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Well water sulfur smell causes
Around the house, my well water is just fine - no sulfer smell. Over at my barn, the water coming out of the garden hose is bad enough (sulfer smell) to just about knock me out. The garden hose is kept inside for the 'car/tractor wash bay'.
The barn is fed from my house well under ground about 160' (I doubt this has anything to do with the smell, but giving as many details as possible.)
I know pex tubing can be bought with and without oxygen barriers. Could it be that well water sitting in a garden hose is reacting with the hose or something?
Thanks, Jason
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Well water sulfur smell causes
In my area we have what is called the Black Plague sulfur smell and white incrustation problem. The plague fumes in a home attacks any electronic or metal surface---even gold--- and turns them black rendering them inoperable. Peroxide doesn't kill it nor does reverse-osmosis. I have a hunch the aquifer runs through or touches the huge limestone deposits here.
The sulfer is a "by-product" (read: poop) from bacteria in the water. Your hose is likely a breeding ground since there is ample heat and light by which to multiply. You might want to build yourself an ulraviolet light sanitizer which is clear tube the water runs through and is exposed to a UV light source. You might want to switch to a RV camper-style, canister, carbon water filter at the faucet and use the white hoses designed specifically for potable water. That should reduce the vynil chorides being released, reacting with, or feeding the bacteria.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
I was suspicious about some bacteria in the water, based on some mildew near a dripping faucet. So I was already considering a UV system. I had no idea the sulfer small was a byproduct.
- Jason
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Well water sulfur smell causes
The mildew is likely airborne-based and may be feeding on the same nutrients as the bacteria, or even feeding on the bacteria. I'm not a biologist but I play one on TV.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
Flush that system with chlorine ASAP.
Bacterial growth anywhere in the system will spread retrograde to the pipes you drink from.
A UV light will not fix the problem you describe.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
I agree with drankin. Chlorine should be your solution, at least for now for three reasons: 1) It's cheap. 2) It's going to kill everything in that line, not just the stuff at the uv exposure. 3)It's easier than adding a uv source.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
A bleach flush of the lines is planned next week with the installation of the UV system. My thought is, once the line are clean, and the UV system is in place - nothing should come back.
Thanks, Jason
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Well water sulfur smell causes
Lemme know if it works 'cause I pass out your phone number to the 100,000 or so in my area who have the problem. In the two cities south of me the cost of buying and maintaining the system (reverse osmosis, salt, peroxide, etc.) far and away exceeds the cost of filling up a 1,000 gallon tank in the back of a truck or trailer which cost $5 to fill from the Detroit City Water tap.
My buddy 10 years ago spent $10,000 on the system initially, and costs him $30-$70 a WEEK for peroxide and about the same for salt from Culligan. I got severely sick drinking the peroxide-laden water.
At least in my area, the bacteria live in the ground water aquifer.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
Jasonr...Yes you need to drop some simple store bought bleach down the well to kill the bacteria in the well and run it through all the lines in the house. We have an inline filter and put bleach right into the clear screw on part of the filter and then run through all the faucets. You should also remember to get the bleach into your hot water tank as well as bacteria grows faster in that tank. You will instantly smell the difference in your water after you clorinate with the bleach. You may have to do this once or twice a year. Hope this helps, It helped me for sure!Just remember if the bleach doesn't touch or go through that line then the bacteria will back track, back into the house lines again. Good luck
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Well water sulfur smell causes
EW, I'll let you know...
nosteiner4me - thanks. The only time I ever smell anything is out of the garden hose - after it has sit for a while. Hence, I don't think I have a huge issue at the well - at least nothing the UV system won't overcome. There's a good chance the whole issue is in the piping itself, as I did a lot of changing to the system over the past year.
I'm anticipating numerous bleach treatments to clean out the pipings.
- Jason
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