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South Beach Diet Results
I have been following my own version of the South Beach diet minus the first two week regime since November 2006.
For my approach I:
-eliminated all types of desserts (cakes,pies,cookies...)
-eat only whole grain breads
-have Bobs Red Mill Oatmeal every day
-eliminated milk and cheese
-eat lots of fresh fruit and 16 ounces of plain yogurt a day
-black coffee, diet soda, and water to drink
-no potatoes or carrots but lots of vegetables like Broccoli, String beans , brussel sprouts etc.
-Eat lots of walnuts (add to oatmeal and as a snack with wheat chex)
-Whole grain rice occasionally
-lean meats and poultry
-no gravy
-no white bread
-no Alcohol
For fast food Wendys chili and grilled chicken (toss the bun) is my staple. Eat Paneras whole grain miche for bread.
OK if you do all of that I got a cholestoral score of 159 with NO medication. My cholestoral was always over 220 before. And I lost about 30 pounds and back to a size 34 waist.
I would have been very unhappy if with all those changes I had made no progress .
When I travel I have to pack the oatmeal and walnuts so I stay on the regime. It can be challenging when you are with other business people, but it is doable.
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South Beach Diet Results
Dennis, I'm curious, why not potatoes or carrots?
Potatoes for instance are an excellent source of all kinds of good stuff, you get more potassium from a medium potato than from a banana, and it also has nearly half your daily requirement of Vitamin C, it's also high in fibre (~10% of the dialy suggested amount, more than most 'whole grain' products) as well as thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, iron and zinc. All that and no fat, cholesteral or fat!!
Inquiring minds........
Best of luck.
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South Beach Diet Results
Purportedly carrots are high in sugar, I have some raw carrots in salad, eating tons of carrots for cravings is probably not that good when trying to lose weight. I know that in the past I thought eating carrots was a good diet strategy for between meals and I found it hard to lose weight and I was always hungry. Now I eat a snack mix of walnuts and wheat Chex and spoonsize shreaded wheat for a between meal snack or a slice of Paneras whole grain bread and a piece of fruit like an apple and I am not hungry.
On the potatoes for me I was trying to eliminate some things from my menu that I ate alot of, potatoes was a big one, meat and potatoes was the main deal (baked, mashed, oven roasted and French fried) around here. Vegetables and fruits rotted in the frig. I also consumed a lot of milk and cereal with sugar.
So eliminating some favorites like pasta,milk, potatoes,sugar etc. shifted the whole family to fresh fruits and fresh vegetables and whole grain products (my wife and kids still eat all of those foods but less than they did). It forced us to modify our behavior. For me it was simpler than portion control, the only reason you have a fat dog is if you feed him too much not what you feed him 
I think SB frowns on potatoes because they might be high in starch and lower in fiber, or perhaps like I said they are every where in all the fast food places and the fact they are a preferred food which displaces other vegetable choices.
One of my kids favorites now is steamed broccoli al dente with a tomato meat sauce, in preference to pasta 
As far as the South Beach diet, I scanned the book in a book store and picked up the key idea that you should eat more vegetables, more fiber, and eat less of the stuff the majority of people that are overweight eat. I put the book back on the shelf and said OK I can do that and I have been doing my own simplified version ever since. I think the meal and menu planning given out by SB in their books is just too painful, I am not a calorie counter.
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South Beach Diet Results
It took me 15 months to lose 80 lbs with LA Weight Loss. It's sort of funny, my wife wanted to do it and dragged me along kicking and screaming. It's been 50 weeks since reaching my goal weight and it's still off. Holidays are a bit challenging, and I'll still have a piece of pie or pizza periodically, but it's worked out great for me. I've never had a cholesterol or blood pressure problem but both are lower than they were before.
PS - when I need to eat out I always look for a Wendy's and eat their Chicken BLT salad with one packet of fat-free french dressing. That's a heck of a salad for the price and it seems to stick with me for a few hours.
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South Beach Diet Results
An average medium potatoe has 9% of your daily suggested intake of Carbohydrates, but of that 9% only 1% is sugar, the other 8% is fibre.
If you compare "suggested serving sizes" of different vegetables to potatoes you might be surprised.
Brussell sprouts have 55% more calories, and 75% more carbs,
Broccolli has slightly more calories and more fat,
Peas have 300% of the calories, and 170% more carbs.
Oh, and to compare, Paneras whole grain miche (NOTE: a serving size of this product is 57 grams, a potatoe is 148 grams, or 2.6 times larger) has 320 mg more Sodium, and slightly more carbs than a potatoe does.
Best of luck.
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South Beach Diet Results
Ken it's funny but Wendy's seems to be one of the fast food chains where the fast food tastes a little better and non fried selections can be made that are healthier alternatives.
I always use Google maps on my phone to see if one is in the area when I am traveling.
In Canada the McDonalds in the Toronto area allowed you to order a side salad with a combo instead of fries, but that has not happened in this market. Although the whole idea of MD is so anti healthy I rarely go there with the family unless we have no other option.
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South Beach Diet Results
I don't know about down there, but up here Subway has great salads too. My good lady has some pretty severe food allergies and our dining out options, especially at fast food joints, is severely limited, as are her choices.
The only problem is that they use the same shredded lettuce that they use as a topping on their salads.
Best of luck.
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South Beach Diet Results
An average medium potatoe has 9% .......
I could not agree with you more about the praises of Potatoes and how ridiculous it can seem to slander the health benefits of the Potato.
Moderation and diversification are wise practices and if applied will get great results if you can adhere to a program. For me potatoes, white bread, and pasta were wonderful foods, only problem was I had an addiction to them. I find it easier to cut out some favorites and diversify easier than it is to use moderation as the primary control, though moderation is always implicit in any weight loss or maintenance plan. All of us have different approaches to what works.
PS I don't eat peas either because they are too sweet 
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South Beach Diet Results
Congrads to you guys that have lost the weight. I lost 70 lbs. a few years ago, 250 - 180, then lost my will and gained it all back plus a few. Quitting smoking was easy, quitting Copenhagen was a real tough one, but I just can't seem to stick to a diet. The Mrs. says I need to subscribe to one of those mail order deals where they send you a month's worth of meals. Has anyone tried that? I'm fat and happy, but I know I'm not fat and healthy. Frank.
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South Beach Diet Results
.......The Mrs. says I need to subscribe to one of those mail order deals where they send you a month's worth of meals. Has anyone tried that? I'm fat and happy, but I know I'm not fat and healthy.Frank.
My wife's two sisters have done the meal delivery thing the first one was very successful on it, and bought the program for her sister. They both lost weight, but ultimately they gained it all back.
Fortunately for my wife she has never had to go on a diet, must be that nervous energy she has 
You have to find something that works for you. For me some sort of pattern works. Right now I am doing the whole grain, fresh fruits and and vegetables, lean meats lower starch approach.
In the early 90's I used to take a baking potato to work and microwave it at the office for lunch and eat it plain. If I went out for lunch I had a Lettuce Tomato Onions hot peppers and mustard veggie sandwich on a sub roll. Then I would have lots of salad and lean meat for dinner. I combined that with lots of aerobic exercise with a bicycle club. I used to do100 mile bicycle rides in one day on the weekends, I was pretty obsessive. Got my waist to a 33 inch and weight 10 pounds over High School.
But with a family growing I no longer had the time to spend all day out with the club.
I believe you have to make changes to your behavior that you can find a way to sustain over time, and may be a very different approach for each of us.
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