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 09-13-2007, 17:14 Post: 145688

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 anti 2nd amendment

There is what is right and then there is the way that it is. It seems that freedom of association should come into play somewhere. If a bunch of gun owners get together they should be able to boot any anti-gunners that show up. However, when you agree to accept paid advertising you agree to accept the strings that are attached. I just look at the ads and think to myself, "what a bunch of morons". Probably the same way they think about me. shrug.

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 09-13-2007, 17:27 Post: 145690

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 anti 2nd amendment


I firmly believe that only those who own guns should be allowed to vote.

And don't laugh.......as this was once the case in this country.

Progress isn't always for the better.


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 09-14-2007, 06:32 Post: 145701

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 anti 2nd amendment

My point was: get rid of the anti's. Gunowners and business people are not going to support the site if anti's are going to support it. I only check BP from time to time and the ads do not make it at all.

I would hope when the freaking tree huggin anti diesel anti meat freaks start advertizing how much better the world would be with out tractors and farmers. That the majority will not just lay back and say Oh Well that's their opinion and they have that right to express it and we'll accept their money.

If the anti's pay to advertise on a site that supports tractors and farmers I'd expect the real tractor and farmer sponsors that pay will pull their ads.

I feel no different on the BP site. Real advertisers probably will not compete with the anti's. There are some excellent hi-power sites out there, and most have dropped E-bay and paypal. I do not use either anymore since their policy change on firearms.

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 09-14-2007, 08:14 Post: 145706

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 anti 2nd amendment

Billy, Your line on the chicken and egg fit very well, humor or not. My serious question off of it is, do you think the ability to protect one's self or the freedom of speech came first? Or the chicken and egg as you put it.

Candoarms, is that one vote per gun?

Harvery, could you give details on ebay and paypal? To those do not care for diesel or guns or oh well, do they buy all their food from the Quakers? No throwing off on the Quakers either. Do they only buy items shipped by horse or human power? Surely they only use solar power or wind power. Surely I jest...kt

Hey want to make the tree huger, gun hater, anti diesel and no meat nervous? Just attend parties with those types and as they nibble on their little snacks point make claims as shallow as theirs...did you realize they cut trees down to grow...did you know they shipped that lettuce here from Mexico with polluting diesel trucks and there were hungry cows shot for eating the lettuce in the fields...just so you could have it. Might be hard to get into next party.

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 09-14-2007, 08:40 Post: 145708

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 anti 2nd amendment


One vote per gun? No sir.......One vote per household, with only the head of household being allowed to vote.


"Every male citizen of the commonwealth liable to taxes or to militia duty in any county, shall have a right to vote for representatives for that county to the legislature." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes for a Constitution, 1794. FE 6:520



(See: The Militia Act of 1792)


I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia.........(continued)

That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch, with a box therein, to contain not less than twenty four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of power and ball; or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch, and power-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a power of power; and shall appear so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise or into service, except, that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack....(continued)


Those who refused to sign up for militia duty were not permitted to vote.

I'm not convinced that changing this system was a good idea. In fact, I highly doubt the wisdom of it.


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 09-14-2007, 11:31 Post: 145719

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 anti 2nd amendment

Cando,your post brought this thought to mind: Responsibility. It was much more the credo back then than now. Take a look at the way celebrity rules our Nation more than good sense. We spend our time glued to the latest productions that Hollyweird throws our way, buy into any spin on news stories brought to us by mass media, and refuse to hold people accountable because it wouldn't be politically correct.

Is the ideal of freedom lost on this generation? No, they love freedom. Freedom to do whatever, whenever. Take a look at YouTube, Break, and all the rest of the .coms that display the willingness to do whatever comes to mind.

Lack of responsibility is fast becoming the norm. When you see people unwilling to correct their own children's behavior in public, when you see elected public officials disregard the laws they're sworn to uphold, when people expect the government to bail them out of every unpleasant situation, and when you see individuals unwilling to help their neighbor...do you ever wonder what happened to the idea that we all are expected to be 'responsible' in our very being? To ourselves, our friends, our society? Voting is a good example, because the very priviledge of voting used to mean something to Americans. Now less than half, and probably even fewer, actually vote. I have heard people say that "it makes no difference, anyway".

I think that we are losing America a little more every year to that kind of thinking. It becomes more apparent when few claim "American" as their nationality, and more and more claim "_________-American" (you fill in the blank). Once upon a time, before hyphenation, we were united. I love this Nation, but I can't help but see hard times ahead. Debt, both individual and governmental, is defining our existence more and more. Again, freedom and responsibility...it comes full circle: Ignore one, eventually lose the other.

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 09-14-2007, 11:50 Post: 145720

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 anti 2nd amendment


You're right in all regards, my friend.

The problems we face today have roots that go way back in time. It's not that the current generation is failing.......is that the problems we've created are simply manifesting themselves...compounding.....over time.

The creation of a permanent standing army, which our Founders were entirely opposed to, was the start of this downhill trend in our society. No longer do the American people feel that they are responsible for the defense of their nation. They now look to BIG BROTHER (otherwise known as Uncle Sam) for protection....even from their own neighbors.

