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 06-29-2006, 11:01 Post: 131538

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Overseas has low wages, for the time being. Many countries that were undevelope countries are no longer within that status and many more countries where $1000 was a decent annual wage is starting to become more aware and more apart of the World Curlture Revolution.
Unions drove Wages higher here in the states and Min. Wage LAWs drove up the base levels as well. We have chased Interest rates and created Inflations and spurred deflations. We have been playing with our economy like a Monopoly Game when in reality there is more to the picture and that is the Overseas and over the border competition. Through the Union Greed etc here in the states, Americans have driven their wages skyward. Look at the stability from the 40s to the 60s and then look at the 70s to now. Unions became BOLDER and more demanding, wanted more of the profits, Wages became too much here for companies to continue to meet and they started looking elsewhere. Why not? a Human is a Human and if the Human in the states wnats $50 per hour to program a computer and there is one in India willing and able to do it for 1/4 the wage, why not? who in their right mind would NOT relocate their business? Companies do not give a Rat's Ass about the Economy. Zero Percent Interest on American Cars isn't about helping you or trying to help the Economy, it is about movig metal. Foriegn dealers have less comptetion here in the states and you pay what they sell it for. There is a Ford Dealership every 20 miles and an Toyota Dealership every 300. So american dealers lower their prices to attract customers from their America counterparts, meanwhile by offering Big Incentives to buy we destroy the Use market and we are still more than the foriegn imports. Many people buy Toyota Trucks because of the Resale value for it isn't destroyed byy Incentives. American Automakers can not produce for the price the public wants to pay, why? because of the greedy Union Labor Force, so they relocate. Now for the time being, they can produce and sell for less and be competitive against foriegn manufacturers, that is until Mexico decides to form Unions and ge tthe pay the Americans were getting and then what? close the Domestic Shops? How long do we wait before we smarten up? It is about Quality and doing it for less pay or get in the Unemployment lines.
Africa was an example, the White Farmer flashed his Superior status to the point that the Africans grew tired and create laws to abolish the very Farmer who had kept them employed and alive. They will go through many years of self destruction and then they will adapt and come back around and it will be African controling Africans not the WHites in the leadership positions. The Middle East is no longer just Camel Jocks and Nomands but people who want to buy and spend their Oil Money and on what? mostly Mercedes and why? it is known for Quality. McDonalds hasn't done too well in China, it dod at first and then when the fad was over the people realized the food sucked.
As Europe and the rest of the world advances on the economic scale wgaes will as well and if we want to get back in the game we need to make some BIG changes here. That is what I am writing. We can not allow Union Greed to chase more comanies away and Most larger companies are Union. I will gladly work for less in many of the Union Jobs but the Companies can NOT hire me. So Denis the lower wages in the rest of the world are mostly with lower skilled people and the quality even with those people is equal to or better than from our Over Paid Union Factories. If we can eliminate Unions and make a decent product, we will automatically fall back in the Highly requested Product line again.
I defy you to go on a BIG Game Hunt in Africa and see if you can get a bunch of Natives to lug your shit around for pennies. Your Trip, your permits and so forth will set you back a real decent penny and they aren't as stupid as they once were, they have grown smarter and we still expect them to just obey and do, as we enjoy life.. Sorry dream is over.
I am sure we can go in circles here for days, but I see ourselves as our own worst enemies and our Greed is catching up to us ad becoming our punisher.

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 07-05-2006, 13:15 Post: 131726

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On the news this weekend was I think the state of Iowa on this issue. Seems the Democrat reps and senators passed a bill limiting the ability to take land to which the Democrat Gov. vetoed. The news interviewed I beleive a Rep Mayor telling how they really needed it to take two acres of land that belonged to a lady in her 90's that did not want to see the farm land used for a railroad spur. They want the spur for a private company to build an ethanol plant that would employ 90 or so people.

Don't remember the Govneror's name but said he is a possible Democrat Presidential hopeful.

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 07-05-2006, 14:58 Post: 131729

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Typical Democrat
They really beleive that the people are not informed, are clueless and have a 90 second attention span. That all may have been true just a few years ago, the internet has changed that and issues and how they handle issues that are important to the people are very much a concern of the Voters now.
When the Leading Democrat came out with a comment that was "they owe it to the country that has offered them the oppurtunity" right after the defeat if the Estate Tax Bill, I learn what I had always believed about the Democrats, they believe we the people are here to serve THEM and that they are ABOVE us, in Law and and in ALL aspects, we are their SERVANTS. Guess the GOP will gain more this year. The Democrats are their OWN worst enemy. Instead of cleaning up their Rank & File they allow the likes of Dean, Kennedy, Byrd, Boxer to Represent them.

