problem. That is another story. OK, Here is what my research has turned up. There is a plastic restrictor plug located in the airbox inlet that goes in to the frame. Why would John Deere want to restrict the air intake? I cannot think of any good idea for it. When this restrictor plug falls out of the airbox and it will, it most likely falls in to the frame, That is where I found mine. Without the air restriction the carb runs lean from too much air and thus you need to use the choke just to drive the thing even when warm. Only thanks to tractor and fix it forums like this will you find this out. Our friends here are more helpful than all the John Deere dealers and service people you could talk to. Thanks everyone here for the help!! God Bless you all!!
OK, Here is the fix. Most importantly, Do not buy a new $300.00 carb or $50.00 jet kit from Deere, That is what they want you to do. You already paid $6000.00 for a machine you can now barely drive.
Assuming you have the Keihin carb, I think Kawasaki used them almost exclusively, Call or go online to Jetsrus out of Marsfield, Mo. They have the jet you need for $14.00 delivered to you. THe keihin carb has the pilot jet located on top of the carb, mine was a size 42. The main jet is in the float bowl as usual. Take off the carb and unscrew and remove the jet. Ther is a separate tube that will fall out when the jet is removed. Be careful to put this back in the same direction it came out. My main jet was a size 88. Order the main jet from jetsrus in a size 92. Description to order is Genuine Keihin slow air jet size 92 (sku-99101-ZF5). Price is $7.29 and $6.98 shipping. Clean the carb with spray carb cleaner and spray in the jet holes and the air bleed small orifice in the carb throat. Put the pilot jet back in the top of the carb, my size 42 does fine. In two days you will get the new 92 main jet, Reinstall the main jet and tube and float bowl. Replace carb and throw away the air resrictor plug you found in the airbox inlet. You have now rejetted and fixed the lean mixture problem. Start up the Gator with the choke, let warm up for 1 minute, put it in gear, Slap your left hand now for wanting to grab the choke again to keep the thing running, Now, Nail the Gas and hang on!! One last thing, Run in the house screaming to you wife that you have a new gator, she will really appreciate it now.
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JD Gator only runs with choke
I have had this problem for two years now on my 2002 gator 4x2.John Deere will not help you even though they know of this problem.John Deere is never very helpful when you have a problem.That is another story.OK,Here is what my research has turned up.There is a plastic restrictor plug located in the airbox inlet that goes in to the frame.Why would John Deere want to restrict the air intake?I cannot think of any good idea for it.When this restrictor plug falls out of the airbox and it will, it most likely falls in to the frame,That is where I found mine.Without the air restriction the carb runs lean from too much air and thus you need to use the choke just to drive the thing even when warm.Only thanks to tractor and fix it forums like this will you find this out.Our friends here are more helpful than all the John Deere dealers and service people you could talk to.Thanks everyone here for the help!! God Bless you all!!OK,Here is the fix.Most importantly,Do not buy a new $300.00 carb or $50.00 jet kit from Deere,That is what they want you to do.You already paid $6000.00 for a machine you can now barely drive.Assuming you have the Keihin carb, I think Kawasaki used them almost exclusively,Call or go online to Jetsrus out of Marsfield, Mo.They have the jet you need for $14.00 delivered to you.THe keihin carb has the pilot jet located on top of the carb,mine was a size 42.The main jet is in the float bowl as usual.Take off the carb and unscrew and remove the jet.Ther is a separate tube that will fall out when the jet is removed.Be careful to put this back in the same direction it came out.My main jet was a size 88.Order the main jet from jetsrus in a size 92.Description to order is Genuine Keihin slow air jet size 92 (sku-99101-ZF5).Price is $7.29 and $6.98 shipping.Clean the carb with spray carb cleaner and spray in the jet holes and the air bleed small orifice in the carb throat.Put the pilot jet back in the top of the carb, my size 42 does fine. In two days you will get the new 92 main jet,Reinstall the main jet and tube and float bowl.Replace carb and throw away the air resrictor plug you found in the airbox inlet. You have now rejetted and fixed the lean mixture problem.Start up the Gator with the choke, let warm up for 1 minute, put it in gear, Slap your left hand now for wanting to grab the choke again to keep the thing running,Now,Nail the Gas and hang on!!One last thing, Run in the house screaming to you wife that you have a new gator,she will really appreciate it now.
Excellent info - Does it run better than with the factory supplied restrictor? I think the reason they did this is they probably saved manufacturing costs and were able order millions of the wrong carb - probably fits a different deere product - so they cheaply fine tuned air flow with the restrictor
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JD Gator only runs with choke
btw i paid less than 3 dollars for my new restrictor and it runs fine now. if it can run better with a diff jet i would be interested
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JD Gator only runs with choke
I replaced the fuel pump with an electric pump and fixed my problem, it also clicks loud when you are about to runout of gas.
Anyone know where to get an electric fuel pump to replace the crappy vacuum pump? I'm about to go on to the third one- they only seem to last me about a year or so before I start to get symptoms of the pump starting to weaken.
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JD Gator only runs with choke
The 92 main jet with the airbox restrictor removed really wakes up the motor. Throttle response is instant and the motor pulls way faster. The airbox looks resrictive, might try test running without the airbox cover to see if it is really affecting performance.
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JD Gator only runs with choke
I am very happy with the throttle response and the top speed performance of the machine without the airbox restrictor and with the larger main jet. The airbox design is restrictive enough as it is.
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JD Gator only runs with choke
Gator no power with out, Choking EASY FIX NO PARTS NEEDED
Remove Carb , than remove bowl on bottom take care not to loose the float pin, unscrew jet in center of the float , Drill the Jet With #56 metric = about 46 thousands of an inch, blow clean air thru reinstall and but remove rubber thing on end of air filter housing. this is the right fix and you only need a drill # 56 you can get this in the 115 drill set from harbor freight for $30 with 25% off Coupon or $12 online will get you 6 # 56 bit. PS the brace tube inside the high speed hole on the bottom will only go all the way in if the fat part enters last, if you like to clean it up before butting back in get som acetone and soak it all except the rubber gasket don't it will deform it possibly.
Another more complicated option is to get the right fittings and install and adjustable but no one is exactly straight about what kit, its not the one on top you would need to piece mill the bottom, to make that work and order parts that may fit or may not.
John Deere Creates Problems om purpose I think, PS Take Fine Tooth Hacksaw blade and Saw off nub on low speed idle jet adjustment another epa problem solved in 30 seconds.
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JD Gator only runs with choke
No, Main Jet 46-47 thousands Drill it with #56 metric bit slowly and easy, I know this works
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JD Gator only runs with choke
no , your incorrect main jet at the in the float bowl sucks gas and the hole is not large enough to start with , so you drill it 46-47 thousands with #56 metric drill.
This makes the gas match the air coming in higher up in there to match it up, than through away the end rubber outside you air cleaner so as not to choke it any more.
Runs like a champ no too; needed.
Don't get bad if your wrong you probably ment right in your own head but put it down wrong here.
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JD Gator only runs with choke
I want to give mrmopar a hug!!! I've fought this stupid thing for 2 weeks now and have thrown parts at it like i worked at a dealership: new carb (thanks for nothing JD Dealership mech), new fuel pump, new coil assy, new plug, new fuel filter, and the only problem was the restrictor being absent. inherited from my deceased dad-in-law, sure he knew what the problem was, but...
I've ordered the 92 replacement jet and will install soon but for now it's running with just a strip of packing tape covering 80% of the intake hole. now i've got a spare carb and coil
thank you again mopar for taking the time to write the crap up for the benefit of folks you'll probably never meet.
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