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anti 2nd amendment
I'm not sure why it is, but the Swiss seem to have missed out on a great opportunity. It seems that there were a number of men who referred to themselves as being of Swiss heritage -- but published their writings in France, Germany, or England.
Brother Klaus (I forget his real name.....this was the name assigned to him by his fellow countrymen.) may have been the only Swiss philosopher who was allowed to remain within the borders of Switzerland.
We'll have to get together somewhere. I'll buy you a cup of coffee or three, while we talk guns, politics, and history.
Without guns, there wouldn't be much history to discuss. And without politics, man wouldn't have much need for guns.
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anti 2nd amendment
Swiss officials in the 1700s really didn't care much for views that didn't align with their own. We've seen the same thing in our time.
I'd like to regress for a moment to the social contract theory. I haven't seen the show, as there is very little television worth watching, but there is one where kids run a town comprised solely of kids. Obviously, each kid brings with them different teachings, values and mores. I'm curious of how different this newest generation would develop the social contract that would enable any sense of community. Would it reflect the worst or best of our society? Hobbes, if I remember my college days correctly, wrote that in order for a society to live at peace, every member of that society would have to be subservient to an authority figure, and do so willingly. If a society didn't recognize a given authority, even though that authority figure couldn't be held accountable, then total chaos would result. If we pattern the kids' town after our own political system, it would definitely take on a Machiavellian feel.
Okay, it's late, we just got back from a rodeo, and my wife is questioning my sanity for sitting here typing this late at night, so I'll bid you adieu for tonight.
Peace be with you, my friends.
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anti 2nd amendment
If you ever find yourself in North Texas, I'll buy the coffee! My travelling days are few now that I've taken off the uniform...and I like it that way. I have been here for seven years, definitely the longest I have lived anywhere since I joined the Air Force back in 84.
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anti 2nd amendment
Glad to know you, Sir.
I spent about 16 years in uniform, with 5 years active and an additional 11 years in the Army Reserves.
It was during my stay in Georgia that I met a man who introduced me to U.S. history......the version they don't teach in U.S. public schools. I've been hooked on the subject ever since. Of course, I was introduced to the topic by a very good teacher, while I was still in junior high.
Jim Fitt served in Vietnam with the 1st Armored Division. He lost a leg when a land mine exploded beneath his 2-1/2 ton truck. He was a college graduate with a degree in military history from Kansas State. We became good friends, and he often stayed with me and my wife whenever I would cook up some Georgia venison for supper.
Jim passed away shortly after I left Georgia. I miss him a great deal. There are few men I've met in my life that were as kind, or as willing to share what they learned in life.
It seems to me that military men often know more about history than most other people......and I believe this has a lot to do with wanting to know more about the situations we end up in, when freezing in a foxhole, in some foreign nation.
I've never been to Texas. It is one of only a few States that I've never made it to. However, should I ever head in that direction, I'll be sure to let you know that I'm on my way. I'd enjoy having a cup of coffee with you, Sir.
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anti 2nd amendment
Dear friends,
This came to me from a very trustworthy source.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
You'd think that when rabid, anti-gun legislators like Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy join together to pass anti-gun legislation, it would raise a few red flags.
But these two New York Democrats are currently planning to roll over gun owners with H.R. 2640 -- legislation which would bar you from owning guns if:
* You are a battle-scarred veteran suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; or
* As a kid, you were diagnosed with ADHD.
Not to mention the fact that your ailing grandfather could have his entire gun collection seized, based only on a diagnosis of Alzheimer's (and there goes the family inheritance).
More info on H.R. 2640 is available on the net.
Now our nation's military veterans are being targeted for disarmament. It never seems to stop.
Please call your representatives in Congress and then deliver a personal message regarding your opinion on this proposed legislation.
I thank you.
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anti 2nd amendment
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
To those who would submit to the yahoos who pass these unconstitutional laws your freedom of choice will be next.
You dont care if they take the guns, what about when they close down the talk show that allows expression of views, or the door to door searches to ensure compliance with their laws. What about when they decide there is no such thing as private property ownership or rights, or personal decisions on health care, (you smoke, no govt funded health care for you, or drink alcohol, or drive a gas guzzler, or eat red meat, or...or... by the way, all doctors are government employees, dependant on the authority of the govenrment to be able to do doctor work)
Who will stop them or how will they be stopped in their never ending quest for power.
Mao says, true power comes from the barrel of the gun.
nuf said
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anti 2nd amendment
Candoarms, revisted this due to Randy's posting but read yours on the fine senators and their thoughts. Locally an 80 year old man committed suicide and could be a poster person for taking guns from those with Alzheimer's or certain medication due to how it can affect the mind.
The other side that happened here recently one man was released in the morning for a gun violation and that afternoon was in a shoot out with person he was trying to break in his house and killed. Both happened the same week about 60 miles apart.
WHat it means to me is we need to realize when and how guns need to be secured to prevent such. Have no doubt you know, how many people are killed each year by bad people with guns compared to Drunks with cars? kt
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anti 2nd amendment
"..how many people are killed each year by bad people with guns....?" (KT)
Too many, Sir. I don't know the exact number, because the FBI categorizes every gun death into one lump sum. The good people killed by the bad guys are lumped together with the bad guys killed by homeowners.
I can tell you this much.......Not enough bad people are killed by good people with guns.
Far too many violent criminals are repeat offenders, simply because far too many good guys surrendered their right to defend themselves. For some odd reason too many of my fellow Americans tend to believe that a policeman, 40 minutes away, will do a better job of protecting them from the criminals, than they are capable of doing themselves.
It's a sad time we live in. Whatever happened to people like those who lived in Northfield, Minnesota, when the Younger gang came to town to rob a bank?
I was born in the wrong century. I'm way out of place in this new society we live in.
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anti 2nd amendment
Doctors kill more people each year through negligence than guns killing anybody.
In our regional area (Saginaw & Flint Michigan are the homocide capitols of the country), gun deaths are from blacks killing other blacks while us white folk get blamed for it. Some accidents do happen unfortunately. More people die from automobile and other related fatalities than even our soldiers.
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anti 2nd amendment
Better tried by twelve than carried by six...any day. And remember, dead men tell no lies.
As for taking weapons from the elderly, that's a foul! Unless they are forced to live in an assisted-living type facility, where someone else would take care of security issues, the elderly have every right to defend themselves and their property. A random age picked by some liberal, anti-gun beaurocrat who bases the decision on his/her personal belief/experience is just wrong! As long as we free citizens of this great country show no reason for limiting our rights (such as felony convictions), no limitations should exist. A medical authority's decision that one is incapable of driving is usually taken at face value, but, short of suggesting that an elderly person's family should intervene when gun ownership is deemed unsafe, who exactly do you propose do the dirty work of policing these people? Another beaurocrat, especially created to do so? Well, why not raid everyone's homes then? Why not put swastikas and SS paraphenalia on them and say that their mission is to protect the country?
NO! KThompson, we've seen your type thinking destroy nations and countless lives. It is freedom, and the freedoms granted in our dear Constitution, that have secured our continued success as a Nation. Until we give up those rights...
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