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 01-31-2007, 22:34 Post: 139423

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 South Beach Diet

I started on LA Weight loss in Sept of 05. No exercise but followed the plan. In Nov. of 06 I reached my goal weight of 220, down from 294. This is what I weighed as a senior in high school. I'm now at 218 and eating an entirely different way. Once or twice a month I can go off the wagon and eat pizza or pasta or whatever but the rest of the time it's definitely a lifestyle change that keeps me on the straight and narrow.

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 02-01-2007, 00:54 Post: 139429

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 South Beach Diet

DennisCTB - Good going. Actually, I "skimmed" the book and started my own version of the SB Diet as well, about 18 months ago. Not because I needed to loose weight - I didn't. Also, my BP and Chloresterol were great too. I was having some kind of weird glucose problem where I'd get foggy, almost have the whirlies, grumpy, weak, etc. The book happened to be nearby and I thought the part about typical american diets, and how the body handles sugars was interesting. Anyway, since changing my diet, my symptoms have all but gone away, I am stronger and leaner, have more energy, and have lost about 15 lbs ( "accidentally"Wink yeah right. I'm down to where I was over 30 years ago!

And, I have one beer every night, with a quarter of lime squeezed in. I heard that the lime helps to neutralize the carbs. Basically, I don drink wine, hardly eat any bread, no pasta, hardly any rice, no potatoes. Lots of vegetables and lean meat and fish, fruit. I eat nuts, cheese and peanut butter too. Actually, it's a pretty great way to eat. I bascially eat all I want, snack all the time, and never feel to full (like when I'd eat a plate of pasta).

The book is interesting for anyone toying with a diet, or experiencing my symptoms.

When I do eat bread, here's my favorite 10 am snack:

Peanut Butter and Pickle sandwich: Two slices of whole wheat bread (crust removed), one slice spread with Best Foods mayo, the other with organic chunky p-butter, and Clausen's sliced dill pickles in between. Sounds awful -- but it's great.

Yeah - ...health forum. Maybe there should be a sandwich forum..

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 02-01-2007, 08:37 Post: 139433

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 South Beach Diet

You would do well to tell your doctor what you are doing. If you are controlling it with diet and exercise and not needing the medicine the need for that medication should be removed from your medical history. If you were to apply for such as health or life insurance they would pick up you are suppose to take this medication and either rate your risk as if you do or worse rate it as someone who needs treatment and ignores it.

Often what the doctor ordered is not the best option.

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 02-01-2007, 09:54 Post: 139436

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 South Beach Diet


I first met someone at work who had lost weight on the diet, the inspiration, plus my brother had been on me for years -- "when are you going to do something about the extra weight". Then I surfed the web on it and skimmed the book at the bookstore and the view on the typical American diet hit me as spot on.

Yup no potatoes, white bread etc.. While I am into the veggie sandwich, and went through a phase where I was always spicing things up with hot sandwich peppers etc., I am not taking to your pickle mayo combo yet, maybe we'll see that on Trump's apprentice show Wink yeah right

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 02-02-2007, 00:36 Post: 139469

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 South Beach Diet

Dennis - you just have to try the sandwich. That's how it happened with me -- my wife stuck this sandwich in my face and said TRY IT. I was totally skeptical, but won over immediately. I think of it as an energy sandwich. I am not a vegetarian at all. I just watch what kinds/cuts of meat, fish and poultry I eat. Almost no red meat tho, except a good fillet and buffalo, no and then. Yeah, I think the key is getting rid of baked goods (mostly) and starchy stuff. I don't miss them much. Good luck.

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 02-02-2007, 08:14 Post: 139477

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 South Beach Diet


Thanks for the concern. I had a doctor visit scheduled for six weeks after I quit the stuff last winter. He disagreed that the Lipitor was causing my problems but I had done enough research to confirm it. I believe that no doctor is going to admit that something with such widespread use is bad, think of the law suits. But about one in ten is subject to some nasty side effects according to the manufacturer's own research! Too bad for you if you are in that minority.

My numbers are now where they should be simply by watching what I eat and supplementing with fish oil.

My former manager was crippled up so badly with the statin he switched to natural remedies (red rice yeast?) and now has excellent numbers.

Bottom line is that I learned not to rely on pills to fix everything. I did more damage to myself by not researching in advance and by not doing everything I could to bring my numbers down naturally. You know, that comfortable feeling you get when sitting with your doctor and his intern and they tell you that "you really need to take this pill, it is good for you".

So for Dennis and the others here that have lost weight and are trying to improve their health through diet, way to go! In my view, carbohydrate reduction and elimination of sugars is the key. Without exception, every time I have lost weight in the past and returned to a high-carb diet I pile the fat back on.

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