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 07-06-2006, 08:25 Post: 131761

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I sure don't give the GOP all high marks but it sure is a shame what is going on with the Democrat party as a whole.

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 07-06-2006, 10:15 Post: 131768

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That may be true, but
Today I heard the Democrats attack the Republicans for not doing anything about the Border Issue for the last 6 years. They make it sound we have only had borders for 6 years, we have only had the Threat from overseas for 6 years.
Christ, the GOP has handled Osama, Saddam. Kim Jong, Fox, Chavez, Iran, Katrina, and has brought up issues to have the Dems defeat them like the Estate Tax Bill, Same Sex Marriage Ban, Illegal Immigration Control, Permanent Tax Cuts and have still found the time to create over 2.5 million NEW jobs and not re hires and be slammed for that.
I just have to wonder what the Hell went on for the 46 years the Democrats had control, well for starters we had the 93 WTC attacks, Ruby Ridge, Waco, USS COLE, SUDAN, Archilles, Libya, Lockerbee, Nirobi, Beirut, Mogadishu, Kosovo, Bosnia, Serveajo, Marine Barracks, the Navy Sailor being shot on a Commercial flight because he had a Military ID, we had Tehran,Iran, Phillipines, Panama, years and years of Russia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Boliva, Columbia, and the illegals were pouring over our borders and entered during Clinton for the 9-11 attack.
I mean if we need to talk about issues where the Democrats turned their cheek, there have been many. We can look at all of the costs of the hiring of 20,000 Union Cops, why were they needed? to fight off the illegal drug trade brought on by Illegal aliens. Yet the problems continued, election after election and yet Bush has attacked the issues with FULL knowledge it was a unpopular but needed task and look at the bashing. We are to just sit and let it continue, that is what makes the dems happy, they need problems to make promises about and then DO NOTHING.
What did Clinton have to show for his 8 years? what did he accomplish? Not what the Republican led Senate or Congress accomplished, but what did Clinton Accomplish? don't forget Pardons and the sell out to China.
KT maybe the GOP doesn't have the cleanest clothes but I rather stand with them any day of the week. They seem to attack the problems and try and get things done, the Dems block the efforts and then blame the GOP for failure. Yeah right!
Hilary was going to give us better Health Care? well?..... Howard Dean for years when he sought re-election kept promising better Health care and we got HMOs and all of the Insurance Carriers cleared the state. He chased out business because he demanded that Vermont was a service state and now that the Gas prices are high and no tourists are coming, we are dying. We wanted Manufacturing jobs and he regulated businesses right out of our state. We wanted better education and we have the 2nd most costly school system in the country and our students rank 44th in itelligence. We demanded better roads and he raised the taxes and spent the surplus on pet peeves and not the roads or infrastructure.
I am sorry there are very few Democrats I have any respect for, very few.
Kennedy committed MURDER and yet he sits and judges Supreme Court Nominees as if he is Pure and clean. Why is he even allowed to judge others?
The Dems slam the Conservative Talk Shows as if the GOP is snapping their fingers and making them appear..Laughing out loud, why don't the Dems get their own talk shows and gives us balance? they can't... they have the likes of Michael Moore, Dan Rather John Kerry, Boxer, Feinstein, Bryd, McCain, Jeffords and so forth. They have NO ONE who is good and they no credibility to be able to have a decent talk show about. Hell Clinton was IMPEACHED and they still admire the puke.
I was always taught to surround yourself with people you want to be like. I guess I know who the Democrats want to be like.......
Rice -- Albright
Powell -- Reno
Bush -- Clinton and Company
Reagan -- Kennedy
Newt -- Dean
O'Reilly -- James Carvelle.
Limbaugh, -- Moore
North -- Rather
Hannity -- Colmes
Dole -- Gore, Kerry
Coulture -- ?
Liddy -- ?
Show me where a Democrat has done a better job than the Republican he bashes.

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 07-06-2006, 10:48 Post: 131770

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Is that the same O'Reiley that paid a 6-figure settlement to make a sex harrassment lawsuit go away? c'mon, you want to be surrounded by the likes on him?

How about Limaugh, otherwise known as Oxicontin Rush, I don't think HE wants to be in your company, unless you can get him some pills w/o a prescription.

I think we take our talking heads too seriously in this country. Most of them are fast talkers with only average intelligence and an attitude that translates into good ratings.

