What kind of Chainsaw to buy
Well, last month this thread took on a new importance when an elderly relative needed a hand with a tree problem that made my poor old Mac 610 look pretty puny.
So without further ado, my new chainsaw and my latest (oh my aching back) project are at #12 in my pics.
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
It looks like you had your hands full with that big boy Mark. I still feel uncomfortable falling trees and I don't cut anything near as big as that. 12" is big on our property. I'm happy with my Husky 136, and since it was a gift the price was right.
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
Seem sized for the job, but not sure I want to lug it around all day any more. Not much good for cutting sage brush.
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
Is that the O-66 or MS660 with a 36" bar Mark? Definitely a beefy chain bar! A long bar does make cutting big stuff like that alot easier. Just have to watch sticking the chain in the dirt. Where did you get those monsters you are cutting up? Where they already felled or did you drop them? I can definitely identify with the aching back! Nice saw. I like that the new models come with the compression release which makes starting so much easier. If you haven't already, get the Stihl hard hat with the ear muffs and fold down protection screen. The big bill on the hard hat is designed to obsorb a kick back from the saw. They are good safety insurance especially with that long bar. Mine has saved me once. Plus the ear muffs really cut down on the noise. Have fun with your new toy! 
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
I did that once and and that as the reason my 'ol 0930 super started to give me problems,I used a 3 pt vertical log spliter and backed into the logs to split them !!!!
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
I think you will find every one has there own preference as saws go. As do I, if your going to use it once a year or once every two years it really doesn't matter. But if you want a saw you can always count on starting an running when you need it (not when you get it back from the saw shop) spend the extra buy the STHL. I've had 5 STHLS 3 of which have cut over 300 cord an never required more than regular maintance. If your not cutting any thing large the 26 model is very good all round saw for power to weight. Good luck on what ever you by. But if I ever need a pacemaker I hope STHL makes one:]
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
OK - Very good points made so far on the topic. One more for thought - I like to have 2 saws when I'm in the woods...(ever locked one up in a tree???) L I worked in the log woods for a bit - ran Stihl, Jonsred, Echo, Makita (& a yellow electric at home for light stuff). My 80cc Echo is a great cutter, the Stihl was the crew's favorite, the Makita did ok, but my personal favorite was the Jonsred - it was the most dependable. Easy to start & no downtime. Echo is good, but touchy/finicky (carb). Good saws seem to run forever if you keep a sharp chain, straight bar, & good oil. And, as with most machines, dependable timely service should be a consideration.
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
I wonder how Husky quality is standing up after the Poulan takeover? I have a pre-takeover 257 that I like OK for the light cutting I do. I think Husky had already created pro and consumer lines by the 257's time and the 257 is a consumer saw. But I like the saw just fine and hope the new company doesn't put their saws into box stores along with typical box store quality. At least there are still Husky dealers around. What's an optimist? A trombone player with a pager or a new Mac dealer.
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
All huskys with an XP are commercial saws, all without are consumers or as Husky calls them (semi-pro) saws. We sell both Husky and Stihl but my preference goes for Stihl, less Warrantee work about 1/2, and just good life. Husky has more perspective customers coming thru the door due to it's advertising dollars spent.
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What kind of Chainsaw to buy
Thanks Art! Good to know the distinction and the service records. I seem to recall that Stihl had its own takeover and also has a consumer line although I don't know its reputation. But my key is that I'm much happier when I stick to things that have dealers. Products without dealers always seems to make bargain prices expensive.
Suppose I should switch to 'just for fun' but you know those Husk's are high reving. A very eccentric idea of forming a chain saw choir has popped into my head the passed several winters. Such a thing would work sort of like bell ringers with logs. Those Husky's could be useful for tuning the high notes. Well, the choir idea usually occurs to me in February. I suppose I'm just getting bushy early this year. I did hear a rare CBC recording of a 100-piece harmonica band playing the theme from 2001 and I was astounded. Maybe I'm just given to bushiness. Sounded like the harmonica band was having fun though. If you ever see a billing for a touring chain saw choir just remember that you heard it here first. Us bush lunatics may like to go south some February.
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