Big Bore Lever Actions
I personally would never restore them. I can not begin to tell you how many antique Winchester that people have asked me to look at that were absolutely destroyed by poor restorations. There are only one or two people who do this and friend you better get ready to write one fat check if you are going to have them do it. You still wind up with a gun that is worth less than what you paid and worthless to collectors. What did dad have ? One of my all time favorites is a 32-20 model '92 SRC. You can just pop pop pop all day long. I really do want to get my hands on a nice '94 SRC in 38-55..Any one have one ?
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Big Bore Lever Actions
Been collecting for over 20 years and the one lever gun I have not gotten that I think would be a great addition would be the Model 1895SS in 45-70 Government. Would make a great Truck n' Tractor gun.
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Big Bore Lever Actions
Doc, I agree with you. One of the guns is a Browning Sweet 16, but I largely shoot 12 and 20. Another is a Remington 120 or 121 pump 22 and the other is a WWII Mauser with non-matching serial numbers.
I have the hunting shotgun situation covered. I have several Mauser 98s and I decided that I did like the Remington 22, so a few years ago, I bought one that was in mint condition and I use it.
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Big Bore Lever Actions
The first deer rifle dad gave me was a 8mm Mauser. 1944. with all the correct period markings. It was a cavalary model with a bent bolt. One year a friend and I decided that we would pack in a few days before the season opened and set up camp. I decided to remove the bolt and put it in my pocket due to carrying a rifle in the woods two days before season. Can you spell S-T-U-P-I-D ? Never did find it. I am starting to think we need to have a rompin stompin tractor round up and BBQ. All firearms welcome. Prizes to the best decorated tractor. I was thinking bull horns on the hood and a leather scabbord for the Winchester. I had one of those marlin 45-70 Guide guns with a 18" ported barrel. It was a beast but a real hoot to watch the flames come out of the end of that thing.
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Big Bore Lever Actions
Does anybody have any of the Browning Lever guns?
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Big Bore Lever Actions
Plots has a couple.
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Big Bore Lever Actions
I missed that from before. It is kind of funny that the most active thread on the Board is this one. It is getting to where it takes a while to load on the computer.
Plots, do you like the Browning's? I have never had one.
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Big Bore Lever Actions
Ya I Gave up on the 357 maximum because it was takeing forever to load. I saw another 7-30 waters on GA today.
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Big Bore Lever Actions
Doc, you're right about restoring a gun. It takes about half of the collector's value from it, even if done expertly. The reason I had the 357 Maximun redone was it'll never be for sale, not as long as I'm still breathing anyway.
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Big Bore Lever Actions
Billy, I was really referring to those lever guns which would be considered collectable although modern arms certainly fall into that catagory as well. The only real way to justify the cost either way is to have one that has more intrinsic or sentimental value than the real value of the gun.
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