F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Ford sells more diesels than Dodge and Chevy combined.The more you sell the morechances people are going to have trouble.J.D.Powers is also the same company that took a payoff to rate Mazda better.Most of J.D. rating is done in the first 90days.It's nice to buy American when you can.THe brake controller is just not any brake controller it's tied in with the ABS
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I do like that feature! For future plans I will need a controller and currently I have an aftermarket "under dash" model.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
They sell more trucks because of their extremely cheap fleet sales. All the bells and whistles in the world do not make up for the problems they had and still have with the 6.0 PS. Read any of the trade journals and you will see that the 6.0 was a decent motor until Ford engineering got involved. They are already screwing up the replacement motor that IH was developing.
The link below kind of sums up my reasons.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I must be the luckiest guy in the world, other than just because of my missus.
I've got a fleet of Ford's, all with the 6.0 PSD.
I had ONE, problem with a first year model, it was fixed quickly and without hassle under warranty, since then they have been problem-free.
Guess I should buy some lottery tickets.
Best of luck.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Are Canadian trucks equipped differently? (Emissions etc.) Here (US spec'ed) there are major turbo, injector, injector pump and tranny problems to name a few.
I liked the new HD Fords and was looking into replacing my '94 Cummins with one, but after researching I decided to keep what I have.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Have any of you Dodge guys out there seen the new Dodge PowerWagon? It comes with a totally different independent suspension and standard with 4.56 gears. It is intended for more or less off-road users.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Our trucks are all built at the KTP in Louisville, as far as I know the only differences are in labelling (metric) and so on.
There were some early injection problems, that was the one problem I did have with the one, I don't know what they did to it other than it was fast & free, .
The tranny is not an issue to us since all our trucks are 6 speed manuals.
I'm not sure what turbo problems they could be having. I do know of two trucks, both belonging to the same stupid tow truck owner, that had both major injection & turbo problems.
However, once they realized he was running regular cheap 10W-30 oil in them they were able to solve the problem, and terminate his warranty....
Best of luck.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
There must be reason they are #1 fleet diesel.Because they're are better.A Dodge is cheaper so it's not because of price.If Cummins Dodge is so great then why aren't they selling cab/chassis set up.You make it sound like Dodge has no troubles Give me a break.Stand on an Interstate and count how many of each brand is towing trailers and Ford will exceed but I guess that means nothing.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I have looked at them. Sharp truck but they are expensive for the average guy. Much of the equipment you would never use unless you did rock crawling. OUCH!
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