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Limiting Eminent Domain
The estate tax is unconstitutional by any definition. The money in the estate has already been taxed once when earned. Taxing it again is unfair and illeagal.
This tax is one of the main reasons you don't see family farms any more. $5 million is very easy to amass in a small farming operation.
You talk of working poor and gas credits, dsg. How can they get a tax break from the federal government when they pay no federal income tax?
"From each according to thier ability,
To each according to thier need."
Sound familiar? It is the communist creedo. Coming soon to an America near you. Just elect a liberal of your choosing.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
here you go - I tried posting this link yesterday - it disappeared in some cyber black hole.
Politicians are the lowest of life-forms; the most honest of them don't get elected higher than the town council. So I don't know how you're gonna get a good ol' regular American to (1) agree to take this job and then (2) get elected. I think the best way to deal with the politicians is to limit the influence they have over our lives, but that would mean getting rid of "social safety nets" and this society is too addicted to handouts to go for it.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
Socialism is already heavily embedded in the US culture. Make no mistake about it we are an entitlement based state. You need look no further than the current federal tax statutes.
The party that steps up and cuts from the herd to demand that every American pay their share to support this country gets my vote.
You cut out this socialism and entitlement crap and the bugs will stop trying to get into house.
Unfortunately I doubt that either party will support the fiscal or social reforms needed to right the ship.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
President Bush is a Regular Citizen, just as much as you or me or anyone else. What ceiling would you put on a person's earnings before, in your mind, they are NO Longer a regular Cittizen? Bush Sr served in WWII and was shot down in Japanese held waters that were Shark infested. So as a regular Citizen, he served. Bush Jr served over 600 days in a 6 year Guard Term that is usually only 35 days per year, so he served too. They made their money from the ground up, not like the Kennedys who got their money from the Mob. What is a regular guy to you?
Bush is a Republican and the Republicans wanted to eliminate the Estate Tax and it was the Democrats who blocked it. It was the Republicans who have gotten you the Simplified Tax System, and it is the Republicans who have Never tried to get to your Social Security Money as have the Democrats to cover their wild spending. The Republicans allowed the DOW which had never been over 1000 to climb over 6000 during one President's term and continue to go up even through a do nothing Democrat who rode on the good of the pst and then when Bush jr got back, everything that had been working had been destroyed. NAFTA was a Democrat deal, Selling out to China was a Democrat Deal, extending your retirement age was a Democrat deal, wanting to make Illegal Aliens U.S. Citizens and let them recieve YOUR Social Security money was a Democrat deal, Balance Budget Amendments was defeated by Democrats, decreasing the military Democrats, Unions Democrats, Poor Schools systems Democrats, the Democrats had control for 46 years so the reputation of the U.S. Govt was created by Democrats.
Bush is NOT a mega rich Mogul unless you compare him to a Homeless person. He invested $600,000 dollars and made a great return, well the Stock Market or the choices are there for you as well. If you are making BAD choices don't blame people who hae made GOOD choices for your failures. How much of your Earnings do you share with Charity? How often do you lend a hand to make some one else's life better? then how can you judge anyone else? Gas Prices are NOT controlled by the Government, Oil is a commodity and sold to the Highest Bidder, you don't like the price of Gas, then Buy a Horse, you have other Alternatives and there is NO GUARANTESS you will have a Car in your Garage or gas to run it. That is NOT a Government issue, unless you are part of the DOD.
You call Politicians the Lowest form and then you expect someone decent to answer your calling? Yeah right! You are right about the Hand outs tho, that is how the Democrats have been getting elected for years, they don't run on Issues they run on what the Govt will do for you, meaning. I will take 6 trillion out of your pockets and give you a Nice park to go to, or I will help pay for 20,000 Union Police for two years and then they are ALL yours. They BUY you and they BUY you with Hand outs for Votes.
Also Denis
President Bush had no interest in the Texas Rangers after 1994, your link was accusing him in 1997. I think you have a link of not Facts, but a pissed off Democrat who makes up shit as he goes along because he hates Republicans. I need you to link me to some solid facts about Bush grabbing land illegally not some editor who is running his mouth and hoping that some of what he says is true. If Texas can be controlled by a man that much, then you have failure of Local and State Government and that seems to be the people's fault. Majority Rules and I do not see how ONE MAN can convince the state or anyone unless they want to be convinced. I think the link is Hogwash and is only opinion and has no reference to facts just speculation. Sorry. Not good enough.
