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South Beach Diet Results
Update on reversal diet. I had a stress test last week. It has now been 3 years on a plant based diet. results are as follows:
1. Uncontrolled BP of 225/156 on many meds now
124/80 on a few meds
2. lost 80lbs
3. cholesterol from 230 to 125, LDL from 143 to 56
4. no digestive problems and work like I did 25
years ago
5. Last but not least noted increase in perfusion
of heart in area effected before by plaques.
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South Beach Diet Results
Nice Job!
LDL of 56 is really low, it is great when all of your work gets results 
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South Beach Diet Results
Nice job with the numbers! I could easily become a vegetarian but the wife would have nothing to do with it. So I go the opposite way and have been back on Atkins since the first of the year.
I did Atkins five years ago, lost almost fifty pounds and then maintained my weight for three more years. Once I went off Atkins and started eating starches again, I gained twenty pounds in less than two years.
No matter what the diet, my cholesterol goes up and down with the actual pounds I gain or lose. Same with my BP and blood sugar. After trying so many different diets over the years my belief is that low body fat and regular exercise are the key to good health. How you get there is fairly irrelevant as long as your intake of nutrients is up to par.
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South Beach Diet Results
I tried a different plan, I lost 135 pounds in one weekend.
Wife moved out.
BP way down, stress way down, 20 pounds less of me.
I eat lots of veggies, both direct and indirectly (after it's part of a cow) and fresh fruit.
Exercise is mandatory or Deputy Dog goes crazy on me. For every mile I walk he and his sister do probably 5 miles.
As Cutter says, don't matter how you get there, as long as it's a good place.
Best of luck.
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South Beach Diet Results
Update on reversal diet. I had a stress test last week. It has now been 3 years on a plant based diet. ...
Hi Doc,
Can you give me an update on how you are doing on your regimen. I have been doing OK on mine with only small diversions, but my BP has been creeping up too much, like to avoid meds, but it is hard, and have not kept up with the exercise needed to keep it down, only gettting out once or twice a week.
PS my 17 year old nephew just get a 2004 Mustang GT, he would love that ride you have 
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South Beach Diet Results
Dennis good to hear from you. I am doing well, into this program about 6 1/2 years now. Gained back about 16 of the 80 pounds I lost. I also do not excecise as much as I should. Since we last spoke I bought a 40ft Motorhome and have been traveling alot. Just bought my 13 yr old a Cub Cadet 1872 super garden tractor. We have enjoyed puttering around with it this past month. Still have the Mustang he won't let me sell it and it will still keep up with traffic if need be. Thanks for the up date.
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South Beach Diet Results
When I started I had a 38 inch waist I got it down to 34 and I have kept it there, on the weight I had lost 30 lbs, I gained 8 to 10 back.
On the diet my wife is still trying to kill me by not cooking and bringing high sodium and high fat food home. Penalties of marrying a younger woman who can stay slim regardless of what she eats.
On the diet I have slipped a bit:
-(no change) eliminated all types of desserts (cakes,pies,cookies...)
-(change) eat only whole grain breads, eat more white than I should
-(no change) have Bobs Red Mill Oatmeal every day
-(change) eliminated milk and cheese have nonfat milk and occasional cheese
-(change) eat lots of fresh fruit and not as much yogurt
-(change) black coffee, NO diet soda only water to drink
-(change) occasional potatoes much lower vegetables like Broccoli, String beans , brussel sprouts etc. much more salad
-Eat lots of walnuts (add to oatmeal and as a snack with wheat chex)
-change very little to never Whole grain rice
-lean meats and poultry
-no gravy
-no Alcohol
-No Wendys McD etc.
Over the winter I was under alot of stress BP was off the charts. Started rigorous exercise program, spin 45 min to hour 5 times a week. It helped but it is short lived unless you keep it up. Changed jobs... new job initially even more stressful... no time for exercise. Two kids in HS, one starts college next year.....
I think I have missed the critical ingredient in your program...."the Mobile Home"... and the time to enjoy life.
Are you still off meat? and are you trying to reduce sodium?
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South Beach Diet Results
Dennis sorry it took so long to get back to you I was traveling. I strongly recomend the motorhome. Yes I am still a vegan and would also strongly recommend you give up the meat and dairy very bad with HBP and cardio disease. switch to soy milk also need to watch total fruit intake due to high amount of sugar. I also watch salgt. My situation is different my wife is the food nazi in my house and won't let me eat bad foods.
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