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tractor therapy
I know several people that when the winter hits with short days and no sun that have difficulty. It is hard for them to want to go out and they actually go into hibernation with body and mind and don't come out till spring. It is tough on their freinds and family as they are snippy and much the same as you've described. one of them had divorce papers filed for four straight years in January. Wish you luck!
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tractor therapy
Many people with bi-polar are normal at work and when away from home but act differently in familiar surroundings. Do you sit in with her at the Doctor's appointments?
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tractor therapy
I don't sit in on all the docotors appointments and I don't talk to her therapist. I did speak with her primary care physician and was concerned because she did not know the extent of what was going on -- but does now. One thing that I find is how little the different doctors communicate with each other -- and when they do it feels rushed (at least to me). I am an educator, and what I am used to is when a student is in trouble we have team meetings with parents, teachers, the advisor, administration -- and anyone else who is working with the child. This way we are all hearing the same message and are all on board as to the steps that are required to help the child. My experience is that medicine does not always work in the same way -- sometimes it does, but not always.
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tractor therapy
I feel for you. I know you'd need a tons of snow...........
Why is doctor prescribing several medications? One should be enough! The right one.
Look into it. Also the Internet is a great source of info's.But you most likely know everything about it by now.
Well, my wife was on the net often.It helped her to deal with me.
But I wanted get better, I worked on myself, when I was able to be with my senses. When I was on drugs I wes fine...no problem guy, BUT I did not want to take pills for a long time. I am fine I insisted.
Good luck.
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tractor therapy
The power of the Internet -- my best, non-medical guess, is that she suffers from a condition called borderline personality disorder. This explains a lot to me -- ongoing battle with bulimia, excessive spending, feelings of being worthless, extreme anger and depression -- but is also the "life of the party". The more I learn the more it fits -- but we'll see what the doctors say.
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tractor therapy
I've been watching this thread a couple of days. I don't really have anything of importance to add except I feel for you and your kids. As hard as it is on you, your kids are probably taking it hard. I don't know what the age of your kids, but have you looked into having them see a counselor to help them through the situation? Help them understand that Mommy is ill and her behavior is not due to anything the kids have done.
It's just a thought. Tractor therapy is great and I miss that therapy terribly with my move. I suspect I'm dealing with some form of depression over it but nothing like what you are dealing with.
I wish you the best and I hope things improve for you.
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tractor therapy
Oliver, you would do wise to take a list of all medications and be sure they don't fight each other. Also be sure each doctor is aware of all of her medications so they don't over prescribe. Some people play the doctor rounds to get the medications for the effects they want. As to doctors working together, sadly they often do not. You would do well to find one who is willing to take control of the situation and tell the others all must be cleared by me. As Iowa said, be sure the children understand where the problem is and be sure there are not given the impression they will grow up to be the same. kt
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tractor therapy
Probably going to see a psychiatrist next week. It's interesting -- I also learned she has accumulated significant credit card debt (not sure if I mentioned this) which she says she wants to deal with. Yet today, off she goes with one of the kids and spend a ton of money onstuff we don't need. It's sad, because I see her get angry with herself for doing this, but she doesn't seem to be able to stop. And the kids are 2, almost 4, and almost 6. The oldest just wants to know why she can't stay here, the middle climbs all over her when she is here but doesn't ask for her when she isn't, and the third is fine until bedtime when she just wants her mommy...
I've gotten over the need to put a label on my wife's condidtion. Instead, I want to make sure that the diagnosis and subsequent treatment are right.
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tractor therapy
Like some of the behavior, the shopping is probably a compulsion or an effect of the illness. For many people, shopping makes them feel better/happy with immediate gratification. The drawback is in the long run they are angry with themselves for doing it and causing the debt. I've known more than one person that used shopping and wine to make themselves feel better. It was only good for addressing the immediate bad feelings but made things worse in the long run.
Hang in there and make sure you are a rock for your kids. But don't forget to take care of yourself.
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tractor therapy
terrible situation, I'd cancell all credit cards, I know easy to say, in my case I have all in my name...
I feel sorry for both of you, Oliver......help will have to be fast.
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