I hear people spit garbage everyday abnout the President, and I challenge their spits and I find that 99.9% of the spits have NO SYUBSTANCE but based on hate with no full understadning why they hate, other than he is a member of the party that they are not. That is typical Party Flag Flying and this country is heading into a ditch if we doesn't stop it. If I made the speculations about you or your sister or your Mother or your family as the Press and people of this country do, I would hear Lawsuits everywhere and yet people feel they can openly bash a Politicain with no merit, no facts just the Freedom of Speech clause....No wonder they can't pass the Flag Desecration Bill. People have lost their Honor, Pride, Integerty, Honesty, Morals, Patriotism and so much more. It has been replaced with Blind Tolerance for the ignorant and the immoral and the Uncivil. Criminals are looked at as peope who need to be treated with Digity and yet people can't even recall their victims' names.
President Bush has done a Great Job and I may not 100% agree with everything he has done but I look at the Curcumstances that have befallen on him and how we have coninued along and complained about the price of Gas. 
Let's see we have Attacked the Taliban and Afghanistan is on a fast pace to becomeing econmically sound and people are walking their streets. we have put Saddam in check and taken out two major WMDs, his sons. We have done alot in Iraq but for those who only read or listen to the News whose reports are only on the BURNING house it must seem awful dim to you all. We have had TWO Major Hurricanes, We have had A Major Terroist Attack that wiped out the WTCs and yet peope are bitching about the price of gasoline and how much money they think Bush has. Pretty pathetic people. Pretty pathetic. This country has not been attacked since 2001 and yet we were attacked in 93 and again with the USS COLE, and Nirobi. Our Emabssies seem to be safer than before and as much as I think Isreal is a bad guy, I totally agree with their attacks. why? because it sends a message, you attack one of our people and All Hell will come down on you. Why not? Want to send in Cake instead?
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Limiting Eminent Domain
You're dead wrong about the Kennedys - they did not get their money from the mob - they WERE the mob.
On Bush, let's see:
1) The national debt is at over $8 trillion thanks in good part to his expansion of medicare and federal education programs and foreign aid (15 billion to fight AIDS in Africa and so on)
2) Several million well paying manufacturing/high tech jobs have left the country during Bush's term in office - yet he pushes further globalization with CAFTA. (and it was Bush's daddy who signed onto GATT and NAFTA - then, when Clinton was elected, it was congress republicans who helped to ratify these treaties).
3) It'll be 5 years since 911 in two months and Bin Laden is still at large - instead we've wasted close to $300 billion instituting Jeffersonian democracy in some sand pit in the middle east.
4) Millions of illegals pour over the borders while Bush campaigns in Spanish for economic opportunities for the down-trodden economic masses.
Great job? give me a break.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
you are right about the Kennedys I was wrong.
The National Debt is over 8 trillion not because of Bush.
You have Trade Deficits in there, Foriegn Bonds etc etc. That is a debt that has been growing since WWII and not snce 02. We make junk and do it at High Wages, what do you expect?
Your several Million well paid jobs, aren't really several million and the Bush Administration has created millions of NEW job and not just McDonalds. Many of the jobs you refer to were lost due to Democrats and their Union Buddies. Auto Manufacturers relocated to Canada and Mexico instead of paying the Union Workers in Detroit rediculous wages for shabby work performance. $40 to $50 per hour for assembly line work?? come on, these Union Pukes feel if a comapany makes a profit, they are entitled to it. That is why many of your so-called High jobs left, because the Companies refused to be held hostage any longer by the Union workers. G.E., IBM, Auto Manufacturers etc etc all for the same reason, WAGES. Not becaue of Bush or Reagan. NAFTA was launched in January 1994 and that was during Clinton, GATT was first signed in 1947. The Republicans did not take majority control until 96.
Wasted 300 billion? Denis, that is a pretty insulting statement. You think this war is about Bin Laden? it it a WAR on Terrorists and all Countries who harbor them or safeguard them. It was never Pronounced on Bin Laden or the Taliban or the Al Qaeda it was Declared on Terrorists. Bin Laden is one and Saddam was a bigger one, read the evidence of the documents that were found where Zarqawi met his 70 Virgins. There is far more evidence of Iraq's role in terrorsits than ever before. There are Money Trails leading to Saddam and during the Food For Oil France, Germany and Russia fed Saddam more money, more weapons and more technology, his Army grew as did terrorism all disguised under Food for Oil. The $300 million was well spent and the reason we are fighting in that Sand Pit is the reason we are NOT fighting in L.A. or Chicago or NYC. Their Govt is theirs and they are entitled to basic Life as much as anyone else on this Planet. That was a rather selfish statement and I know for fact that the majority of the KIAs in Iraq and Afghanistan belived they were making a difference and wanted to help. 75% of the U.S. Military Voted to re-elect President Bush, because we believe in what we are doing even if you do not.
