Tractorpoint Outage
The Tractorpoint Site was unavailable from about 7PM last night until about 11:30 am this morning. The issue is that we are using up too much of the resources at my hosting company, and my hosting company disabled our Tractorpoint Database. Another usage violation and we will be in the penalty box again, this time indefinitely.
In an effort to reduce resource consumption the following features have been disabled:
1)"who is online feature"
2) the "recent posts drop down"
3) the "hot topics "
4) the jump to forum and board
We don't yet know if these changes will even begin to keep us out of the penalty box.
To continue to operate and improve the site, as well as to activate the disabled features we need more Premium Subscriptions and renewals.
Please consider renewing your membership today. Your contributions will help us move to a larger hosting environment.
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Tractorpoint Outage
Can you give us directions to renew off date?
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Tractorpoint Outage
You can renew your membership for increments of 12 months from the current expiration date by going to "myProfile" and selecting the "renew" menu item.
The link to this page is in the link below:
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Tractorpoint Outage
I don't think we need that stuff or that I will miss it.
In fact the page seems to load quicker for me now.
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Tractorpoint Outage
Dennis CBT
I checked my profile and you have me down as a premium member. I am not complaining, but I never up graded. You have changed the format for Mypay (or what ever it is) the other way was somewhat quesitionalble. I will up grade tonight hope this helps.
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Tractorpoint Outage
I am not sure that these changes will keep us in the green zone on this, would be great if it were that simple!
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Tractorpoint Outage
I guess I rode free for long enough.... Money is on the way.
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Tractorpoint Outage
Tractorpoint (me) periodically reviews membership activities and I make modifications/upgrades as a reward to select members in recognition of their valuable contributions.
PS thanks Mark!
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Tractorpoint Outage
OK I can talk trash now. I'm payed up. Hope the wife has money in that account.
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Tractorpoint Outage
What about a contribution over the membership fees and dues?
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