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South Beach Diet
Ok you guys are absolutely killing me with all this talk of mouth watering food. I went on my own version of the South Beach Diet on November 1. So far I have lost about 25 pounds and 4 inches on the waist size.
Now all this talk of sausage is killing me.
Last night my wife who has been trying to kill me for years with a high fat high carbo diet of junk food goes to the local Butcher Shop called Rambo's and buys some of their homemade pork sausage. This is the gold standard of sausage, she cooks it on the grill ummmmm am I ever tempted.
She puts that big plate of incredibly tasty sausage right in front of me, but I hold my guns and have a whole grain sandwich instead.
Its tough trying to lose weight 
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South Beach Diet
What was the insides of the whole grain sam-ich?
PS I would not have thought any type of diet with "Beach" in it would be considered something you could legealy cook...
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South Beach Diet
I buy the whole grain bread from "Paneras", inside the sandwich I had Cooked Ham and Lettuce with French's Horseradish mustard. I had that for dinner because I had to take my son to wrestling practice so there was no time for my normal dinner.
Normal dinner is lean meat or poultry with whole grain brown rice and a hefty helping of steamed vegetables with no butter.
I try to minimze bread and carbs. For the first two months I had 2 scrambled eggs and two pieces of Canadain bacon for breakfast, my version of homemade soup for lunch (Chicken broth and steamed sweet onions and celery and shredded leftover boneless grilled chicken). I cut the eggs out after new years and switched to slow cooked oatmeal with walnuts for breakfast.
No Milk, no Cheese, no cake pie sugar of any form. No Alcohol.
Nightly treat is sliced fresh fruit topped with walnuts and Plain lowfat yogurt. I have unsalted dry roasted peanuts for snacks.
I have done zero excerise, not good I know.
I am kinda stable at this weight now so weight loss if any is real slow, which I guess is a good thing.
But three months with no beer or wine, used to miss it but don't now.
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South Beach Diet
Dennis, you're a heck of a nice guy, but.......
Long term, if you want to keep the weight off, AND keep it off, only one thing will do it.
Eat 1/3rd less of all the foods you would normally eat, but make sensible food choices, not whacky diets, and exercise more, a LOT more. I don't mean 'boot camp drills' in the park either, walk the dog, park atthe very back of the mall parking lot and WALK to the door, etc., etc., it all adds up.
The beauty of this plan is you don't have to "hold my guns" when your good wife comes home with a treat.
Best of luck.
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South Beach Diet
Actually Murf the reason I went with the DennisCTB version of the South Beach Diet, I don't like fad diets either. I just liked the principle of cutting out all the junk food I had been eating like Potato Chips, Pretzels, Wendy's and other fast food choices as well as other unhealthy foods, and switching to what I consider to be healthy choices.
I know what you are saying about fad diets. My brother was doing the low carb thing a year ago, don't think that is a good idea.
I am really not following the South Beach Diet in a literal sense. For example they tell you to cut out carbohyrdrates for two weeks. I think that is stupid so I did it my way, just "moderate" carbs, whereas in the past I would stuff myself with carbs, no moderation.
I liked this approach as I could easily follow the pattern without having to measure or count calories. I am absolutely amazed at how easy it is to esentially eat healthy once you have the principles down. I am embarassed to admit that it has been over 10 years since I have had a size 34 inch waist, so I am a believer right now , probably a bit over zealous.
When I said zero exercise I meant no trips to "Golds Gym", I always maximize how far from the store I park and walk the most I can, take hikes with the kids and dogs, haul firewood in for the stove, etc., just no gym style fitness regimen.
I guess we all have to do what works for each of us.
I was really "just kidding" about the temptation Hmmmmm Beer I might have to revisit that at some point!
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South Beach Diet
Just to be clear my wife is one of those petite ladies that likes to eat everything that will really fatten you up quick. Somehow she either has a metabolic rate that burns it off or she moderates the intake so she is always nice and trim.
Basically if I eat what she does I am a blimp. She doesn't bring home the occasioally treat its 24 by 7. So if I want to change I am on my own in this 
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South Beach Diet
It was mostly tongue-in-cheek, I'm glad it was taken that way. 
It's actually not such a bad diet, but after my little run-in with my health a few years back, one of the things that had to change was my "lifestyle" not just my diet.
One of the things they drummed into me was that losing weight was a good thing, but anything more than a pound a month was a bad thing. They also emphasised that nothing more than that would work long-term, not without staying on the "diet" at least. But that subtle changes, reducing amounts, and watching the choices would mean it would come off and stay off, PERIOD.
I was never huge, but had certainly gained a few pounds and lost some muscle, etc., since rejoining private life.
Although I still have a little to go, I am now back to the same clothes size and nearly the same weight I was at 18.
But I get to eat brats, and although I don't more than once or twice a year, can even wash them down with beer!!!
[Where's the tongue sticking out smiley??!!]
Best of luck.
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South Beach Diet
Know what's really going to be a real kick in the teeth, when the newest most widespread, test shows, us fat people live longer! And enjoyed it much more!
But, sure is a pain putting shoes on.
If you want an exercise plan that is fun, get a grandchild. If that does not do it was told to get more.
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South Beach Diet
Yeah, moderation is a good thing. I had been doing that with my wife and kid up until we moved. I haven't had my pots and pans so cooking was a real pain. But we ate a lot of veggies before the move with maybe a cooked chicken breast done up in various ways.
One of my favorites is to slice it up and marinate it using a teriyaki sauce. Makes for a nice tasting meal that is pretty healthy too.
Those healthier turkey hotdogs ain't too bad either. The kid loves them so we do indulge her a bit but in a healthier way.
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South Beach Diet
I did the low-carb diet for three years. Lost the weight and kept it off. My cholesterol was a little high so my doctor put me on lipitor (poison).
After the side effects started doing me in I stopped taking the pills, changed back to a "normal" diet but increased exercise and did not tell my doctor. The numbers came in about the same as when on the so called medication. Now if I could fully recover from the damage the lipitor did, things would be good.
I agree totally with the concept of a lifestyle change to keep weight off. There is no trick to it. You simply need to take in no more calories than you burn each day. One thing I miss about Atkins is that you always felt full. No hunger pangs and no shakes from rapid blood sugar fluctuations.
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