Millions have been pouring over our borders long before Bush, yet you seem to be suddenly demanding somethibg to be done. Where was this interest for the 8 years of Clinton? too busy saying he was allowed as a Married man to get a Blow Job in the Oval Office on OUR time? too busy supporting the bombing of the Aspirin Factory in Sudan? Not concerned about the 600 Super Computers the W-88 Multi-Strike Nuclear War Head given to China by Clinton? or were you concerned with the Technology for the delivery systems that were sold, whoops I mean given to China as well? Were you concerned when China launched a man in Space or did you feel that their space program had GOOD intentions? Don't you feel it is the results of the 600 Super Computers and the LR Tech that was given to them and what you are seeing is LONG RANGE WEAPON TECH in disguise as a Space Program? Weren't you concerned the day before Clinton's testimony when he bombed Iraq? why did he? were you concern that hours before his trial he fired 20 something Tomahawks at a suspected terrorsit camp in Afghanistan? I didn't hear any complaining when Clinton went behind CLOSED doors with Shelton and Cohen and was making plans for their next target. Congress would scamble in the following days to give Fake support to Clinton to save face for his blunders, yet the country stood silent and rallied around Clinton.
GREAT JOB? yes! more people are at work, Diasters have been avoided and rebuilt, the military is better trained and have quality leaders, schools are being held accountable, Tax Cuts (10% is the same for everyone in percentage and yes will be greater in $s for those who earn more. that is just simple Math) The War is there and not here, we have NOT been attacked, attention has been brought to the borders and unlike the 100 years prior somethings is happening as is with the efforts to pass the Estae Reform Bill, Same Sex Marriage Ban, Social Security being called OFF LIMITS to the Govt, except the Democrats refuse to pass it, Fraud in Welfare has been sought, investigated and punished, delicate treaties worked out, Economy is stable, and on and on. Yes! great job, Clinton used hundreds of billions of the Social Security Surplus to balance his spending and Bush called for a Bill to keep the Govt away from the Money. Clinton had several dozen of his people quit after his first term, Bush has had a few but not dozens. Clinton issued Pardons to some shady people, had the FBI investigating him for Personnel Files, over 50 people met questionable deaths under the Clinton Terms, deaths that are there for any one to read about and question. Vince Foster, Ron Brown being the two most curious. No! denis as compared to Bill and Hilary, President Bush has doen a great job and he has had to do a alot of cleaning up.
No One is perfect and I do not claim Bush is, far from it, but Hate him for Facts of his performance and not here say or speculations, or false bashing.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
This is off topic anymore, but the companies never complain when they charge american public based on american incomes, regardless where they make their products. Look at drug prices. US consumers pay at least 50% more than people on other countries mostly because the companies assume we can afford it. I'm not for price controls, but what I am for is fair trading practices where a company that wants to sell products in the US must either make that product in the US or compensate the US in the form of import tarrifs for underpaying their workers elsewhere in the world. I have no problem with American assembly workers making $50 an hour if it allows them to maintain a high standard of living, what's wrong with that? When assembly plants move north or south of the border or oversees, the majority of the Americans involved in the business (assembly workers, middle management) gets screwed and the top brass continue to collect their obscene pay packages. Bottom line is this: you want to sell it here - pay the wages here. And our good ol' buddy Bush and his papa have been sell out globalist free traders all their lives. The Bushes have been in the white house in presidential or vice-presidential capacity for 18 out of the last 26 years. For six of the Clinton years republicans were in control of congress. All these years later we have WTO, GATT, NAFTA and a host of other trade deals that completely gutted the US manufacturing capacity. And you expect me to hold the republican establishment blameless? All I'm saying here is, I've had enough of BS from the pubbies, we need a new party and we need it fast.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
WW - Obviously you are on the Bush political band wagon. That is acceptable, but lets get history straight. The idea that George HW or George H were self made is completely wrong. If you can see the silver spoons you must be blind.
Seldon Prescott Bush was an rail road executive and then a steel company president. Prescott Bush his son was sent to boarding school and prep. school and then Yale. He was part of the elite Skull and Bones. He was involved with a number of businesses including UBC bank which paid out a fortune in 51. He was handed elite positions through out his career. He was involved with military intelligence in WWI.
