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Well Water Problems
I can offically put an end to the (Bladder pressure tank)
thread! I replaced the whole system at the other house and still have the same problem. After further digging into this problem, I have found where it exists. Its in the well. Anyone who has any idea's can chime in here !!! .
Some info first: The well was dilled in July of 2000.
I told him that when he gets good water to stop. He called me and said he is 44 feet down and has water that after being pumped for 6 hours at 2.5 gallons a minuit is at a static level of 37 feet. The water level is at 33 feet with out pumping. I have had no problems at all with water in all these years. Last year was not perticulariy dry nor has this year been.
Last summer (Ayg.) I noticed the problem while washing the tractor, I would run out of water. The kid told me that after the LONG showers they seem to take that they would run out also. I screwed around and then put a whole new pressure tank system in along with all new parts. Not the problem! This weekend I start the pump at the circuit breaker and run out to the well. I can hear it pumping and it sounds like its pumping (and it is). All of a sudden you hear, "A girgel-ling sound and then a sound like its sucking air mixed with water, then you hear a sound like its not sucking anything but air?
The pressure tank shows the same thing. It will pump up to about 20 pounds (if at zero) and then stop moving up. I have to turn power off to the pump and wait about 7 min.
Then I turn it back on and I will have about 10-15 more pounds of pressure build in the tank. After three times of doing this, I have enough water in the tank to turn the pressure switch off (OPEN the points).
Anyone hear have any suggestions or idea's? I feel the well is not producing enough water or may closing up?
I was going to call the well guys but want some advice here first, thanks alot !
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Well Water Problems
Sounds like the well is being drawn down past either the foot valve, or some other opening in the line.
I had a similar problem with a dug well I use strictly for a source of wash water, not potable, for my shop. It turned out there was a crack in the poly line down the well, if I pumped it for more than a few minutes it would do exactly what you describe. I replaced the line from the elbow at surface, down to the foot valve and the problem dissapeared instantly.
Best of luck.
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Well Water Problems
Unless you have a LARGE diameter well where you can drop a ladder and go down and dig a bit (sentiment will gather at the bottom and what was a 44 ft well can become a 42 foot well) the ONLY options you have is to get the Well people back out to drill it deeper and if the static line maintains at 37 feet you wil have water. The diameter of the pipe or well as well as many feet of water you have will determine how many Gallons are in reserved. If I read it right, you have a 44 foot well with water at the 33 foot level, or 11 feet of static. If each foot of pipe holds a Gallon and Half, you have 16.5 gallons of water in the well that you can use before you suck air. The water recovery is 2.5 gallons a minute so you can factor that in as well. If it takes you 5 minutes to use 1.5 gallons of the water in the static line, then you have also replenished 12.5 gallons into the static line, so every 5 minutes you will decrease your reserve water by 4 gallons, at that rate you have actually have 22 minutes of continous use before you suck air. Based on 1.5 gallons per foot of static. SO I would venture to say, you will have to dig deeper and maybe even increase the diameter of the well, that will give you many more gallons for reserve.
If you can use the ladder, be advised, been there, done that and the water was frigid and I had to use a broken shovel to dig the sentiment and then lift it out, one lare 5 gallon pail at a time. Very cold, dress warm. If it is NOT a Cestern type of well but a drilled well, you really don't have many otions except maybe putting a LARGE HOLDING TANK above ground, were at night when you are using water, the Holding tank will be replenished. Then you would have the Static line and the holding tank for reserve plus whatever amount is in the bladder.
Good Luck.
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Well Water Problems
Broken around here 7 gpm is the minimum that most people consider aceptable for residential use. Sounds like your well output is awful low to begin with, and probably need to drill deeper.
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Well Water Problems
The well I have on the "new" property is a few years old. When I called the "well-guy" that drilled it he said that he could come out and "clean" it out of sediment and whatever. Brig it back to the origional 15 gpm rating. (44' deep BTW)
This may be an option for you. Maybe not go any deeper, just clean out the casing and free it up again.
When I was a kid we would do this by firing a rifle down the sand point (2" dia pipe) of our sprinkler pump. The bullet's impact on the water at the bottom would clean out the screen and we could get another year or two from the point before replacement. We did this a couple of times.
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Well Water Problems
WOW! you guys talk about 7 gpm as min and 15 gpm. Holly macoroni.
I am 760 feet down and I only get 3/4 gpm and most resorts are less than 5 gpm. I also have about a 200 ft static line. But wow! 7 gpm, that is almost Ole Faithful j/k Wish we had water like that. We have good water, but it is deep. 15 gpm, geez! that is something. I think once I heard of a place up North that they estimated 20 gpm, but anything over 5 around these parts ia rarity.
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Well Water Problems
With only 3/4 gpm you must have a large storage tank, right? To put in a residential lawn sprinkler system here I believe you need 14gpm +.
My well is about 500 feet and I have been replacing the pump at 18 month intervals, where you should get about 10 years out of it ordinarily.
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Well Water Problems
I have a 40 gal bladder tank and have NEVEr runed out of water.
Lawn Sprinkler systems??? Here in Vermont, God waters the grass when needed and last year it was always on my DAYS OFF.
I have been giving considerable thought about a LARGE holding tank up further the mountain. It would be great during some of these 5 day Power outages to have water. I have heat and I have cooking, but water is what I am short of and I refuse to buy a Generator. Kerosene lamps and a Coal furnace and gas stove is all one needs and the kids are force to do some readng during those days. Don't hurt no one a bit. But a 1000 gal water tank that would gravity fed to the house is what I am considering right now.
I put a Gray water system in last year and what a relief on the septic.
I have only 3/4 to 1 gp, recovery in my well, but as I said I have 8 inch pipe and over a 200 ft static line, I have always had plenty.
I have lived at my place for 21 years and have NEVER replaced the pump in the well. Are you living near a Utility pole and a transformer and guy wire? are you poer lines grounded to your water lines? Your Pitless Adapter on the well is made of Brass and the pipe is steel and like a boat in water that needs a Zinc metal bloack to prevent the electro whatever, you may be getting the same process that is burning out your pump. The people before me did and they ran seperate Ground wires to 10 ft ground rods at the other end of the house versus the water lines. There was something else done as well, but my frugile mind don't remeber exactly what. Haven't replaced a pump since and that is well over 21 years. I think it may have been the Phone lines that were grounded to the water pipes and they were moved.
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Well Water Problems
BA I'm a little discouraged about my other thoughts in the old thread.
Many of our neighbors lose water when it's dry here. It never occured to ask that given the symptoms. Me I have about 15 GPM running out the top of mine all day every day for over 16years now, Artisian.
Bite the bullet and call your driller to have a look see.
Is your wife in the Motel? Sorry had to ask.
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Well Water Problems
The well for my house is 280ft deep and the water comes to within 8' of the surface. From there a 1hp myers pump pumps into the Aireator and a 3/4hp myers pump on a blatter tank sends in the house. The setup has been working for 12yrs.
My flowing well is 680ft deep and will send a 2" stream of water 8'. It will change all the waterout in my 1 acre pond in 12hrs. One thing, there is no oxygen in the water. When putting water in a pond it must splash on the surface or some kind of stucture. Almost killed all the fish, that is how i know how long it takes to change out. Alot of guys use a bushhog, back it in the pond and let it eat.
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