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 07-12-2006, 16:10 Post: 132063

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Your guys are a BLAST.

There is no doubt a build up of gas is dangerous.

Safe way to check fittings for gas leak is with soap water such as dishwashing detergent solution. If it bubbles there is a leak.

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 07-12-2006, 17:02 Post: 132070

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Your guys are a BLAST.

This could be taken 2 ways?

Which one did you have in mind?

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 07-12-2006, 17:14 Post: 132072

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Probably the second way. Now if something goes kaboom I meant the first way. Glad your issue turn out well. Did you tell how you found the spot and I missed it?

By the way SG, did you try using the leaking gas to get the cat from under the house? The above ground hole was not from your shooting at the cat was it?

The tank popping up probably was due to the coastal area's high water level. A station in my town put in large underground tank on side of small hill. Lots of rain hit and up it came. Local cemetary had to be moved for same reason, rain came down and the caskets came up.

Again, I am very happy it turned out well and safe.

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 07-12-2006, 20:54 Post: 132077

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Larry, if this was such a non-problem, why post?

Oh, yeah. Nevermind.

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 07-12-2006, 20:54 Post: 132078

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Did you tell how you found the spot and I missed it?

No I didn't but here is how I found it.

I tore out about a 6 foot section from where the line came up out of the ground.
I marked out a radius with aluminum paint of 6 feet from where the pipe came out of the ground.
I knew the line under ground had to be within that 6 foot circle else the section I tore out would never have ranched the part of the line sill under ground.
The only thing I didn't know was how deep!
Next I laid out the torn out line in the path I felt would most likely be the way that piece of line was installed originally.
At the end of the line I painted a 2' square with aluminum paint with the end of the line centered in the square.
This gave me what I figured was my best guess of what area of the 6 foot circle the buried line was in.
Now I was ready to Start Digging.
My neighbor watched the Back Hoe Bucket as I dug starting in the 2 foot square area I'd marked out with the paint.
We found the undamaged line on the third scoop with the BH.

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 07-12-2006, 21:26 Post: 132080

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It may have been done between the cats and armordillas. No the tank was an old one that they thought they could bury in the ground. When it popped up and they put it above ground it got a hole in the bottom. Then again it was approx. a .222 hole well let me think about this. Laughing out loud

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 07-12-2006, 23:11 Post: 132081

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I watched some professional gas utilities guys rip out an active 1" line to a home (I had already demoed) from an 8" main with a BH buried under the shoulder of a 4-lane highway. The guy watching was smoking and tossed the lit cigarette butt in the hole as gas spewed out. Totally in disbelief I asked what the f____ was he was thinking! He shrugged it off and said the gas has to get at least 6 feet above the hole AND hit an open flame for it to catch fire. Well okay then.

By the way when I got the demo permit from the city they told me and gave me supposed proof that the gas had been cut. Well it hadn't---in the middle of demoing the gas co. was called and they put a temp cap over where the meter was and took the meter. So I tore the house down with it on! The 2 weeks later the gas co. had the balls to show up again and finish disconnecting the gas---which is when they pulled out the line. Four weeks after that they sent me a bill for $400 for damaging their gas line and the meter! I called their legal department and stated my case. The legal guys agreed it was their fault and said forget about paying it. Kewl.

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 07-15-2006, 18:34 Post: 132227

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More fun water in gas line

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