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 04-16-2009, 12:52 Post: 162095

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 Freeze dried foods for emergencies

Originally Posted by AnnBrush | view 162094
To be clear: Our freedoms, rights and liberties are NOT endowed upon us by God, but by man. Travel to (say) Nigeria and see how many of these "God given" rights evaporate. An official in one of these countries couldn't give a rat's arse what rights you had when in the US and neither would his government.I often see this specific rhetorical statement and it's patently false. All rights are bestowed by man in societies governed by laws, no law = no rights. No degree of belief in God will bestow rights (here on earth) on man. God makes no guarantees for any of us.

The fact that Nigerians have no rights doesn't refute the fact that Nigerians were endowed with rights by God, it just means that governments and thugs have taken them away. If a person lived alone in a natural state with nobody to bother them they would enjoy all the rights that God gave them.

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 04-16-2009, 13:28 Post: 162097

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 Freeze dried foods for emergencies

Originally Posted by AnnBrush | view 162094
Why anyone would physically defend property is beyond me, if someone is being carjacked, heck who cares about the car, so long as you get out alive - and I have insurance - get another car. So eventually those with the brains and the money leave as they don't want to be part of a lawless thugg driven society, no matter how patriotic they feel (dead patriots are still dead) Those remaining do so at their peril.

Ann, you & I are probably in a the smallest of minorities here, having lived in SA in the 'wild days', the best example I can give you is Zimbabwe. Your house, land and vehicles are taken, your bank account disappears (if the bank is open t get to it) because of a 'clerical error', probably made by a family member of one of the thugs who took everything else.

Who exactly is going to pay you what? The insurance company that was nationalized? The bank giving currency that is worth pennies on yesterdays dollars because of hyper-inflation?

Where are you going to go, and how are you going to get there?

I see it the same as life insurance, I don't want o have it, or need it, or God forbid, use it. But I sure as hell have it.

BTW, I strongly disagree with your 'give them the car' idea! On 2 seperate occasions someone in SA decided they wanted my car more than me, in both cases getting out would have meant not getting home.......ever. On one occasion the sight of the gun sufficed, on the second it wasn't enough.

Best of luck.

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