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My job just went offshore
I've been wathcing outsourcing go on for several years now. The call center/customer service side is one that I see as eventually coming back to the US. That's for some of the points being made already. First time call resolution is poorer in other countries with low labor. The cheap labor pool may not have the comprehension. Your customers aregetting dissatisfied and will take their business elsewhere.
Will it be perfect? No. It's going to take time for the shift back to happen. Also, other countried are starting to see a shift up in wages as more companies move work overseas. That's unsustainable. Eventually the business model doesn't work as the local wages increase.
You are seeing that in China. Their wages have jumped 30% or so recently as competition for workers increases. Owners over there that were relaying on thin margins are seeing it shrink even more as their labor costs have gone up. Eventually they are having to pass that cost on or risk losing money. They are also having the steel and energy costs rise as well. A triple whammy for them. As their costs go up, eventually the model doesn't make sense and more stuff will stay in the US.
It takes time. It hurts in the short run. But it will come back. Especially as companies see how expensive it is for all the IT outsourcing that needs to get done beacuse they've cut back the local employees so much. We're seeing that now. Major revenue generating projects are on hold because we lack the IT resources and overseas won't work for those projects.
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My job just went offshore
I read an article by a guy who went to China to observe their manufacturing processes. He interviewed the manager of a plant that used lots of cheap manual labor. The manager reported that they would be automating their manufacturing process due to the high cost of labor. It's all relative.
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My job just went offshore
Not to sound confrontational but the "filipino's great work ethnic" and "not following through and doing what they say they will do" does not sound like great work ethnics to me but rather like marginal employees. To my way of thinking showing up on time and doing your job well goes hand in hand no matter what your nationality. I feel bad for every hard working individual who loses his or her job due to unfair labor practices but as long as we as a people knowingly reward companies who do this it's going to continue to go on. I had to get this off my chest so I'll get off my soap box now and put it away.
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My job just went offshore
you want to see a real cluster f ck.
try the prison system.
they dump millions of your tax money into programs that are proven not to work,call it theraputic programing,release them,they still can't or won't work, so the state hires them as counslers(so they can legally support their illegal habits)just to say their "programs work"
soo sorrrrry
had to vent while the gettings good 
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My job just went offshore
I fear Hilary C! Unless someone comes into the pic from out of nowhere, I do believe we will see our ex First Lady as the first lady Pres. I dont fear it cause she is a lady just because she is THE LADY. From my prospective the Rep. have NO one that can compete (so far) And she will wipe out ALL other Dem. You will get your wish sooner than you think! I think? OH Did you hear who she will run with? Try Martha stewart!!!! ROTFLMAO. She will be a shoe in!
Sorry to hear about your job going over sea's. It is a cryin shame.
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My job just went offshore
It isn't my wish to see Hilary as president. I'd rather see a male president and I don't care what party he's from as long as he is a middle of the road kind of guy and somewhere near honest. I know, thats a tall order for a politician.
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My job just went offshore
To h-ll with HILARY !!!
This liberal ran on the ticket of bringing lots of jobs back to NY.She hasnt done sh_t !!!! The way the countrys economy is tanking and "outsourcing" is taking our jobs.
We need to shut down our immagration policies and put the lazy parisites on our failed social programs to work even if it calls for performance advancements based on "piece work"
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My job just went offshore
Man...Can I relate!
I have been in the manufacturing sect for my entire career as a field service engineer (not to boast) with a college degree as well as growing up in a shop environment. Went into CNC tooling, Packaging, commercial kitchen equipment, back to CNC, back to the Packaging industry, and on and on. Why, you ask?
Because manufacturing has virtually disappeared from the American way of life, and sold out thru various "trade" treaties over the years, to "boost the American economy", to off shore countries. It does not matter if we are talking customer service positions, training poaitions, manufacturing, whatever...they have mostly been pushed out to cheaper labor rate countries, leaving the americans that actually desire to work an honest day, holding the bag.
Hey have you all heard ?
Remember "the Duke" ? Winchester Arms located in southern CT, otherwise known as U S Repeating Firearms, is closing up and going over seas! Winchester!
Picture the Duke ambling up to you and saying..."Well Howdy, Partner" with pronouncing his l's as r's and with squinty eyes!
Yea, it hits me hard, as this was once a thriving business, and one of my longtime customers.
Cheers to the ORIGINAL Winchester!
-Willie H
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My job just went offshore
Willie........ where ya been? Welcome back. We have been missing your vintage 'Bota advice.
Is Winchester moving ALL manufacturing operations to Japan?
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My job just went offshore
The economy of this country grew to become the greatest in the world under the protection of trade tarriffs. We need to bring them back, especially to defend against wage differences. The corporations cannot afford to avoid the american consumer market, so anyone who outsources labor will be hit with tarrifs when those sneakers, toys or computer chips come back to the US. Bottom line is - if you want to sell in the US, make it in the US or pay a price.
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