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 07-06-2006, 12:18 Post: 131772

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I don't care if Bill O'Reilly smoked Pot for ten years, Bill Clinton claimed he did and did NOT inhale...Laughing out loud, that is totally irrevalant to what the man says and totally irrevelant when it comes to the sources of his stories or the content etc Same goes with Rush Limbaugh.
So Rush had a Prescription Drug problem, do you remember how Elvis Presley died? Marilyn Monroe? JFK was even known to do drugs in the WHite House, we all have skeletons. The drugs rush was on was for a reason and not for recreation. Bill O'Reilly and his moeny deal, I do not know the details, I have never heard the details other than Press Assumptions and it was never brought to any trial so what was the Real evidence that it even exsisted? Some people will pay to shut someone up because of the bad PR and it has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. People in high psotitions can lose millions fighting a case, even if they are 100% innocent of the accusations, so payoffs are far cheaper and done by very intelligent people/companies. Jesse Jackson and his son and Budweiser is a good example. hmmm $150,000 to shut her up or a loss in millions while I fight it. I understand that if the other party agrees to the settlement, that is all a part of the legal process. So is there a crime that has been comitted? I think not.
Rush was at Watergate and knows a lot fo the inside poop from the early 1970s right up to now, same with Gordon Liddy and Gordon did time. Ollie North was accused of the Iran/Contra and yet no one here will ever know what really happened, it is all on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS and if someone has a Kryptonite Security Clearance and is sworn to the utmost secrecy due to National Security, I assure you what you think you know about what happened and what actually did happen are probably as similiar as Apples are to Bananas.

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 07-07-2006, 11:25 Post: 131820

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In the public eye, if you pay, that means you're guilty. O'Reiley can say all he wants that he just wanted the case to go away, but he has a responsibility to defend his good name and didn't defend it, he paid off the accuser.

My point was, a lot of the talking heads have questionable characters and to me that disqualifies them from the public spot-light that they enjoy. I just think public figures should be held to a higher standard than regular folks, we want the best to be our leaders, not the average.

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 07-07-2006, 14:10 Post: 131832

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I don't look at Rush or Bill as MY Leader, nor do I look at Senators as MY leaders. Bill and Rush are people who relay information down the Commo Channels for people to pick up and do as they wish. The Senators work for me and they are NOT leaders but subjects of the people.
I look at Rush and Bill in this way. Let's say Denis has a friend who was busted for child molesting, there has never been a trial, the friend was never in court and because the friend has a Large Business he chooses to pay a SETTLEMENT instead of a trial. three years later the Child admits they made the whole story up. Now you can look at Duke and the Stripper and her wild B.S. as another example or I knew a teacher who was accused, lost his job, lost his family, lost his home, lost his reputation and then it was about two years later the girl admitted she made it all up. So until there is a Trial and until he is found guilty by his peers, he is NOT guilty and if he paid money, that is considered a SETTLEMENT and not a BRIBE, for BRIBES are ILLEGAL and SETTLEMENTS are done all of the time. To punish a person on here say and assumptions, well we might just as well throw out the courts. Regardless, your friend who has been accused of child molesting comes to you and tells you he knows who it was that robbed the local bank. Do you ignore what he says because he has been ACCUSED or do you act on the info? Rush and Bill pass info on to us and you can challenge the info at anytime, research it yourself to be certain it is true and after you have done it enough where you know that SLANDER SUITs and DEFLAMATION SUITS keep them on the factual side and not the B.S. you Listen to what is being said. Facts will always be facts regardless of the reputation of the person telling them.
It isn't like they are Ted Kennedy who has committed Murder and sits on the Judgement Panel for Sumpreme Court Justice Nominees. People can quickly be destroyed by Trials and slenzy press medias, so a quick settlement is sometimes a smarter way to go. I have never had the luxury to have to make such a decision, I have nothing to lose.

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 07-07-2006, 14:36 Post: 131835

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you listed the republican establishment figures next to those of the dems I simply said that I resent the republican counterparts only slightly less than I resent the dems. The whole system is a sharade designed to impersonate representative government. It has been perfected to maintain a small clique of families in power, while the vast majority of the american populace is totally convinced that they (common americans) have something to do with who runs the country. The beast of government is wiley and wickedly strong. It holds ALL reigns of power, including ALL media outlets. Independent voices are more often corrupted than silenced by force. You need to dig deep to see the sinister nature of the present power structure. Pay attention to who associates with whom, especially away from the cameras: the level of duplicity will never cease to amaze you. I'm not sure you'll take to what I'm saying. The bottom line is there are no good governments. They are parasitic entities designed by the wealth holders for the SOLE purpose of maintaining the stability of wealth generating institutions such as manufacture and trade. The weaker the government, the better the common man in an educated, religious society. Our government has grown beyond the point where we can reduce its strength by democratic means. We are not too far removed from a tyranical unified world government. At this point a wise man can only observe the events and see for himself the fulfillment of scriptural prophecies take place in his own life time.

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