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2ndHandLion prompted this
Living just a few miles west of a major beach (Myrtle Beach, SC) having to pay attention to hurricanes and having hits my family has found it took little to be ready. Hurricanes are nice enough to give notice like the unwanted family member. We have always choosen to ride out the storms here, but knew when Hurricane Floyd at one time a 4 or 5 Cat was predicted to hit here we would not be able to and prepared to leave. Thank God it dropped greatly. There are several truths in most if not all of these messages. The better you know your neighbors, the better off all are. The better prepared you are, the better off all are. We do not live in isolated area as some (semi rurual) do but we citizens have cut trees out of the road because crews were busy on main roads (and yes their homes), we have moved generators from house to house to save food, we have stayed with family who suffered less damage. Yes the more farm, hunter, contractor type the people are usually the more they are likely to help just because they are use to and have the ability and do not know they are not suppose to. In all of the talk of New Orleans we will pay (sadly) for a major flood zone to be rebuilt when in my area FEMA said no money to rebuild in flood zone of much less risk than some of NO. Not only here but other areas also which just make sense. Now, voters, who do you vote for? Who, that is elected, have you communicated with? Why do you think we have millions coming across an open border as they are? Want a lesson in welfare state that many elected selfish people have trained millions for, go sit in your hospital emergency waiting room one evening. They are so filled with welfare and people who will pay not one cent (many are not legal citizens), yet those who keep such running are working with sickness often worse. Do notice you are not hearing the same "whinning" from the two staes east of NO where the main winds hit. They have had whole towns wiped out. The attitude is so different. God teaches we have responibility for ourself and others (a theme repeated often in these messages) and one practiced by early settlers. This has nothing to do with income or social class. It has to do with the class of the individual and that of the community's class.
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2ndHandLion prompted this
I am not sure we know what common sense is any more.
We have the rich building on barrier islands that are nothing more than shifting sand.
We will spend billions rebuilding the rich homes on shifting sand. Yet a critical port for the Midwest, south and central US, NO, we don't want to protect, nor will we rebuild properly? Did no one take economics 101 at college? Where does the economic wealth really come from?
For example: despite the conservative republican back patting the cold war was not won by Reagan’s rhetoric or saber rattling. Gobachev writes he realized the fight was lost when he was agricultural minister and visited Eugene Whelan, Canada’s agriculture minister’s farm in Ontario. Gobachev knew that a countries wealth ultimately originate from the productivity of it’s farmers. When he saw the west’s farms he new it was lost. So friendship and hospitality of the farmer turned the man's mind.
We can not do without the port of New Orleans and the efficient transport of products to and from the country or the productivity of the Midwest farms would be pointless.
We can do without the rich building along the beach. Personally I would appreciate being able to walk around the beach unfettered with only the birds and other beach lovers. Is leaving these shifting sands to the birds such a bad idea?
If we follow history only once has a nation turned itself around, from decline to greatness. In this case one man started a reformation by riding around on a horse. He did this for 50 years. Turning one life at a time. He carried no weapons and faced many hardships. But then he was following God not man.
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2ndHandLion prompted this
Peters, I don't think anyone disputes the fact that we need the ports of NO to reopen as soon as possible. What I don't want to see is the Feds putting up new housing 10-20 ft below sea level because some politician might get a few votes by saying "We must rebuilt."
NO has areas like the french quarter that are high enough on their own. The rest needs to be reclaimed by the swamp.
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2ndHandLion prompted this
It is the difference between rebuild and rebuilt right. The Netherlands has spent large amounts of money developing and redeveloping areas for flood prevention. It has taken federal resolve and capital to accomplish the level of protection they have.
Here the development is authorized and then each government has its 4 year program life or rather 3 year as the last year is spent campaigning . Or more precisely 2.5 years as ½ the year is spent on the midterm elections. These types of projects take many more years to complete. What happened to the levee plan passed 40 years ago?
How do you think foreign nations view our bazaar flip flop politics and agendas? Reverting back to Gorbachev, when asked to go and meet with Reagan, he said “Why would he meet with someone that thinks of us as the axis of evil?” Someone had to explain to him that it was just American political grandstanding in an election year. Unfortunately most Americans are not astute enough to realize when the BS is being thrown. The media has taken the sound bites and feed it continually to us until we think of it as truth. Personally I despise the media spin left or right.
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2ndHandLion prompted this
This terminology of "left" and "right" continually amuses & irritates me just a tad. These terms are improperly and unknowledably used so often that I think these terms have lost their true and intended meaning.
Those who's political views coincide with the founding fathers as they voted upon, approved, and intended the Constitution AS ORGINIALLY WRITTEN & intended including the original 10 bill of rights & NO OTHERS. Are actually moderate or middle of the road, not to mention true conservatives.
The left depending upon the degree of extremist idiology are socialists, social/communists, or hard core communists.
The right depending up the degree of extremist idiology are nationalists, or even further to the right groups such as the American Nazi Party or other ultra nationalist groups such as the Skin Heads.
The first fall into socialism, was the income tax which was unconstitutional & was levied in 1864 and stopped in 1872. Another income tax law was declare unconstitutional in 1894. Not until the 16th amendment was passed was a federal income tax considered constitutional but in actuality it is STILL unconstitutional, as are property taxes, and other taxes which are collected for use and other reasons but allocated to other totally unrelated expenditures.
The depression brought us the disaster of Franklin D. Roosevelt who during his nearly 16 year tenure perverted this nation into a "socialist Oligarchy", JFK & LBJ took this to extreme and undreamed of levels with the "Great Society". The current "dummed down" and socially addicted quagmire we currently have is the result.
This nation was settled and founded by rugged individualists who cherished above all things, there individual freedom and freedom from an overbearing and oppressive government.
I consider myself a moderate as well as a "strict constructionist constitutionalist" who firmly believes that we and this entire nation MUST change our course 180 degrees and get back to the basic principles that made this nation great and nurtured its birth.
The current Republican party (aka the "right" are actually socialists and the Democrat party (aka the "left" is the party of social communism and hard core communism. Basically separate parties of the left and extreme far left.
Anyhow.........having placed the terms of left and right in true and proper context (at least in my humble opinion)...........I am done...........to quote Mark..............now let the fur fly! ;O)
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2ndHandLion prompted this
I wish I could fully understand Mr. 2ndhandlion last comment. I think he is saying both parties are on the "liberal" slant one way or another. (As a left handed very consersative I don't appreciate left or right either.) We would do well to know and understand the history of this great nation. We are a people found on individual rights as to property and God. Not on the lack of either as the ACLU and other would have us think. The term "God Bless America" is more than just a wish. He has, more than any other country that has ever been. Now, again such as the ACLU is telling him to get out. Lets us ruin what has been created by many honest hard working people you bless.
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2ndHandLion prompted this
Hmmm, not having waded in this thread, yet ..... I just read the whole thing from the beginning.
Only thing that comes to mind?
Article V: I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to THE PRINCIPLES WHICH MADE MY COUNTRY FREE. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
I got your back Randy!
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2ndHandLion prompted this
Geeezzzzeeee Murf what a profound bit of wisdom. To bad we can't apply something like that today...
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