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 05-10-2005, 17:18 Post: 110916

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 My job just went offshore

I workED as a trainer for a Call Center (high attrition at call centers keep trainers employed). Last August, I was asked if I would go to Manila (in the Philipines) and train college graduates over there to do the same thing as our workers (Mostly GED graduates) here. (we pay $7/hr to start, Manila pays $2/hr to start) I had a moral/ethical dilema regarding training others to take jobs away from Americans, but you do what the boss tells you to do. I was told "no way will you lose your job - We'll get another client in here and still need top quality training..."

I was not allowed to discuss any on this with my co-workers (knowing some of them, with families, would be out of a job) because the company was afraid they'd loose the staff BEFORE the company wanted the staff to reduce.

Anyway, I go to Manila, do a good job of training the staff there and guess what happened???? I'm layed-off - as there is no need for a trainer. The company has been trying to get a new Client in this location since Sept '05 and has lots of empty seats (not good for profit-margin in a call center), but no success yet.

I understand the economics of $2/hr versus $7/hr labor market, but think that the offsahore call centers would be best suited taking Asian calls (China is biggest market) and let American customers speak/deal with American representatives.

The Philipinos have a great work ethic (they WANT to work - as opposed to many Americans. I constantly hear "Ya mean I've to be here on time - every DAY???" ), but most Philipinos have NO CLUE as to how American businesses are run - especially the support for financing/Lending/Leasing (whast we did). They do not like to tell American's "No"... They will tell our customers "Yes, I understand" - and have no comprehension of what is being asked (even after being trained). They also have a knack for not following through... They will tell our customers "Yes, I will do this.." and never do twhat was just discussed... When out poor American customer calls back next month, the agent says "there is no record of that conversation...

Thanks for letting me vent...


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 05-10-2005, 21:19 Post: 110921

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 My job just went offshore

I feel your pain. I have a bachelor's in computer science from a great university plus a ton of college credits after graduation... plus years of work experience. But the IT market is all oursourced now. Programmers in India will work for a tiny fraction of the US prices.

Now I can't find work anywhere, even if I consider commutes to philly or baltimore. My options are to go out and get a truck driver's licence or to work for Walmart.

I don't care what anyone says, this economy stinks. Corporations are too greedy. And outsourcing everything is going to end up hurting america in the long run.

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 05-11-2005, 08:13 Post: 110925

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 My job just went offshore

You know, in 2008 we could vote another republican in office to make sure corporate America keeps they're profits upSmile)


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 05-11-2005, 08:57 Post: 110927

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 My job just went offshore

Yes, what kind of stinking country is this? Can you imagine a business needing to make a profit?

I think we should just turn it all over to the government to run. We can use the school district management model.

Profit! Ha! Next thing you know these uppity middle class blue collar workers will want a paycheck!

No the whole stinky thing needs to be overhauled.

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 05-11-2005, 17:47 Post: 110944

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 My job just went offshore

don't give it to the government, They'll just waste it. Wait a minute, I've got an Idea, Let's give more to the employees and less to the corporate. Then the corporate will be rich but not stinking RICH and then employees can have one parent working and the other Home with the kids, WHAT A CONCEPTSmile)


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 05-11-2005, 19:57 Post: 110948

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 My job just went offshore

I fully understand companies wanting to make a profit. My beef was putting American workers on the unemployment line and put the money they would hav paid our workers into another country. I fully understand the economics of a $2.00 per hour labor base. My point was to apply that labor base towards the asian market and let American customers be services by American reprentitives.

As this client was one of the "big 3" computer companies, (and ALL computer companies use offshore call centers for support)your business will be routed to one of these offshore locations (Manila, Bangalore, etc.). Most of the callers end up frustrated with the communication barrier (yes, they speak english, but the comprehension is different) or the to the customer's problems are not fully resolved - causing the customer to call back again (hence driving up the support costs for the computer company). The goal is "first call resolution" - meaning the customer's problem is resolved onthe first call. If it isn't, the computer company has to pay the representative to take the customers call again (and again...)

I have no problem with companies making profits via cheap labor - there is a HUGE pool of money waiting for them in the shape of China (where they wouldn't know the difference between poor customer service and world-class customer service). I'm just mad about American's losing their jobs (not just mine) to a foreign country.

49 T&C

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 05-12-2005, 10:40 Post: 110982

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 My job just went offshore

Myself, I like it when corporations make profits and get rich. It makes my retirement investments grow like weeds. Demonizing corporations is like demonizing your neighbors - most are publicly owned and some are poorly behaved.

Corporations are abusing the H1-B visa program though. They can only do this because they are paying off politicians. So the politicians of both parties are failing in this regard. H1B visa holders make the best employees - they can pay them half of what a comparable American citizen would make, and if they quit they get sent back to their home country. It's almost like a captive employee base that gets punished severely if they quit. This trend began in the 90's under a democratic administration, with the support of both political parties.

As a freelance software engineer I hate seeing the jobs go overseas. It certainly has affected my work. There is hope though, at least in high tech. I know a guy from India who started his own software company. Initially he used programmers in India. He ended up moving all the jobs back into the US because he had difficulty finding Indian programmers who could problem solve. They could write code if they were told how the algorithms worked, but they were reluctant to strike out on their own to invent solutions to problems. There are many brilliant Indian programmers, but the code mills mostly staff run-of-the-mill types who need to be told exactly what to do on a daily basis.

Then there's idiotic corporations like Intel. To save money they outsource much of their software work to India. Then they create and staff a communication department to act as a liason with the folks in India by providing time-shifting and translation services. They haven't saved a dime, their time-to-market has doubled and the quality is down. But they're convinced it's a good thing. Sell your Intel stock, these people are morons.

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 05-12-2005, 15:32 Post: 110985

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 My job just went offshore

We Americans are a strange bunch! We want HIGH wages and every benefit ever imagined but we want to buy cheap shit.

When we buy stock in some company, we want that stock to soar. Who gives a crap how they do it, as long as it goes up.

Come on now, you can't have your cake and eat it too. It would be a wise decision to bring your lifestyle down to reality before you bite off more than you can chew Wink yeah right

It's a Dog eat Dog world out there, my friends. It's just a matter of whose dog can hunt.

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 05-12-2005, 20:07 Post: 110991

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 My job just went offshore

Hey Billy. Long time no see.

Hope all is well at the Passmore homestead!

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 05-13-2005, 09:44 Post: 111018

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 My job just went offshore

Hey Mark, everything is going pretty good around here. Hope you and yours are doing good too. Thanks for asking.

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