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My job just went offshore
what tractor does not have asian influnence. When I found out about JD I almost vaporlocked. I did have to have the brace for my FEL on my Farm Pro 2425 welded. I wont say rewelded because the welder that fixed it said it would have been better if they would have used glue. The dealer I bought it from puts 1000 hours a year on the Jinma's he runs them until they blow up or wear out for $3000 or a $14000 JD either way he has a worn out tractor. This guy is a buiness man with a blue berry farm with 20,000 plus acres trying to keep his nose above water. We would all have to ask what would we do. He has never denied me parts off his tractors or information and this is why service is better in the US and this guy that lost his job will be missed by us all. We should have listened to Ross Proit and his pie charts.
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My job just went offshore
I would like to know if you would have posted if your moral/ethical dilema didn't mean lossing your job. You knew your coworkers, that you couldn't talk too were going to loose their jobs,
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My job just went offshore
The "New American Way"
Profit at any expence!
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My job just went offshore
Have wondered about you and what is going on.
Last night I listen to a talkshow fill in for Dr. Michael Savage on talk radio. He was talking about the sorry lot of trying to get customer service with his airline and their nonusa telephone service call center. He was expressing what you said he would.
FYI I called my local IP and got hit with a foregin call center also, Missouri.
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