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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Here's the way I look at the situation.
Ford sells (in round numbers for this discussion) about a million F-series trucks a year.
Of that total we know from published data that about 40% of those trucks are F-Super Duty units, or about 400,000 units.
Of that 400,000 units roughly 75% of them are diesels, that means the sell about 300,000 PSD-equipped trucks a year.
If this problem has been supposedly been going on for 3.5 years now, since the release of the 6.0 l. PSD that means there are over a million trucks out there.
If even 10% of those million trucks had a mere fraction of the problems as those we are now hearing about it would be on every TV news broadcast and in every paper, magazine or bathroom wall around the world.
I suspect the 'problem' in most of these cases is the 'loose nut behind the wheel' syndrome.
I seem to recall reading posts from some people on this very board about their 'piece of junk' Kubota's or John Deere's a few times, do you agree with them as well.
Best of luck.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Murf has got a solid point. In the repair industry, the squeeky wheel gets the attention. When I worked for a different manufacturer, I had a service manager go on and on about how bad a problem they were having with a certain model. He was adamant the sky was falling and we needed a fix put out right away. I dug into the details with the actual dealer. One customer had one unique problem. The sky was not falling, the world did not end. There is always someone who will blow things completely out of proportion.
If someone is on their 3rd or 4th transmission, then I'm suspecting owner abuse. You can't tow 30,000 lbs with a 3/4 or 1 ton pickup and expect the transmission to live forever. I used to look at warranty claim suspension parts because "we've got a big problem!" Grab the part, find the impact point where the owner hit something big, and move on to the next part. 90% of the time such people who cry wolf are really the cause and not the vehicle.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I do agree with Murf that the number of problems must be compared relative to the number of vehicles sold in each category by each manufacturer. I am not so sure that Ford has continued to make changes to their engine and transmission in order to counter the exceptional abuse given them as he states, to correct engineering flaws or simply to continue to evolve it into a better unit.
I wish there were a source available to extract the problems, vehicle brand and type along with total number of units sold.
Dodge certainly had axle problems with the generation two Rams, that was a New Venture issue. They dropped that supplier, oddly enough they used to own it until forced to sell to obtain government loan guarantees. They also had transmission problems that seemed to be corrected in the latter half of that model run. GM has had tons of bad transmissions on the market, mostly in front drive cars but seldom have I heard of Ford truck transmissions going south...
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Actually American Axle & Manufacturing makes the axles for the Dodge pickups equipped with diesels. New Venture manufactures the manual transmissions and transfer cases. It is a shame Ford won't offer the Cummins or Caterpillar diesel in their F-250 & 350 pickups. The perfect pickup would be a Ford Crew Cab body equipped with a Cummins ISB or Caterpillar 3126B and a New Venture NV5600 manual trans. or even better yet an Eaton Fuller 7 speed. I am real happy with my Dodge Cummins. It's nice to dream anyway. ;O)
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I believe the second generation Rams that experienced axle bore problems were all New Venture. Dodge changed suppliers when the truck was redesigned for 2002. The transfer cases I know still come from New Process (Venture). Isn't American Axle GM owned? I believe I read that somewhere.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Dodge never, to my knowledge, had axle problems with the genII trucks. Their axles were Dana models. 60 or 44 in the front, 60, 70 80 or 80 hybrid (80 center with 70 shafts) in the rear on the 2500/3500's. They had and still have problems with their auto trannys (that's why I got the hand shaker :p ). The reason for the change to the American axles on the genIII (2003+) trucks was purely $$. They have since changed again. (I don't know to whom)
Gm also buys American axles, but I don't know if they are owned by GM.
BTW, Daimler/Chrysler now owns Detroit diesel, this is probably why GM bought the Isuzu diesel for thier trucks instead of a new Detroit.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
About a week or so ago I stated that my Farming Cousin with the F350 6.0 wasn't having any problems. I hadn't talked to him in a while. Well, I guess the story is beginning to change for him. Now he is getting some sort of miss and is loosing power on hills, just ripped out a front end and is getting some intermittent noices up front that service can't locate. He definitely doesn't pamper it by any means.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
furd turts will not make 6.0 after 2006. pain in butt fer them.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Ford had another engine going with the supplier of the Powerstroke 6.0. But Ford pulled that new engine progra from the supplier because of the reliability problems with the 6.0 engine in the SD. It's not as reliable as the old 7.3 L was and not as reliable as it should be. So the supplier lost another deal, Ford is stuck with a less than ideal current engine and must foot the bill for developing another engine to replace the 6.0.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
To the contrary, Dodge had tons of axle problems with the generation two trucks. They were all the New Venture axles. They did not seem prevalent it the heavier duty Dana units.
Do a search and you will find many complaints. My son went through two in his Dakota 4x4 in less than 40k. It seems the axle bores were not true.
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