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 07-04-2008, 11:51 Post: 155075

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 Toilet problems

having problem with toilet, it will flush once, but the second flush it starts to backup...this is without any waste, thinking that one of my grand kids may have put a toy or something in bowl and flushed, my question is, are there any tools or tricks to retrieving obstacle with out removing toilet?...house is under a year old.
thanks ajp2927

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 07-04-2008, 12:26 Post: 155076

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 Toilet problems


The fact that your toilet flushes one time, without any problems, is a good indication that your stoppage is located a bit further down the sewer line. Removing the toilet probably won't allow you to get to the stoppage.

The better option is to find the closest clean-out plug in your main sewer line.

If you have a basement (doubtful in Louisiana) you can probably find the clean-out plug near the last bend in your main sewer line -- just before it goes out through the wall of your house. If you don't have a basement, the sewer clean-out plug may be located in a crawl-space.

If you pour water into the clean-out opening, you'll be able to tell if the stoppage is locate prior to, or after the clean-out plug. You'll then know which direction to run the sewer rat.


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 07-04-2008, 13:12 Post: 155077

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 Toilet problems

thanks for the quick response...i will try cleanout, but reason i thought it was toilet , because i can run faucet and
it does not clog.
thanks again

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 07-04-2008, 13:19 Post: 155078

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 Toilet problems

My guess from the few clues given would be that the blockage is closer rather than further from the toilet.

If one flush fills the pipe to the point the second flush can't disappear, then the blockage is closer than 2 flushes worth of water.

The volume of a 4" pipe (standard waste pipe) is ~0.6533 gal / foot. If you have the standard low water usage (1.5 gal / flush) toilet and a 4" pipe, then the blockage would be about 2'6" per flush away, 2 flushes, 5' away.

Best of luck.

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 07-04-2008, 15:37 Post: 155081

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 Toilet problems

If a toy went thru toilet hard to imagine it stopping in pipe to tank.

I'd try a toilet snake first then move to first clean out.

New system I'd lean more toward a burr in a coupling area and has built up with hair and paper. But that is a WAG. (wild ass guess)

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 07-04-2008, 20:46 Post: 155088

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 Toilet problems

Murf: In Canada-eh, would the "flushes per" be expressed FPM (Flushes Per Meter...errr... MetRE) Or are flushes (US) Standard?

How many flushes is it from Toronto to, say "DeTwa"? Smile

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 07-05-2008, 09:02 Post: 155093

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 Toilet problems

I agree with Harvey. Try a toilet snake first. And make sure you have maximum length on the toilet snake. About 6 months ago I had the same problem. I bought a toilet snake from Home Depot. It didn't fix the problem. I called a plumber and his toilet snake went about 1 foot further and fixed the problem.

Another (expensive) solution for a poor flush is to get a high pressure flush toilet with internal bladder. It cost me a fortune, but when my son was continuously plugging the toilet I was thinking of his safety. The wife was ready to kill him! The high pressure toilet fixed the problem. (Geez, he was a little kid too!)

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 07-07-2008, 09:11 Post: 155132

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 Toilet problems

Originally Posted by earthwrks | view 155088
How many flushes is it from Toronto to, say "DeTwa"? Smile

It all depends on how many times I stop at a Tim Hortons* along the way.......

Best of luck.

* TimHortons is a famous Canadian coffee shop chain for those that don't know, it seems like there's one on every corner, great cuppa java.......

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 07-07-2008, 11:19 Post: 155135

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 Toilet problems

Originally Posted by ajp2927 | view 155077
thanks for the quick response...i will try cleanout, but reason i thought it was toilet , because i can run faucet and it does not clog.thanks againajp

How about when draining a tub full of water? And if you have a second toilet does it flush fine? May help you narrow it down. kt

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 07-07-2008, 11:39 Post: 155137

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 Toilet problems

Another consideration is the vent stack. I've had some weird stuff happen with a partially clogged stack. Check for bird nests or stuck critters.

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