My job just went offshore
Thanks, Good to be back, too!
As far as I know, as of March of this year the doors are shut, and production is finished. Any "older" stock, will no longer be available, and, any new components and/or issues, will be made abroad - somewhere.
(btw, I love your manger scene!)
-Willie H
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My job just went offshore
To buy you need to sell. The US dollars must return in one way or the other. Currently the money from China is coming back to buy the factory and close it down. The latest here is the local furnature industry. Action will be Actchung and Lazyboy will be LaZhubo pretty soon.
I agree we need to protect the value added manufacturing with some restrictions. Unfortunately the current admin seem intent on tarrifs on raw materials like lumber.
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My job just went offshore
This is not just one industry but hits most if not all. Today it was announce (not locally) that a Canadian paper had story on one of their companies buying large lumber company here. Watch out for Murf and others here with their lumber and Cat equipment.
One industry I think we could save a lot moving offshore and (Haiti is close) is our prisions. Why not? Hey conract with China on those and let us build tractors here. Repeat offenders sure would be down. Once news got around so would first timers.
There was short note that per Farm Bureau we will be moving farming off shore in near furture. Now, I tell you, I can do without a lot that is going that way but food is sort of one of my fondest items.
Tell me how the turkey farmer in North Carolina can buy Brazil soybeans cheaper than those grown in field next to his turkeys? It is more than labor cost.
As to problems with overseas call centers, I have terminated business with a company because of that. Reasons already given on poor service.
Hey, if it keeps up, the open border issue will be solved for the U.S. Guess the Rio Grande will not be what they are swimming.
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My job just went offshore
I like the idea about off-shoring the entire penal system. We could rent the convicts for the term of their incarceration to China and Indonesia and use the profits to compensate the victims. While we're at it, I would send a barge or too full of ACLU lawyers the same way (those I would give away for free).
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My job just went offshore
Just how many ACLU lawyers will fit on a barge? Could we not go with the mega containter ship?
Another industry we ought to ship offshore.....it is many billions....many depend on it.....not sure how they were survive....politics....
You know guys, more common sense has been expressed here than in DC for a long time. Not just Rep or Dem.
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My job just went offshore
I am sorry I got on with my thoughts and concerns and missed something.
I am sorry for your loss. It can tear at your gut and heart. I used to work for a world leader in mfg that said they were not worried about any other company. TOday there name is no longer found.
If I may give you a thought. It may be that you either by yourself or with some of the others there could form your own company doing just what the company was doing. You already know the reasons you should be used compared to the offshore people. Go to US companies and tell your story. You might just be surprised who will agree with you. Look at all size companies. Think of business similiar to the company you were a call center for. Think of local companies they have service call needs and is growing and having problem hiring. They may be glad to contract with someone.
I don't sell airplanes but was told years ago they are sold per cost per passenger mile. That is what you are saying on recalls and complaints.
I do wish you and your friends well. The US still has more opportunity than any other nation. THat is what ever alien is saying.
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My job just went offshore
If you want to know how many ACLU lawyers will fit on the barge tell them Hilary is on board.
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My job just went offshore
That is cold. Not as cold as the heart of an ACLU lawyer.
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My job just went offshore
all, you need to think about this thread the next time you walk into WALMART or price a JINMA tractor.
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My job just went offshore
I'd like to find a new tractor comparable to my brothers 1959 Fordson Super Dexta. It was built by Ford in England. same frame size as the asian compacts. Ford and Perkins developed the 3.152 perkins deisel in this frame. It still works good. FEL and backhoe with a ROPS / canopy. You couldn't get this much service out of any asian tractor. We broke a Yanmar back axle trying to move the backhoe. I'm sure a jinma would do the same.
On the other topic, I stopped being a republican when Cheney wore a purpleheart band-aid. Look at Halliburton, the deficit. Watched troops in New Orleans target rural gunowners, because they were registered, to seize firearms and force them to leave undamaged properties, while city was under-seige by illegal gunowners? How about Osama popping up right before the election and now popping up right during Patriot act?
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