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South Beach Diet Results
It is very hard to keep the weight off. You just have to get into a routine and stay there. If you fall off the wagon, which is easy to do during the holidays or when on vacation, you have to climb right back on. It would be great if you could take the weight off and never worry about it again but, unfortunately, that's not our lot in this life.
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South Beach Diet Results
It took me 15 months to lose 80 lbs ........
Ken 80 pounds that is quite an accomplishment!
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South Beach Diet Results
Thanks, Dennis, it was hard but worth it. I went from 295 to 215, and then rose to 220 which was my original goal. I'm now trying to lose another 20, we'll see how that goes.
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South Beach Diet Results
Dennis your efforts are comendable if I might give a few suggestions, I have been working with nutrition in my practice for 20 years. The program you are following is very good. 3 years ago I found out I had a 90, 95, and many 20,30and 40% blockages in my heart the 90 and 95 were at a tee and a stent was not an option as opening one would block the other. Even if a stent could be used I would not have had it done as overall morbidity is not improved. I started a reversal diet total vegatarian no white flower or sugar no oil of any kind. I lost 80lbs and my cholesteral is 122 the goal should be <150. Sum suggestions: If it had a face or a mother don't eat it as the animal protiens play a big part in causing heartattacks, soy milk is a great replacment for cows milk, stay away from fruit juice too much sugar, a few nuts are ok but they are mostly all fat,you can get a sweet treat once in awhile by having a piece of dark chocolate the darker the better. of course the real challenge is eating out. You can almost always find a subway wherever you are they have salads and no fat dressing sweet onoin and honey mutard they also have a veggie sandwhich and alot have veggie patty sand. you can eat chinese, steamed veggie and brown rice, veggie pizza no cheese also around her there are several mexican chains that all have vegatarian food Baja Freash, qdoba, and California tortilla These diets are not easy but the fact is 95% of all degenerative disease could be avoided with diet. Also there is no problem eating carrots or potatoes unless thats all you eat and that would be the same for anything. thanks and keep with it
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South Beach Diet Results
You can't ignore the genetic factor. I eat 8-12 oz of meat a day and my cholesterol and blood pressure are as good as anyones. On the other hand, a very good friend of mine with no weight problem had severe heart troubles and a quadruple bypass. After that experience he began chelation, a strict vegetarian regime, exercised an hour/day, and a year after the bypass his arteries were clogged again. And he is VERY strict on his diet.
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South Beach Diet Results
....... 3 years ago I found out I had a 90, 95, and many 20,30and 40% blockages in my heart the 90 and 95 were at a tee and a stent was not an option as opening one would block the other.......
Doc, have they been able to measure the blockage levels now that you have been on the new health regime?
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South Beach Diet Results
kwschumm genetic predisposition is definitly important but good genetics can be overcome with poor diet and life style very easily. Also you say your cholesterol is as good as any, good in this case can be a relative term many physicians think a total cholesterol of 200 is good. It really should be < = to 150 to really lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. weight ,cholesterol levels and amount of excercise are also not always good indicators of health remember Jim Fix. Studies have shown at autopsy that the average american male has the beginings of cardiovascular disease by age 21. The only way you can truly know your situation is by having a heart cath done or some advanced imaging which is not offered everywhere. Bypasses alone are temporary at best because you have not stopped the reason for the blockage in the first place. Also you are trying to make a vien work like an artery and they have very different morphology. Not to mention what happens in your brain when they clamp off your aorta an all the sludge in it is pushed up into your brain.
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South Beach Diet Results
It's been about a year, but IIRC my cholesterol was in the 117 range (whatever it was the doctor was impressed) and BP is generally in the 110/70 range.
I have no proof but for years I've been suspicious of the prevailing wisdom regarding cholesterol (hey, don't take it personal, I'm suspicious of prevailing wisdom on most topics ). Maybe high cholesterol levels are a symptom of a deeper problem and not a primary cause for cardiovascular problems.
A couple of years ago I read an article by a researcher whose theory about cholesterol indicated similar thoughts. His theory was that cholesterol was manufactured by the body to repair damage to the walls of veins and arteries. High cholesterol levels indicate that either 1) the body is responding to genuine arterial problems that are not being healed by this mechanism, or 2) that the bodies mechanism that manufactures cholesterol went haywire. To me this theory makes more sense than the idea that cholesterol is strictly a byproduct of what one eats, but either way high cholesterol is certainly an indicator of problems.
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South Beach Diet Results
Dennis I have not had another heart cath done because of the risk involved. This is the test I would need to have a valid comparison. I am going to have a stress test in feb and am considering some imaging eventhough I don't have an original to compare to it would be a good baseline going into the future. I have seen before and after cath studies on other patients on the same program and there is reversal noted. You will not go from 90% to 10% but the important thing is the lesion does not progress. The vast majority of MIs come not from 80 and 90% blocks but from the 30,40 and 50s these are more dangerous since they are less mature and can rupture much more easily.
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South Beach Diet Results
Kwschumm you are correct cholesterol only plays apart in cv disease the # one component is animal protiens and enzymes that cause the plaques to rupture. In areas of the world like rural china and pre wwII japan where the diet is totally plant based there was and is no cv disease.
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