There's an American historian whom I have a great amount of respect for, by the name of Jon Roland.

(there is no "h" in Jon. I spelled his name correctly.)

Here's something written by Jon Roland.....which I believe you'll appreciate very much.


Militia v. Inimicitia
by Jon Roland, Constitution Society


Please visit the link below.


Link:   Militia v. Inimicitia 

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 09-14-2007, 12:14 Post: 145722

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 anti 2nd amendment

In a nation governed by the people themselves, the possession of arms to defend their nation against usurpers within and without was deemed absolutely necessary. This right is protected by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. A gun was an everyday implement in early American society, and Jefferson recommended its use.

"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion of your walks." --Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr, 1785. ME 5:85, Papers 8:407


My gun is my constant companion.

I don't fly, because the idiots in Congress won't allow me to arm myself. I don't travel by public transportation for the same reason. In fact, I rarely leave my home State.

I carry a gun, and I never leave home without it.

Too bad those people aboard those planes on the morning of 9-11 were not allowed to take part in the defense of their own nation. To do so would have been a FEDERAL OFFENSE!.....a FELONY....with jail time of up to 20 years!......the loss of all gun rights for life....and the loss of the right to vote for LIFE!

Only God can save us from this stupidity.


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 09-14-2007, 13:52 Post: 145725

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I read an interesting article about this topic recently, it was written by a history professor and was published in a historical association magazine and was about todays highly mobile society.

The theory was that the mass relocations of displaced persons caused by the two great wars (and to a lesser extent locally, the depression and 'dirty thirties') developed a nearly global mind set that if the living conditions where you were weren't all that great you could just pack up, and move somewhere better.

His theory was that this shift in thinking was the top of the slippery slope, people no longer would take the effort to preserve their way or quality of life, or their societies values or legal or moral standards, but would instead just abandon them in favour of 'greener pastures' when things changed for the worse.

As a person who is proud to say I'm the ninth generation of of my family to farm and live (if only part time) on the same land, I can tell you, not too many others in my area let alone Province can say the same thing.

The days of people staying in a particular area for many generations is sadly, long past I'm afraid.

Mind you, there are also less than 60% of the people in my area who are willing to even show up to vote......

BTW, another benefit of being a private pilot was raised here, I can carry a firearm while in flight!

Best of luck.

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 09-14-2007, 14:04 Post: 145727

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Cando, it is good to know that there are still a few of us that haven't bought into the leftist ideology. You are a very learned man, no doubt on every possible opportunity heralding the very ideas that enabled the creation of these States. Which brings me to the next point, state's rights. As our States lose more power to the Federal government, through increased reliance on funding and direction, and decreased independence, we'll see more occurrences of what we saw in Louisiana when Katrina hit. People, knowing a hurricane was about to hit, did nothing, and waited on "the government" instead of taking action on their own. After the winds died down, more of the same pathetic cries for help, with nothing being done to help themselves. Why? Most of our States have helped create this "entitlement society" where individuals that are not willing to work are given the same (or better) treatment as the person working two jobs, saving money for a brighter tomorrow. It is seen throughout our society these days.

Just yesterday, some co-workers were discussing kids' sports, in which everything had to be FAIR and there were no winners or losers. "But it is better for their inner development", as one parent said. Hogwash! Winners win, losers lose. Learn to do both, and do both graciously...but develop a distaste for the latter.

That I live in Texas is a fact of which I am proud. Recent legislation re-confirmed that I have the right to defend myself, my family, and my property...and to do so without cowering.

[Article by Ed Stoddard

DALLAS (Reuters) - Criminals in Texas beware: if you threaten someone in their car or office, the citizens of this state where guns are ubiquitous have the right to shoot you dead.

Governor Rick Perry's office said on Tuesday that he had signed a new law that expands Texans' existing right to use deadly force to defend themselves "without retreat" in their homes, cars and workplaces.

"The right to defend oneself from an imminent act of harm should not only be clearly defined in Texas law, but is intuitive to human nature," Perry said on his Web site.

The new law, which takes affect on September 1, extends an exception to a statute that required a person to retreat in the face of a criminal attack. The exception was in the case of an intruder unlawfully entering a person's home.

The law extends a person's right to stand their ground beyond the home to vehicles and workplaces, allowing the reasonable use of deadly force, the governor's office said.

The reasonable use of lethal force will be allowed if an intruder is:
- Committing certain violent crimes, such as murder or sexual assault, or is attempting to commit such crimes
- Unlawfully trying to enter a protected place
- Unlawfully trying to remove a person from a protected place.

The law also provides civil immunity for a person who lawfully slays an intruder or attacker in such situations.

Texas joins several other states including Florida that have or are considering similar laws.

Sympathy for violent offenders and criminals in general runs low in Texas, underscored by its busy death row. The state leads the United States in executions with 388 since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 by the U.S. Supreme Court.

A conservative political outlook and widespread fondness for hunting also means Texans are a well-armed people capable of defending themselves with deadly force.

It is easy to acquire guns over the counter in Texas and lawful to carry a concealed handgun with a permit.]

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