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Limiting Eminent Domain
So michel jackson and OJ are good to go.
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Limiting Eminent Domain
Designed by WHO?
What do you mean buy watching who they hang around with? Are you saying Guilty by Association?
I believe the Govt is a Good Govt and if the PEOPLE refuse to put a thought process into their Voting, then the results is OURs and not by some Secret Design. People will Vote by reflex, by name recognition, by party affiliation and not by ISSUES. Hopefully everyone on this board will make it a point to enlighten at least Two People by Election day on how to properly Vote and then get another Two people to show up and Vote who have always felt "it ain't worth it" it is the Results of OUR voting that we get what we get Denis.
You either believe in OUR Legal System or you do not. Yes! OJ is good to go. No! Michael is NOT. Why? There has already been evidence brought up about Michael having a Relation on the Jury. So there is Contamination. Is he Guilty? No one knows yet regardless of what it may appear to be. A trial needs to be re done and with no relatives on the Jury. OJ, as far as I am concerned he was found Innocent and that is the system. Got a better idea for the redesign of the system, then share it, otherwise, just because the Media made it appear he was guilty for a sake of a GOOD story and the Jury found him INNOCENT, are we to believe the Media or the Jury? How would you react if you heard they were coming to get you for Murder and you could see the repercussions that accusations create?Seriousily Innocent people have Hung themselves, so how would you react if you ahd so much to lose all over accusations? I personnally beleive OJ is Innocent and I believe Michael is insane. Yet! I can only say I Beleive for I did NOT sit and listen day after day to the evidence. I only heard the MEDIA.
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