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Well water sulfur smell causes
I am curious. I have one well that is sulfur and one that is not. It sounds as though the smell you are getting does not have anything to do with a sulfur supply but rather with pollutants in your lines, correct?
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Well water sulfur smell causes
Bleaching a water system.
I use a quart of Clorox per 150 gallons of water on my camping trailer and it will clean out that system if it is very stale. I dump that water because it has too much chlorine to drink. After cleaning, I fill my tanks with fresh water from the well and it tastes great.
I doubt that you will have to do "several treatments" if you get the bleach thoroughly through the system. If you can put it in at the well or pump, you will treat your whole system. Run all the faucets till you smell chlorine in both the hot and cold water lines. Let it sit for an hour and you should pretty well sanitize the system.
You can contaminate the system when you do plumbing work. I have inline filters at house, barn, etc and I fill them with bleach whenever I have the water system open or install new parts from the supply house.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
Install an aerator, this will stop your sulfur smell. 200 to 300 gallon should do just fine. I clean the aerator once a year with clorine.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
As far as Cutter having one well with sulfer and one without, I feel it is eithe a matter of the well depths possibly being different and/or the location of the well in possibly different aquifers (underground rivers). SO if the sources are different so goes the water type/quality.
I have an aunt who is situated between two close-by neighbors---within 100 feet each way. The neighbors on either side only had to drill down 250 feet through sand to get sweet water. She had to go down 625 feet through rock and still has sulfer water--mixed with methane gas. You can literally take a match and light the water on fire. She is about 100 miles from me. Where I live the limestone shelf can be a mile thick, you can't go deep enough to reach sweet water.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
I have a sulfer smell in my well that you only smell in periods of draught. Another way to control sulfer smell is to raise the level of the pump in your well.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
My wells are about 500' apart and the sulfur well is deeper in addition to being downhill from the sweet well. I have a third well that is in close proximity to the sweet well that is salt water.
Now I have municipal water supplied by Lake Ontario, so we use that for what the sulfur well used to supply but still drink the sweet stuff. My barn is now supplied by the sulfur well. One thing I do miss for sure is the softness of the sulfur well water for taking a shower, it was pure luxury.
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Well water sulfur smell causes
EW, I'll let you know...nosteiner4me - thanks.The only time I ever smell anything is out of the garden hose - after it has sit for a while.Hence, I don't think I have a huge issue at the well - at least nothing the UV system won't overcome.There's a good chance the whole issue is in the piping itself, as I did a lot of changing to the system over the past year.I'm anticipating numerous bleach treatments to clean out the pipings.- Jason
Have you considered replacing the garden hose with another one or even disconnecting the hose and draining it between uses?
== L B ==
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