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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Murf, on the line of paying fuel tax and such pro rated to the state the truck is driven in. I was surprised a few years back to find that out. Talking with an independent trucking who kept his odometer reading as he hit each state line. Told me at that time how much it saved him rather that just us the ratio who ever the government agency is provides.
I don't have problem understanding some road beds can not support loads that are running on them today. But if that is true who is responible for that? If the government approves a certain limit and it is their roads, are they not suppose to know what they are capable of and not?
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
I don't have problem understanding some road beds can not support loads that are running on them today. But if that is true who is responible for that? If the government approves a certain limit and it is their roads, are they not suppose to know what they are capable of and not?
The problem isn't really the load Kenny, as the weight of the truck goes up, so to must the number of axles carrying it. The regs limit the amount of weight that each axle can transmit to the road (carry).
The theory is that it shouldn't matter if you have 10 trucks with 4 axles each carrying 60,000 pounds, or 5 trucks with 8 axles each carrying 120,000 pounds. Each axle is still just carrying 15,000 pounds, and there are still only 40 axles passing over the road.
The problem is when the Government takes the extra money as a windfall and spends it somewhere else instead of banking it for the repair or replacement of the road it was ear-marked for.
Governments the world over do this, but I also see individuals doing too. Cars and trucks wear out, but nobody accrues for it. I see it constantly in the aircraft world, people think that if they fly for 5 hours and it takes 60 gallons of gas to do that, that's the cost. But then they get to the point where the engine is in need of a rebuild, they are facing a $15,000 bill, and don't have the money because they were working on the basis that the aircraft cost the equivalent of 12gal./hour times the price of fuel, instead of adding the $15/hour (or whatever amount) the engine would cost to overhaul.
Good to see you back around Steve.
Best of luck.
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Thanks Tedd, I am impressed that you remembered my name
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Murf: "Accruing"--do you mean amoritize (amortise, eh?)?
Murf, in practice (or practise ) those extra axles have been shown to set up a vibration frequency which has the effect of pulverizing the roadway. I believe it was Michigan State U. that did the study. It was on TV as an expose'.
When I was going back and forth to New Orleans from 'sippi, the LA Motor Carrier Enforcement said they were citing commercial vehicles if they did not have fuel reciepts. 'sippi said they don't enforce it. It's all a big tangle and jumble of laws that overlap and some that don't. Some enforced; some not.
And it bears saying that during and after a disaster, the Feds can request states suspend certain DOT laws/regs. After the request expires then staets go full bore to revover lost revenue. I gots the t-shirt!
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Steve, hey, what can I say, I couldn't tell you what I had for dinner last night, but I recall your name. Old age?
Jeff, no "accruing" was the right word. From my dictionary "to accumulate or be added periodically transitive verb: to accumulate or have due after a period of time ".
I think the relaxing after a disaster is more likely to do with not wanting to upset the Feds (FEMA) by getting in the way of relief aid. I have a buddy who normally flys for charities in Africa, getting doctors and relief in & out of remote areas. He happened to be in the US on leave when Katrina hit. He flew waaaaaay more more hours than he would normally be allowed to because the Feds had suspended the rules in the days afterward till things normalized.
Best of luck.
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Never think it cant be worse. Living in South Africa in the early 90's I was paying and effective 52% tax rate and I got very little for it. Kids would have had to go to a private school (state education is very poor). Salary taxed, benefits taxed, company car taxed, property taxed the lot.
In the US we run a deficit so we aren't paying sufficient tax to support this level of govt. NO I am NOT starting a Rep vs Dem flame and in any case this statement applies to both parties.
In general folk in the US get a pretty good deal and pay relatively little tax for the level of govt services we get.
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Murf, I want to know how you get away with "only" 25% of your property taxes going to the schools.
I'm in Massachusetts, 70% of my property tax goes to the schools.(I am without kids)
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Murf, I want to know how you get away with "only" 25% of your property taxes going to the schools.I'm in Massachusetts, 70% of my property tax goes to the schools.(I am without kids)
Move to Ontario?
Best of luck.
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Good idea!
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Trailer comes off at 75mph
Murf, I want to know how you get away with "only" 25% of your property taxes going to the schools.I'm in Massachusetts, 70% of my property tax goes to the schools.(I am without kids)
No way can answer for your area but in our state (South Carolina) the schools collect a lot from property taxes. Not idea what each county if doing on this but some have gone with sales tax to at least partly fund the schools and run lower ratios than other counties do. Very well remember when our school percentage was about half what is currently is. Then our school board (which sets it owns budget with no input, hearings or oversight) decided we needed if not all new schools a lot of them. So we built them and closed some which were in good condition to allow them to sit to be sold for next to nothing. One building was allowed to sit long enough the roof fell in before they sold it. Sure it sold cheap but guess what, new roof and the walls and all other structure (brick and block walls) were sufficient to become a nice private owned apartment building. Any questions asked on that, nope?
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