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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Actually, the axles on the 3rd generation Dodge Cummins pickups are made by American Axle. New Venture manufactured the gearboxes and transfer cases up until recently. The 2nd generation trucks utilized the Dana axles. The Dodge Dakota is a compact truck and not even remotely in the same class as the 3/4 and one ton trucks Dodge and Ford make. I don't think that would be a valid comparison. Both the 7.3 and 6.0 liter diesel engines are manufactured by International Harvester for Ford. Ford still offers the Cummins ISB engine and the Caterillar 3126B on its larger commercial trucks. I like both the Cummins ISB and the Cat 3126B but I think more aftermarket goodies are available for the Cummins. Actually both the none Ford versions of the 7.3 and 6.0 diesel engines manufactured by International are very good engines. Ford has modified and adapted these engines to its applications and I think that may be wherein the problem lies.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
Quite right 'Lion. I should have been more informative, the generation levels I was referring to back then was the Gen I, II and III Cummins powered HD Dodge trucks, not their 1/2 ton and lighter trucks. Sorry for the confusion.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
AV8R, I thought you and I were on the same sheet of music. ;o) I saw the post that referred to New Venture axles and that is what I thought may be confusing.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
FYI - The clutch packs in the limited slip Dana's in the Dodge need the oil to be changed periodically. I had mine done at around 75,000. Most people don't think about changing it although it is in the manual.
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F-250 6 0 Turbo Diesel
I did not realize you were referring to the Cummins either, sorry for the confusion. I knew the HD axles in those vehicles were Dana and have not heard of any problems with them.
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