anti 2nd amendment
What's with all the google ads on barrel pt sponsored by anti 2nd admendment gruops.
Its enough that the liberal scum at e-bay have taken and banned anything firearm related from their site.
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anti 2nd amendment
I get all bent out of shape over those who wish to take our firearms from us. My response to such people......."Go ahead and try. Good luck." They usually get my drift.
Only the dumb ones seem to have a hard time understanding my position.......of course, their numbers are great, so I do a lot of explaining.
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anti 2nd amendment
Ted Nugent for President!
Take a listen to this interview.
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anti 2nd amendment
The irony:
Railing about ads placed when their content is "opposition to gun ownership rights".
I guess its OK to protect the second amendment but not the first?
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anti 2nd amendment
The irony is two-fold then, because without the Second Amendment rights, the First Amendment rights would no longer exist. Look in the history books.
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anti 2nd amendment
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 
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anti 2nd amendment
Well, in all actuality, possession of firearms enabled the colonists to take the stand for independence. Without the means (weapons) and will to drive home the point, the Declaration of Independence would have done nothing more than incite the British to teach the colonists a lesson.
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anti 2nd amendment
Freedom of speech with no protection? Not sure how long that would last. Guess we can ask the students in Chiana. Oh wait, think a tank got the one I had in mind.
To me guns and tractors have a lot in common. They are not for everyone and those who don't want or need them should have no problem with those who want or need them as long as they use them in legal and reasonable manner. At same time if you don't make an effort to learn how to use it safely sooner or later someone gets hurt or killed.
I firmly believe there ought to be laws and regulationis on who owns guns. First start with those who don't care for them. kt
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anti 2nd amendment
First off guys, I meant it as a joke. In reality you can't have one without the other?
I will say if congress passed a law today that all guns would have to be turned over to some kind of authority, I'd be one law breaking SOB!
That said, Freedom of Speech is just as important as The Right to Bear Arms.
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anti 2nd amendment
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