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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Our family was originally from Canton Ont. and second cousins still farm there, basicly much the same stock.
I am just commenting that having worked in corporate America for a long time that there are more Enron types than the view that you and I espouse to.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Unfortunately I have to agree with you on that one. A few years back I had it stuck right in my nose. I had my uncle who is an MD in central CA get me in touch with a farm labour placement service in the hopes of bringing up some Mexican farm labourers, as well as a few for the contracting business if it could be done legally.
When these Mexicans found out that we would feed them, give them a free place to live, AND pay them they almost stampeded the bus terminal. After the first ones arrived they were amazed at the conditions up here, and also that they got Sundays off and we provided a van they could use to go to church if they desired.
At the end of the season we made an offer to two of them to sponsor them if they wanted to emigrate to Canada permanently and we would loan them money to bring their families up too. The one was so awestruck all he do was cry, the other was so excited he forgot how to speak English and I thought he was going to give himself brain damage he was nodding his head so hard and he nearly shook my Dad's hand right off.
All we can do is try to improve our little peice of the planet.
Best of luck.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I agree Murf, but sometimes it is like pushing a rope here.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I have heard the same old poo poo non sense about the Ford as the Duramax. Its amazeing to hear some tell tell it. you might think the Duramax or the Ford were the worst vehicles ever because some peon reporter that didnt know a dipstick from a tail gate writes some little obscure poof that makes the paper. Big deal. This is what I can say about the Duramax after actually owning one, I have never had a vehicle this good. I have talked to literally hundreds of other owners and have yet to actually hear a complaint from some one that actually ownes one. The same is true for the Ford. What vehicle is perfect on every single truck that rolls off the line ? None. A engine alone does not make a truck. Thats my pennys worth. The only thing I want to know is MURF !!! Am I on the Sr Staff ???? Lol Dave
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Did you receive that picture I sent you?
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Actually I was thinking that maybe we should organize the first annual Tractor Point Members Conference, strictly, of course, for purposes of discussing ways to improve the board, tips on use & maintenace of our equipment, etc.
Of course if the agenda included a little about cigars, wine, food, fishing, boating in general, and maybe a little sightseeing & duty-free shopping for the ladies...
Just in the interest of advancing our knowledge, etc., of course....
Think the ladies would buy it?????
Best of luck.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Murf, My wife is already sold ! I dont have to twist her arm too hard to head to Nassau. She loves to stay at The Royal Towers in The Atlantis. The problem for me is she smokes my cigars and drinks my wine which is ok, but she does all the duty free and straw market stuff as well. LOl. Of course she'll be sold a LOT faster if youre buyin or theres a tax write off involved. Dave
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I came across this thread doing research on a new truck. I have been sorry I did not purchase a diesel in 2002 and am looking at both Ford and Dodge 2005 units for towing. I like the Ford ergonomics but the Dodge comes with more equipment and the Cummings. I am a bit leary of the Ford after reading about the engine and transmission problems on various posts. Any insight, most of this was posted some time ago?
On another note, my philosophy in managing people is that the more you do to give them "ownership" the better they perform. That will not hold true with all people, some are simply bad apples and you need to get rid of them. An exemplary work ethic is hard to come by these days so if you find a few that have that to offer, reward them and you will not be sorry.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
The problem with 6.0were fixed by 2004.25.Check the specs 05 Ford has better brakes/frame etc.Plus the integrated trailer brakes makes it even sweeter.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I took this quote from another board I belong to:
"Well after reading that last JD Powers 2004 Vehicle Dependability Study, I'd have to say Ford makes a good truck, but the 6.0 has been a dismal failure the likes of which there is simply no excuse for in this day and age. I certainly wouldn't buy into the contention that "all the bugs are fixed in '05" mantra without at least a couple of years to clear thier severly damaged reputation.
Cummins = 41% LESS problems than the equivalent gas powered truck
6.0 PSD = 430% MORE problems than the equivalent gas powered truck
Those numbers are obscene!"
I looked up the JD Powers Study, interesting reading. You couldn't give me a 6.0 Power Stroke. Interesting how it's going to be replaced in '07 already.
Buy the Dodge and get your own brake controller.
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