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 10-30-2002, 11:58 Post: 44446

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

Bill, I have a Husky 41, which is the next size bigger than yours. They are great little saws. I believe the 41 was replaced with the 141 and the 36 was replaced with the 136 a couple of years ago.


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 10-30-2002, 17:19 Post: 44450

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

Thanks for the input everyone. I ended up buying a Stihl today. A small one 017 w/ 16" chain. No more that I have to do, I think it will serve me well. I was ready to go the cheap route, but stumbled upon a dealer in all places...Cut -N- ShootTx who shot me a price just $40 more than the Poulan or Craftsman so I bit. Testing starts tomorrow. Thanks again

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 10-30-2002, 18:03 Post: 44453
Steve in Buffalo NY

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

I don't recall what I paid for my 16" homelite but it was pretty cheap. Starts right up, cuts good, still original chain. Just don't cut much dirt and the chains last....

Anybody know where to buy a timber jack? I have seen them used but can't find one around.

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 10-30-2002, 18:47 Post: 44455
2002-10-30 00:00:00
Post: 44455
 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

I have seen this question posted on several forums over the past few years. Usually it is the same answer over and over. Buy a Stihl or a Husky and you won't regret it.
I bought a Stihl 021 with 16" bar for the mid-$200's and it is really a nice unit.

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 10-30-2002, 23:31 Post: 44472

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

Althought Husky and Poulan are part of the same congomerate, Electrolux, they are not the same saw nor are they made in the same factory. Having used Huskies for some 30 years or more and owned Poulans for about the same period, I can say that Poulans have improved from the connection but I am not sure Husqvarna has.
Almost all the saws are made by Electrolux but Stihl.

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 10-31-2002, 01:08 Post: 44475

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

You are right about Electralux Home Products making Poulan and Husky, along with many other brands. The smaller Huskies and built right along with the Poulans in the DeQueen AR plant. They do however have their own specs. The Husky is a much better saw, which is reflected in the price.


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 10-31-2002, 05:38 Post: 44478

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

I know the original question was answered and a Stihl bought. I'll carry on a bit never the less. I imagine that Huskies and Stihls have similar power to weight ratios. I can't say enough about how important having a saw with a good ratio is for anybody who uses a saw for more than a few hours at a time. A couple of years ago I used my 257 as the main tool in building a cedar rail fence, well the tractor did dig the postholes. I used the saw to cut notches in the posts and rails and then a splitting wedge to knock out the notch and a chisel to tidy up. Trying to cut notches in vertical posts with a heavy saw would have taken Popeye rather than me. On the other hand, trying to do the rest of my work with a light saw that has no power would take Methuselah rather than me.

My main criteria for a saw is if it feels comfortable, after that I look at how long a bar is recommended by the manufacturer. In the case of my homeowner Husky 257, that's 22" and I have a 16" bar on it. It's light and I can always put a longer bar on it to tackle bigger stuff. Husky offers an anti-kickback system on some of its models but I don't know if 257's are included. It's a pendulum that activates the brake if the saw moves rapidly. I don't know how well it works, but it sounds like a very good idea.

My wife found an old Mac lying on a dirt cellar floor at what became our camp. The cellar was given flooding and even so the Mac may still have worked if I tried. Far as I'm concerned yellow was the only thing that Mac and the one I bought in a box store have in common.

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 11-02-2002, 00:10 Post: 44542
2002-11-02 00:00:00
Post: 44542
 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

stihl,that's all.

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 11-02-2002, 07:44 Post: 44554

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

This is a 'what's possible' question. Somewhere I hear of a capstan winch available for chainsaws. I always thought that meant large chainsaws and probably Stilh.

Last winter we had to change the snowshoe trail we use to go for the mail because beaver left a bunch of big poplars on toothpicks and as leaners. At the time I thought about the chainsaw winch and wondered if such a thing could be used to try to get some of these trees all the way down. The issue sort of went away because the beaver works were threatening a rail line and the company paid trappers a bounty to get rid of the beaver. Somebody, probably the electrical power company whose land it is, took down the trees and hauled most of them away. I still wonder about the chainsaw winch thing though.

When I heard that Electrolux makes chainsaws, an image of some sort of hybrid between a chainsaw and a Dustbuster arose. Wonder if such a thing would sell?

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 11-02-2002, 09:24 Post: 44555

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 What kind of Chainsaw to buy

I had noticed that the Husky saws are now less expensive and assumed it was the dollar exchange. I could see no reference the AR in the Husky site, but SC.
Stihl has been producing saws in the states for a while I guess that Husky needed to do the same to compete.
I have used both in falling on the west coast years ago, but have not used the newer Stihls, only looked at them. At the time, I started nearly 30 years ago, both saws had been in service for a number of years. The forest industry in B.C. always sought out the best.
Husky invented the antivibe systems and theses were a real God send. On a large saw after a day of running you could bearly unclench your hands.
As a kid we had an old Canadian with 36" bar that was about as loud and as pleasant as you can imagine. Your ear would ring with ear plugs in.
I am happy that some people like the Stihl. Interms of longevity it was King in the woods. As with anything there is a trade off. Power to weight was better on the Husky, but looking at the numbers now they are about the same. The main reason I like the Huskies is the balance of the saw. If you are working with the saw most of the day and packing it around it make a difference.
Yes the Stilh might last 2 years in the woods and the Huskies only one and 1/2 but the side cutting with Huskies cut more woood so most camps went with the Huskies.

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