George HW. Greenwich Country day school and then Phillips Academy Prep. school. His stint in the Navy then Yale and the Skull and bones.
George H. Phillips Academy Prep school and then Yale and the Skull and Bones.
Most of us could not afford to send our children to Yale let alone the Phillips Academy, if they would accept them. Self made? Which back room business connections don't you understand? What do you think the University Club is all about? Your friends allow you to place a small amount of money on an inside deal and you walk away with you pocket full. You get into politics and get appointments and then work this into bigger money and line the pockets of the friends that helped you out. It doesn't matter that it is really stealing from the electorate they are just stupid peons.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
Have not read much of the last 3 or so post but still will ask my question...I posted a notice on what was going on and who was affecting it (estate taxes)....Just wonder...how many of us rather rant and range and think that took care of it and how many took three minutes and placed a call?
It amazes me how often we don't let our politicians know or even vote and wonder why such happens. Well my friends you vote every time you spend a dollar. So how do you vote? If the local tractor dealer is really a cheat and a liar but you buy from him does he have reason to change?
We had primary run off yesterday and I voted and am disappointed with especially one race but I still took action and also espressed my concern with the winners office before the election. Oh Lord ranting and range is more fun and sometimes really needed but not without other action. Makes me think of a hunter with a gun loaded with blanks.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
You have a Valid concern with Drug prices, providing it is Prescriptio you are referring to smile. We have allowed our reps not just republicans to Tax everything in sight, from Property to Beer, to whatever. Howard Dean invented a Tax here in Vermont called the SIN Tax, first he drove us to drinking and then taxed us on the drinking. rooms and Meals Tax, Fuel Tax and I have no Doubt there is taxes embedded in your drug Prices that aren't on foriegn shores, like Cigarettes.
We have a Tax Hungry Governemnt and Denis, That is the DEMOCRATS, they have fought every single Tax Cut Legislation ever to be brought up. When the Estate Tax weas defeated Frist was outraged and the leading Democrat said " they owe it to the country which gave them the opportunity" Good God.
FREE ENTERPRISE is not to be Govenern except by itself. If you don't like the price, don't pay. Our problem is people are becoming STUPID, they continue to buy regardless, so compaines continue to raise the price. all fair and I do NOT want Socialism to solve the problem but rather have consumer rage solve it.
Companies do NOT owe their employess anything. I hire you with the understanding I will pay you $10 per hour and you accept, I make a profit and you bitch you want more. Companies are NOT obligated to share their profits with their Employees only their Shareholders. Any company has a right or an obligation to protect their bottom line and if moving out of the country is what it takes, then the Stockholders are happy. You are right, employees are NOT guaranteed a thing, but any employee has an choice to open thier own company if they are not happy.
The Global Market has been very important since 1964 when the U.S. no longer used Gold or Silver to back their money but rather the World Market. It isn't just about a Bush sr or Bush jr idea it is somethingthat the U.S. has to play in or the Trade deficits wil conintue to grow and the Euro and the Canadian Dollar will go way past the value of the U.S. dollar and if you think things are bad now, well when your dollar shrinks even more and no body wants the U.S. currency, we will be in a depression likes have never been seen before. We need to stay strong on the World Market.
The Canadian dollar has gone from 50 cents on the U.S. dollar to 92 cents in just 5 years. They have strengthen by 42 cents per U.S. dollar and we have lost buying power, now Denis keep it mind with that, that the Canadians are where we get the most Oil from and as our dollar depreciates against theirs, the price of oil will seem to be going up when in reality it isn't, it is YOUR dollar losing value. It is all revelant for the U.S. to stay healthy. It isn't just babout the Bushes who like Globalization.
The Bushes have been in the White House for that long because they have been VOTED in by the MAJORITY. IKE did 12 years by himself.
Once agin GATT started in 1947, NAFTA was signed in 1994. So I have no doubt that if the Republicans did NOT have majority until January 95, then it was a Democrat push. Hold them blameless? NO! The Repubs were highly outnembered but not blameless. NAFTA passed by a vote of 61 to 38. The Senate passed the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement in one of the closest votes – 54 to 45. So blameless, Absolutely NOT. Here is an interview with Joe Liberman and why the Democrats voted for NAFTA and also his kinda hard views on Bush with China.
http://www.issues2000.org/2004/Joseph_Lieberman_Free_Trade.htm http://www.issues2000.org is an excellent site for seeing how people stand and how people are viewed. Also note that Kennedy, Harkin and John Kerry voted for NAFTA
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